At the ceremony, we must thank Our Lord Almighty, with the graduation prayer, for having guided us to fulfil our goals.
As well as for accompanying us all the way and giving us the strength and wisdom to face the concerns in our study days.
Graduation day is a very important day; it is unforgettable and loaded with many emotions because it is the ceremony with which an academic life ends and a new learning process begins.
A ceremony is an act of celebration, and we will remember it at different times in our lives.
When we are small, when we finish the initial education phase, then basic education, entrance exams and finally university, of course, it always depends on where you study.
Ask Our Lord to fill you, with the graduation prayer, with wisdom, strength and courage to face new challenges, whether it is a new stage of courses or the beginning of professional life.
26 Prayers for the Graduates and Graduation
Graduation is a celebration of the fruits of your labour, as well as a big milestone in beginning your profession and the rest of your life. Here are 16 great graduation prayers.
1. A Prayer for Joy and Laughter
“The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” (Psalm 126:3)
Dear God, we pray for laughter and joy to fill the days of these we love so very much. Bring a great love for humour in and through their lives, so that they would know what it is to laugh deeply and often. We ask that they would smile at the future and live with a sense of adventure and expectation in all that you have in store. We thank you for the reminder that the “joy of the Lord is our strength,” so even for the tough days, would you remind them that their joy is never based on outward circumstances, it’s only to be found in you. We pray that your praise would always be on their lips, that you would give them great skill in all that you’ve called them to do, and their lives would be a constant reflection of your light and joy, for your glory.
2. A Prayer to Keep Me
Lord my Keeper, I thank You for keeping me close to You through my studies. And now, as I am graduating, I give You thanks that You have good plans for me. Thank You for prospering me and giving me a hope and a future. Make me always attentive to Your leading, dear Father. Keep me on Your path of righteousness. Keep me in sweet fellowship with You. Keep me focused on Your agenda and not my own. Amen.
3. Prayer to Succeed in Life
Lord of exceeding joy, I thank You for bringing me this far. I thank You for helping me to achieve this milestone in my education. And now, as I graduate, I commit all my dreams and hopes to You. Establish me, I pray, and help me succeed in life. Help me to maintain pure motives as I set goals, and to accomplish them through Your strength. Give me success in my career, in my future marriage, and in serving You. Amen.
4. A Prayer for Protection
Dear God, we ask you for your powerful protection over our children as they go to different places and embark on new journeys in life. We ask that you would watch over their paths, and keep their footsteps secure. Protect their coming and going. We ask that you would cover them from behind and guard them against all evil. We pray that no weapon formed against them will prosper and that you would be their constant shield and defender from the enemy’s attacks. Please hide them in your shadow of your wings; be their refuge and security in every place they go. We pray that you would give them a deep awareness of sin, that they would be quick to confess when they’ve done wrong and have the heart to make it right. We ask for freedom from condemnation or fear. We pray that you would help them when they face temptations in this life, remembering that you are always there and able to help them overcome. We ask you to guard their steps from evil, give them diligence in turning away from what is wrong, that they would be bold to say “no” to what is wrong and “yes” to what is right.

5. Prayer for God to Lead
God of light, I thank You for leading me this far, and now I look forward to marching in graduation. Thank You for Your grace that has made me strong through these days of preparation. And now, help me to conquer the future. Lead on, and I will follow fearlessly, for I journey in Your light. May I please You all through my life and continue under Your blessing as I follow You. Amen.
6. Prayer to Commit Future
Heavenly Father, thank You for blessing me so that I have completed my degree. You have always been my rock and my stronghold. Guide me now, for the sake of Your Name. I commit my future to Your hands. Help me to do all my work diligently, as unto You and not to man. Help me to live authentically and lovingly. Guide me to the best career that will use my knowledge and skills and make me successful. Amen.
7. A Prayer for Peace
Dear God, we ask for your Holy Spirit to cover our children in your great peace and security. We pray that their thoughts would not be drawn to worry and fear, but instead by filled with the strength and confidence of your power every day. Help them to believe without question that you are surely with them, in whatever they may face, that they are never alone. Help them to know that you are mighty within them. We pray that you would plant deep inside their hearts a sense of overflowing gratitude, that they would be free from the love of money, and would walk in the freedom of contentment with an amazing spirit of giving to others. We pray that out of their lives would flow service, love, generosity, and compassion in a world that desperately needs to see your goodness in action. And when fear and anxiety battle against them, we pray that your words of truth will seal them in like a shield, giving them strength, and guarding their hearts and minds in your powerful peace.

8. Prayer for God to Walk with Me
Lord of wisdom, I am so excited to be receiving my degree. Thank You for walking with me on this journey. Continue to walk with me, I pray. I thank You for Your unfailing love and devotion that have been my strength. Now lead me in the right path and make Your way plain for me to follow. Spread Your protection over me and shield me from evil. Help me to be honest, diligent, resourceful, and prosperous in my career. Amen.
9. Prayer for Insight and Discipline
God of insight, please bless me as I graduate. Help me to live a disciplined and successful life. Give me wisdom and insight beyond my years. Help me to do what is right, just, and fair. Give me the knowledge I need to succeed and the discernment to avoid pitfalls. Help me to listen to Your correction and not neglect Your instruction. Help me be a person of honour and protect me from greed. Amen.
10. A Prayer for Blessing and Favor
Dear God, we thank you that your huge favour, blessing, and powerful light surrounding our children. We pray that your presence would continually shine on them and that you would be gracious to them and give them great peace. We ask that you would help them to always know how very much they are loved, especially by you. Make them constantly aware that you are always with them; fill them with the faith to believe your words are true and that your Spirit guides them. We ask that they would find full confidence in the security of your love and care for them. We pray that you would give them health physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and would protect them from disease, illness, or any harm to their minds and spirits. We ask boldly for you to equip them for every purpose you have for their lives, and give them constant endurance to run the race well.

11. Prayer for Wisdom
God of truth, I thank You that You have helped me acquire knowledge during my years of study. And now that I am graduating, I pray that You will give me the wisdom to apply this knowledge appropriately. Let me listen to Your counsel. Share Your heart with me and make me wise. Help me to pay attention to Your advice and to the counsel of wise men and women. Keep me from complacency in chasing down wisdom. Amen.
12. A Prayer for Guidance and Direction
Dear God, we pray that you would give our children wisdom and direction in making decisions, and in each new situation and the journey you have for them now. Teach them to listen closely to your voice, so that they would have a heart to obey your Word and have a desire to make the right choices. We pray that these we love so much would walk faithfully and diligently in all your ways. We ask that you would make their footsteps firm, that your Word would be a constant lamp for their feet and a light to their path. May they sense the freshness of your Spirit over their lives in amazing ways, and may they be strengthened, instilled with hope, for the new roads you have in store. We ask for your wisdom and clear direction over their lives, that you would give them understanding beyond their years. We ask for you to open doors that need to be opened and close everyone that should be shut tight. Allow every gift and treasure you have placed inside their lives to grow, develop, and flourish to bring you glory.
13. Prayer for Good Character
God who sanctifies me, I pray that You will purge anything worthless from me. I pray that You will fill me up with all that I need to accomplish what You have me to do in life. Now that I am graduating, help me as I step into my new position. Grant me a treasure of common sense, help me walk with integrity, assist me in understanding what is just, and guide me in wise choices. Amen.
14. A Prayer for Godly Friendships
Dear God, we pray that you would surround our children with godly friends and relationships, both now and in the future. Guard them against those with wrong motives and harmful influences. We pray for their future spouse if you lead them to marry someday, that you would be at work in their lives in powerful ways even now. We ask that you would give them kind and compassionate hearts, that they would see the needs of those around them and extend love and goodness. Help them to offer your forgiveness and grace to others, knowing how very much we also need it for ourselves. Give them the wisdom to look beyond outward appearances to the heart within. We pray that you would surround them with friends and leaders who would challenge them to press closer to you.

15. Prayer for Direction in Career
Maker of all things, I thank You for placing within me a unique blend of gifts and abilities, along with the knowledge I have acquired as a student. As I graduate, please give me direction for my future career. Guide me to the position that would suit me well, with people I enjoy working with, and with promise for the future. Pave the way for me, so that all the pieces fall into place. Amen.
16. A Prayer for a Heart to Walk Closely with God
Dear God, more than anything else, we ask that our children’s hearts would be constantly drawn to you. We pray that they would walk daily in the presence of your Spirit. Give them spiritual discernment and the ability to see through the enemy’s lies and step over his traps. May they always know the great power of prayer and choose to be warriors for your Kingdom. Help them by the power of your Holy Spirit to walk faithfully and diligently in your ways. We ask that they would have a love and desire for your Word and an unquenchable thirst for your presence in their lives. May their hearts and spirits be tender towards you. We pray that you would give them spiritual insight, wisdom, and a deep understanding of your truth, even far beyond their years. Thank you that your timing is perfect. We pray that you would direct their steps, that your plans for them would prosper; that every place you have determined for them to walk would be paved clear. We ask that you would remind them every day how very much you love them, that they would find security and confidence fully in you, knowing that you are trustworthy and true.
17. Prayer for Seminary Graduate
God our Friend, we pray that You will continue to walk alongside our son as he graduates from seminary. Bless him as he enters the ministry and make him fruitful. We thank You that You are the rewarder of those who diligently seek You. We ask that You lead him to a church that will be a great fit for his temperament and calling. Give him compassion for the people he serves, and a cooperative spirit in working with the leadership. Amen.
18. Prayer for Nursing School Graduate
Lord our Helper, we praise You for our daughter’s accomplishment in graduating from nursing school. We pray that she will bless people with Your love as she ministers to their health needs. Give her the energy and tenacity and cheerfulness she will need in this demanding work. May Your healing touch be on the patients she nurses. May she have compassion for her patients and tenderness. Bless her with grace in working with the medical team. Amen.
19. Prayer for Parents of a Graduate
Lord our Dwelling Place, we thank You for blessing us with our son and for all his many achievements. We thank You for giving us discernment to guide him as he has grown into an accomplished young man. Now that he’s graduating, our roles will change somewhat. Help us to graciously pass through this transition as he spreads his wings. Help our son to know we are always there to support and counsel him through his adult years. Amen.
20. A Prayer for Wisdom
Dear God, we ask that you help our children to walk in your wisdom and grace. We pray for spiritual eyes and discernment in all things. Help them to be wise leaders and influencers in this generation, not conformed to the world, but transformed by your power. We ask that you would equip them with all that they need to make a difference for your purposes. Help them to live as salt and light in a dark world that so desperately needs to know your truth. We ask for your power to help them to walk continually in honesty and integrity. Build within them deep godliness, that they would be more concerned about their character than their reputation. We pray that they would seek to bring honor to You throughout their lives, that they would have a vision and heart for the world. Extend their boundaries and give them incredible influence with people and nations. Make their hearts and spirits open to every plan and purpose you have for them, and to be willing to boldly go wherever You call.

22. A Prayer for Courage
Dear God, we pray that our children would be strong and courageous, believing that you have called them and are always with them. We ask that they would be bold to stand for what is right, even if it means standing alone. Equip them for every purpose and journey you have in store so that they would live as mighty warriors in this life for your purposes. We pray that when they encounter various struggles and difficult times, when they experience loss and things don’t go their way, that you would teach them greater perseverance through it all. Build deeper character, and stronger faith, and use any hardship in their lives for ultimate good, turning it around for blessing instead. We ask for your powerful boldness and courage to face every challenge set before them with the confidence and peace that can only come from your spirit. Raise up greatness within their lives, greatness in this generation. May they be willing to stand strong and true, passionate for you, believing that you have designed them for purpose and good works, which you have planned and prepared in advance for them to do.

23. Prayer for College Graduate
God our Fortress, thank You for pouring out Your grace and guidance over our daughter through her college years. We thank You for all she’s learned and for the friends that have been encouraging and uplifting. We thank You for the experience she has been able to attain in her field of study. As she walks in graduation and then into her new career, we pray that You will continue to bless her. May she always walk in Your paths. Amen.
24. A Prayer for Hope and Purpose
Dear God, we thank you that you have indeed given our children great hope and a future. We pray for the days you have purposed for them to walk in, every single one, and ask you to fill them with your spirit and power as they live out their destiny. We ask that you would inspire them to never be afraid to dream big, run strong, and soar high. We pray that nothing be allowed to hold them back in this life. May they fulfill every calling you have on their lives. Strengthen them to live a life of so much love, passion, influence, hope, and determination that this world is changed for the better. May they always know that anything is possible to him who believes, for our God is always greater. May they have a deep desire to serve faithfully and a heart to work hard. Shine over them. Fill them with your spirit. Bless them with your favour and peace.

25. Prayer for High School Graduate
God our Morning Star, we thank You that You have led the way as our daughter has completed her high school education. We thank You for helping her to do well academically, and for the extracurricular and faith-based activities that have enriched her life. And now, as she looks forward to college, we pray that You will bless her, keep her safe, and anoint her with maturity, discretion, diligence, and faithfulness in all she does. Amen.
4 Prayers For The Family; Receive Blessings From God
3 Prayer for house blessing and protection
A Good Morning prayer to start your day with God
26. Prayer for Vocational School Graduate
God of hope, thank You for coming alongside this fine young man as he has been pursuing his training. Now that he is graduating, we pray that You would pave the way for a job in his field that is a perfect fit for his personality, gifts, and abilities. Lead him to a place where he will shine! May others recognize the promise that is within him, and may he make his family and You proud. Amen.
10 Scriptures on Graduations
Here are 10 inspirational scriptures on graduation.
1. Psalm 119:9-11
How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart, do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
2. Psalm 126:3
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
3. James 1:5
But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
4. Psalm 91:1-2
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.
5. Numbers 6:24-26
The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you, the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
6. Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
7. Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
8. Proverbs 13:20
Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.
9. Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
10. Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.