What must we do to fulfill the will of God?

What must we do to fulfill the will of God?
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The will of God is about putting all our trust in him, driven by the grace of the Holy Spirit and with his word as a double-edged sword that exhorts, encourages, and feeds us every day of our lives.

Doing the Father’s will involves dying to the world and living for Christ, turning our burdens over to him, and asking for his direction at all times.

In this way, we will be able to fulfill the purpose it has for us, which is to have access to the kingdom of heaven, which we will enter with white garments, without stains.

Only then can we be in the presence of God forever. We can appreciate this in his word:

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day: ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons, and in your name did many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them: ‘I never knew you; Depart from me, you who practice iniquity” (Matthew 7:21-23).

the Book of Esther

What must we do to fulfill the will of God?

To fulfill the will of God we must first accept and recognize Jesus Christ as our only and true God, in order to understand that you should only follow him. It is also important to repent before serving God, to recognize that we are sinners and that only the precious blood of Christ can free us from the slavery of sin.

Humility must be our banner at all times, we must never take away the Glory and Honor of Our Heavenly Father. Many times the ego can invade us and interfere with the purpose that God has for us since God looks at the haughty from afar and departs from him.

And that is what we do not want since we want to have a full and happy life in which we diligently follow the will of our God that is perfect and does not add sadness, but on the contrary, gives an inexplicable joy that only believers can understand. So there are aspects that must be considered if we want to follow the will of God, such as the following:

1. Always be joyful

If we have already recognized that Jesus Christ is our only Lord, we have many reasons to feel joy in our hearts, and it should be a characteristic of every believer since the Holy Spirit comforts us and makes us feel that God is with us. For this reason, we must try to be happy, always giving thanks to God for everything, even in the midst of adversity. We must be kind to others and not lash out at unbelievers.

We must be humble and have a cheerful and kind heart ready to help and exhort with love, just as Jesus Christ did when he came to this world, since he never judged anyone, he taught them with love and showed them respect and consideration, even when they were sinners.

This is reflected in his beautiful word: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10: 27)


2. Pray constantly:

Prayer has power and is a tool that brings us closer to God. It is a mandate that tells us that we must leave everything in the hands of our Lord. In addition, prayer keeps us away from sin and keeps us firm in it.

Christ has taught us that we must remain in prayer so as not to fall into temptation, in addition to obtaining God’s favor and being able to love our neighbor, and above all things, become one with him.

Our Lord Jesus Christ constantly prayed to his Father God. So even though he was God, he found comfort in prayer in the face of the pain that he was going to suffer in his sacrifice. As his word reveals:

“So they came to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples: Sit here, while I pray. And he took Peter and James and John with him, and he began to be sad and distressed. And he said to them: My soul is very sad, even to death; stay here and watch. Going a little further, he prostrated himself on the ground and prayed that if it were possible, that hour might pass from him. And he said: Abba, Father, all things are possible for you; take this cup away from me; but not what I want, but what you want” (Mark 14: 32-36)

In this way, when we pray, we are doing the will of our Father, obeying his word and allowing ourselves to be guided in spirit and in truth, in order to fulfill the purpose of salvation and make it possible for many souls to be saved.

But how should we pray, what is the right way? From the moment we get up, we must put all the activities we have for that day in God’s hands, and entrust everything to him so that he works and helps us in our routine.

In this regard, Jesus Christ teaches us in his gospels the correct way to pray: “You should pray like this: Our Father who art in heaven: Let everyone recognize that you are the true God. Come and be our only king. May all who live on earth obey you, as those in heaven obey you. Give us the food we need today. Forgive the evil we do, just as we forgive those who do us harm. And when trials come, do not let them separate us from you, and deliver us from the power of the devil. (Matthew 6:9-13)

Prayer has power without a doubt since God listens to our cry and intercedes in each of our requests, but according to his will, not ours. This is something that we have to be clear about since God is sovereign and searches our hearts and knows our desires.

5 Bible verses that assure you that God hears all your prayers

3. Thank the Father at all times

When we thank God for all the blessings received in our lives, we are doing his will, since in his word we are taught to give thanks at all times, even when we are in difficulty, since he works and comforts us in those moments of sadness and desolation.

But if we are not grateful, God is sad because we are not seeing how wonderful he is with us even without deserving it. So in our prayers, we must first praise and thank the Father for everything, for our life, health, food, shelter, and housing, among other good things that he gives us and does for us.

Once we enter into prayer and are happy and grateful for God’s mercy, we will be able to realize the value of always maintaining communion with our Father.

But we must also show gratitude for the trials that come our way in life since thanks to them we are molded by Christ in his image and likeness. This strengthens us to endure what is to come when Christ comes the second time, where we will face adverse situations.

Through prayer, we can realize that everything has a purpose and that these tests are for our good since Christ is purifying our souls in this world, for which we must be grateful for every circumstance we face since it is God who is in our midst.


What is the decreed will of God?

Theologians point out that “decreed will” is that which God has established since before the foundation of the world that will come to pass and will make it happen through the different means that he commands, such as the crucifixion of Jesus.

However, this will tends to be controversial because most people wonder about the responsibility that the man has for his actions in his life. Certainly, he is totally responsible for what he does and decides in his life.

In this way, the first need that man has is to know the decreed will of God for our life, which leads us to the love of God.

In this sense, we must live according to his word and under his grace, that which was obtained in the divine pact of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary, where we find forgiveness of sins and access to the kingdom of heaven.

The Bible makes it clear to us that life for Christians on earth is not always easy or fair, since we will not always be successful, nor will everything go well for us. But in every stumble, disappointment, fall, our God will be there to help us and give us strength like that of the eagles. That I can guarantee you. As his word reveals:

“And if children, also heirs; heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with him, that we may be glorified together with him. For I know for certain that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” (Romans 8:17-18).

For this reason, I do not agree with some preaching that God’s will is that we have a lot of money, be successful and healthy, since, without a doubt, he can do all those things, but the fact that he does not do them in any of their children, it does not imply that they do not love them or that these children are disobedient or even bad. God is sovereign over all things and his purpose is individual for each of his children.

In this sense, the fundamental purpose of God for us is to make us in the image and likeness of Christ and everything he does in our lives is to achieve that, so all things help us for good because they mold us, strengthen us and help us. comforts. Nothing that happens around us escapes the will of God, since he decreed it that way.

Salvation Verses And Their Interpretations

What is the preceptive will of God?

Theologians point out that God’s “prescriptive will” refers to the commandments that God has for us, those things that are His will and that we must do. We can find this type of will many times in the Holy Scriptures and that carrying them out obeys a life similar to that of Christ, as revealed in his word: “This is the first and great commandment. And the second is similar: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets” (Matthew 22:38-40)

In this way, instead of inquiring about the will of God, we must adjust our lives to the will that God has shown us in his word. But there are things that we do not know and that we may not know. However, God has left us his word and that is more than enough for us to give him our trust and love every day of our lives.

When we know the decrees of the Lord for our lives, we seek to live under those precepts, which due to his grace transform us. It also frees us from anxiety and gives us peace. Therefore, we do not need to know or pretend to guess our future because we know that if we do his will we will achieve victory in the kingdom of heaven.

In this way, both the decreed will and the preceptive will of God are present in our lives and we must put them into practice day by day. So proof that you are really a Christian is that you seek to obey the preceptive will and trust in the grace of our Lord and in the revelation of his decreed will, always guiding you in the Holy Spirit. As his word reveals:

“For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. Because all who are led by the Spirit of God, are sons of God. For you have not received the spirit of bondage to be in fear again, but you have received the spirit of adoption, by which we cry: Abba, Father! (Romans 8:13-15).

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