Prayer points are often overlooked by Christians, but they can make a huge difference in your life if you use them effectively. If you want to see your teenager grow as a Christian and avoid the common mistakes many young people make, here are seven things to pray for your teenager. You’ll also find links to additional resources on this page that will be helpful as you work through these prayers with your child.
Why is a prayer for youth important?
As parents, there’s nothing more important to us than raising our children in Christ and nurturing their spiritual growth. One of the best ways to do this is by providing them with prayer points they can use throughout their day to thank God for His blessings and to seek His guidance when they’re faced with temptation or doubt. These prayer points are specifically designed to help you pray for your teenager as they go through their challenging teen years—from keeping them safe at school and on the road to helping them form godly friendships and resist harmful influences.
6 Prayer Points for Youth
1. Prayer for wisdom
Father, thank you so much that you are willing to help me in such a personal and real way. Thank you that Jesus Christ has died on a cross and was resurrected on that day two thousand years ago so I could be reconciled with You. Lord, thank you that we can come before You today because of what Jesus did on Calvary. Please give me wisdom as I guide my child through these tough teenage years. Show me how to love him or her well as they struggle with their identity and desire for independence from their parents. Give us both grace as we go through these tough times together. Amen!
2. Prayer of Encouragement
Lord, I lift ______ up to you today as they go about their day. Please reveal yourself to them in a new way and remind them of your presence in their life. Help them to rely on your Holy Spirit for guidance and direction as they face the challenges of this new day.
Encourage them with joy in trying situations and comfort them when they are discouraged. Grow and stretch them in a new way Lord, and pour out your grace and mercy over them when they fall short.
Develop in them an identity founded in Christ so that they would become grounded in who you say they are. Confirm in their heart that you are their Father, and lavish your unending love on them today. Amen.
3. Prayer of Salvation
Lord, I lift _______ up to you today. Help me to act in such a way that my actions would point directly to you, and that they would see you in me.
Holy Spirit convict __________. Help them to recognize their sin and realize their need for a Savior. Lord, prepare the soil of their heart so that the seeds planted there would grow and flourish.
And until that day, Lord put a hedge of protection around them. Continue to put people in their life that would speak life, and point to the hope that comes from you alone. Amen.
4. Prayer for Healthy Relationships
Lord, l lift _________ up to you today and ask that you would bless them. As they go about their day help them to be a light in this dark world. Help them to draw strength from you to fight back against the schemes of the evil one.
Lord, surround them with people who will encourage them and build them up. Grow the relationships in their life that will support them, encourage them, and keep them accountable. Give them wisdom and discernment to move on from the relationships that keep them from becoming who you called them to be.
Help them also to be a positive influence in the lives of their peers as well. Help them to set a good example and to reflect you in every way. Amen

5. Prayer for Mentorship
Lord, I lift up ____________ to you today and pray that you would bring a strong mentor into their life.
Lord help them to find someone that will challenge them to grow in their faith and who can help guide them to you. Provide someone to disciple them so that they can become stronger in their faith.
Lord, soften their heart to receive all that their mentor pours into them as they teach and encourage them in how to become more like Christ. Help them to humbly accept their mentor’s correction in areas that they need to grow, and celebrate in areas of success.
And, when they have grown Lord, help them to learn how to be a mentor to others. Help them to guide and encourage the next generation of believers so that they will also become strong members of the body of Christ, grounded in their own faith. Amen.
6. Prayer for God’s Calling
Lord, I lift ______ up to you and ask that you would move in their life. Reveal your calling for their life and give them the courage to obey it. Help them pursue the desires of your heart and your will for their life with fervor and tenacity. Help them to press on with endurance regardless of the obstacles.
Help them to pursue a close relationship with you so that they don’t wander off of your path. Help them to grow and be stretched in new ways so that they are better equipped for the next challenge to come their way.
Raise up youth all over the world that are willing to step out in faith and pursue your calling for their life. Help them to become close together as the body of Christ, to support and love each other, and encourage each other through every circumstance. Amen.
- How To Overcome Sexual Temptation In Relationship As Youth
- 21 Powerful Prayers For Teenagers And Young People
6 Things to Pray for Your Teenager
The most important thing you can do to help your kids makes God first in your lives. If he is, then their spiritual upbringing will take care of itself, and even be strengthened by everything else you do. In Deuteronomy 6:6-7, God says, These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, talking about them when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
Ask Him to strengthen your friendship with your teenager
God knows your teen is probably struggling with peer pressure. He also knows that your kids need their parents’ guidance and friendship more than ever before. Let Him know you’re ready to have a stronger, more meaningful relationship with your child—and ask Him to help you be a better friend when it matters most. Remember, prayer works! (Romans 8:26)
Pray for God’s help when responding
In other words, pray that your teenager will approach you and share what’s going on. We want our kids to feel like they can come to us with their struggles—and we want them to know we’re there for them. Here are a few more ways prayer can help in a difficult conversation. Prayer before your teen goes out is one of my favorite prayer points for youth!
pray that God will make it clear when He wants you to step in
Many of us want to help our teens, but how can we tell when God wants us to step in? David Murray says parents should pray for two things in particular that will help clear up any confusion. First, We ought to pray that we would be given supernatural insight into our kids’ hearts. Second, The other thing is that we shouldn’t ask God just to show us what they need—but also give us wisdom on how best to respond and speak into their lives.
Give thanks when things go well.
Whatever happened in your life, give thanks. Be thankful that you have food and shelter and a place to sleep at night. Be thankful that you have a family who loves you and friends who care about you. It might be difficult to have gratitude when we’re in pain or suffering, but it’s important not to get stuck there. Whatever happened, know that God is with you through everything.
As a parent, you’re probably praying for your teen on a regular basis, whether it’s asking God to bless their future career or praying that they’ll make the right decisions when friends push them toward things that are less than wholesome. As you pray for your children, ask God to give you wisdom about how best to guide them on their journey through life and to be an example to them of what it means to serve God with humility and love.