5 Bible verses that assure us that God will be faithful His promise

5 Bible verses that assure us that God will be faithful His promise
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Important Bible verses that assure us that God will be faithful to the promises He made to us.

In life’s hard times, when all seems lost, those times when you see nothing on the horizon and every dark test, oh how to hear a promise coming from a loved one relieves! Suddenly, you regain hope, and this even gives you extra strength to continue to hold on with hope.

But how great will be the disillusion that will strike you later when these promises are not finally fulfilled! Once again, these will be tough times to overcome because we do not know how to place our confidence in the right place. Indeed, it is not on men that we have to rely upon because, despite all their goodwill, they can often not do much for us. They’re just simple ‘men’ like us, and I’m sure you know that too, don’t you?

Therefore, it is effortless to fall into the trap when we lean on men when we do not possess the firm assurance that God Alone is worthy of trust because when His mouth says something, His hand always does it. It is, therefore, only the conviction in what God says that can make us hold on long and firmly, to the point of enabling us to wait with patience and tranquility for the fulfillment of His promises in our lives, despite circumstances and trials. Who keep coming our way. So realize that when God wants to accomplish His will in your life, He could use your loved ones, it’s true, but even more, He could order people you don’t even know to act in your favor. At that time, they will have no choice but to work for your good.

5 Bible verses that assure us that God will be faithful His promise

I pray that these few verses may further strengthen your faith and patience in God’s promises for your life.

Jeremiah 29:11 (KJV) “For I know the plans I have formed for you, says the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, in order to give you a future and hope.

Who does not know this verse! If, in your case, you have just discovered it, then rejoice. This verse is so comforting and familiar that sometimes it does not resonate in our minds as it should. God, the author of everything, tells you this: I know what I have planned for you. The verb to know here means having or having a clear idea of ​​a thing. In other words, the Eternal assures you that He has a clear picture of ​​the plan He has designed for your life. As Creator God, He goes through paths that might seem contrary to His promises, but He, who is omniscient, always conforms to the good plan He has planned for your life. The best you could do would be to listen to Him and obey Him as you wait to see His plans come to pass in your life. The plans of God are intended to give you a future, as the verse specifies, but a future full of hope. What can prevent you then from trusting in His faithfulness!

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Isaiah 60:22 “The smallest family will number a thousand, the smallest will become a mighty nation. This is what I, the Lord, will hurry to do when the time comes. 

This verse begins precisely with a promise, then God concludes by declaring: I will hasten these things in their time. God could not have let you know His promises, but the Good Father that He is has chosen to reveal in advance what He plans or projects to accomplish in the lives of His children, according to His will, for His glory. In fact, our God is so good that He empowers you to back up your faith with His infallible promise instead of leaving you wondering. By concluding this verse with these words, God assures you that there is a specific time that He has sovereignly appointed to fulfill His plans for happiness in your life and that you must learn to walk with it on your side. Patience. My brother, my sister, no longer doubt, no longer look around with worried eyes, no longer look at the circumstances and events of your life which continue to serve you as the opposite of the divine promise.


Isaiah 55:11 “Well, so it is with My word, with My promise: It does not come back to Me without having produced an effect, without having achieved what I wanted, without having achieved the goal that I had fixed for him. 

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What a powerful Word declared by Jehovah: “My word carries out My will and accomplishes My purposes.” After reading it a second time, I hope that there has been a revelation in your heart because it is God who speaks thus. He tells you: The promise I made for your marriage will not return to me until you are married. The promise I made for your professional and financial life will not come back to Me unless you are fulfilled in this area. My promise to you for your ministry will not return to Me if this area of ​​your life does not yet reveal My glory. Even if you have been hoping for this child for several years now, as long as you do not give birth, this promise that I pronounced on your womb will not come back to Me in vain. In other words, if so far a promise is not yet effective in your life, prepare yourself now to receive it because God says: “My Word which comes out of My mouth, the word which I pronounced on your life, it does not return to Me without effect, without having carried out My will and accomplishes My designs;.” 

John 14:1-2 “Don’t be so worried,” Jesus told them. Trust in God and trust in Me. There is plenty of room in My Father’s house; otherwise, would I have told you that I was going to prepare for you the place where you will be? 

Seriously? Could God give us false promises? He does not even repent of His words despite some of our actions. God is true to Himself. That’s why we know He always works out His plans for us. He is not a man to make us hope for something without guaranteeing us its accomplishment. If God says so, He’s going to do it. One of the things you can do while you wait is preparing to receive your promise. Jesus said that when the places are ready, He will come back for us. This shows that one of the conditions for the promise to be fulfilled in your life is your promptness. Without it, you yourself will be the reason for the delay in fulfilling this promise in your life. So choose to use this time of patience to prepare yourself.

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Habakkuk 2:3 “The time has not yet come for this revelation to be realized, but it will be verified in due time. Wait with confidence even if it seems long: what I am announcing will certainly arrive in its time. 

According to the scriptures, when the Israelites left Egypt for the promised land, it was after four hundred years of slavery (Genesis 15:13). God had revealed to Abraham, long before the child of promise was born, he from whom all Israel descended, that his descendants would find themselves in slavery in a foreign land. And as you know so well, throughout their bondage, the people of Israel had to cry out to God day and night. But the Lord answered their cries only when the time was right. I want you to be reassured that the Eternal will also do what He has promised you if the time comes. Ponder how God brought Israel out of Egypt to the promised land. Then apply yourself to imagine the glory of your victory. Because when God acts in His time, you will be like in a dream, so you will be filled with joy. So brace yourself for the wait!

All of these verses are statements from the mouth of God Himself. If you cling to it in times of despair, faith will not fail you to move forward toward the fulfillment of His promises in your life. May His faithfulness be the engine of your life! Amen.

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