43 Powerful Night Prayers to God For Peace And Protection

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If you are looking for a powerful night prayers to say before bedtime, you are on the right article. here is a collection of 42 bedtime prayers for Protection you can pray to God before sleeping.

Prayer is a great way to end your day and get rid of stress. Talking to God in night prayers will help you feel truly restful, no matter what your day brought. Evening prayers allow you to reflect on the events of the day and how God has been with you.

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42 Good Night Prayers For bedtime

These night prayers can be shared with your spouse, children, and friends to help them fall asleep peacefully and gratefully. God wants and waits to provide comfort and peace at night!

Reciting prayers before bed can help you put your faith in God. These are just a few examples of the kinds of prayers that you can say before going to bed.

45 Powerful Short prayers for your daily life

Goodnight Prayer

Heavenly Father, you are always with me. As I lie down in bed to sleep I am reminded that you sustain me. I am not conscious of the processes continuing in my body while I sleep, but you know every cell in my body. As I sleep, help me to leave behind the troubles of today and forgive those who have sinned against me. When I wake, let me be reminded that my sins have been forgiven and your mercies are new every morning. Watch over me. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


A Bedtime Prayer

Eternal God, you see everything. I thank you for the gift of the day that is now ending. I pray that you would forgive the sins I have committed today and that you would keep me safe throughout the night. I commit my whole self, mind, body, and soul to you. Watch over me as I sleep, protect me from evil, and equip me with the strength I need for tomorrow. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


A Prayer Against Sleep Disruption

Lord, I pray that you would protect me against all sorts of sleep disruption. Be my shield against internal things that would bother my sleep, such as worries or jealousy or anger, or other unhealthy feelings. Guard me against external things, such as loud motorcycles or other vehicles awakening me, neighbor’s parties, fireworks, phone calls, or restless children. May my bed be comfortable, and the temperature just right. Thank you for your abundant provision. Amen.


Counting Blessings Prayer

Generous Father, my entire life is a gracious gift from you. As another day ends, I place myself again at the foot of the cross, where I am forgiven and cleansed by Jesus’ blood. It is here that I find rest and restoration. I thank you for the blessings of today, the refreshing air, the sunlight, the food I have enjoyed, and the interactions I have had with other people. You have blessed me beyond the limits of my understanding. Thank you for the mercy and grace you have shown me today. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


May Your Angels Surround Us Prayer

God, my Majesty on high, I thank you for keeping my family safe while we sleep. I thank you for protection from intruders who would wish to rob or harm. I thank you for protection from the wiles of the devil and that you have given us spiritual armor to resist him. I thank you for your protection from illness and injury. I thank you for guarding our souls and spirits. And now, I ask for your angels to surround my family and my home tonight and guard us as we sleep. Amen.


Prayer for a Steadfast Mind

Lord, help me cultivate a steadfast mind so that my sleep is not bothered by concerns or worries. Help me to preserve sound judgment and discernment, so I will be safe and secure. When I lie down, may I not be afraid, and when I rest, may my sleep be pleasurable. May my obedience to you lead to a sense of well-being and peace. May I be preserved from danger and disasters of all kinds. I place my confidence in you. Amen.


A Protection Prayer

O Lord God, my protector, and provider, as the day draws to a close I find refuge in your arms. Your faithfulness is my shield that protects me from one day to the next. The darkness of night holds no fear for me as I look to you, the light of the world. I bring before you the worries that could disturb my sleep and ask that you would calm my mind as I lay in my bed. Let my thoughts settle on your goodness and your mercy as I fall asleep. Take away any anxiety about tomorrow as I know you will be there with me. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


Shadow of the Almighty Prayer

God of all grace, you are my habitation and refuge. I pass the night in the secret place of your covering, under the shadow of your protection. I rely on you, and I will not be disappointed. May I find a quiet and safe and comfortable resting place under your divine care. I choose you for my protector, and I find in you all I need or desire. Draw me, blessed Lord, to your precious side, where I find mercy, love, and forgiveness. Amen.


For A Good Night’s Sleep

Grant me a good night’s sleep tonight, God, so that I can awake refreshed and ready to begin another day loving you. Thank you again for blessings so undeserved and too numerous to count. I love being your child, and I long for the word “faithful” to describe my service to you, each day of every year. When I awake in the morning, may it be with a joyful smile, not a grumpy spirit. May your protection and your presence bathe this place with peace and safety against the enemy. Good night, Lord. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Before You Go to Bed

Father, thank you for holding me together today. I needed you, and you were there for me. Thank you for every bit of love, mercy, and grace that was shown to me though I did not deserve it. Thank you for your faithfulness even in my suffering. To you alone be the glory. Amen.

goodnight evening prayer for bedtime and sleep

At the End of A Hard Day

Father, I can barely lift my eyes to you. It’s all I can do to cry out for help. Please extend your grace to me this day. Help me to see that you are in this and that you are with me. Help me to remember that you are not surprised or taken off guard by the events of this day. Forgive me for my fears about this day.

Forgive me for how I have complained and muttered about how hard this day has been. Forgive me for forgetting that you are with me. Forgive me for forgetting who I am because of what your Son, Jesus Christ, has done. Forgive me for failing to remember the glorious truths and riches I have because of the gospel. Father, hear my prayer. Grant me gospel hope in the midst of this hard day. Help me to cling to your grace, your wisdom, and your strength. Amen.


A Forgiveness Prayer

Everlasting Father, the day is at an end, and I honor and glorify your name. Thank you for carrying me through this day and protecting me. Now I ask for your grace and protection throughout the night. Forgive me for my sins – things I shouldn’t have done or said, and also things I should have done but didn’t do. Help me to measure up to your standard of holiness. Help me to forgive others and not allow slights from others to disturb my sleep. Amen.


Watchful Prayer

Mighty God, you never sleep or slumber. My need for rest and sleep reminds me of my limited nature, but you have no limits. I trust you as I sleep because you never cease to watch over me and my loved ones. While we lie in our beds, you continue to protect and sustain us. You are faithful to fulfill all your promises and you are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


A Thankfulness for the Day Prayer

God, I thank you for all that you helped me accomplish during this day. Thank you for giving me the strength and energy, as well as the focus and ability to do all the things that got done today. Thank you for blessing me with people in my life today who were funny or encouraging and helpful. Thank you for your favor and care for me throughout the day. And now, I thank you for your sweet rest throughout the night. Amen.


Prayer Against Anxiety

Lord, you are a God of peace. My mind keeps replaying the things I said and did today, and the things other people said and did. I keep second-guessing myself, wondering if I did the wrong thing or said something inappropriate. Help me to just relax now and release those worries. Help me to cast all my anxieties on you, for you genuinely care for me. Now bless my sleep, I pray. Help my mind to relax and for sleep to come quickly. Amen.


Good Shepherd Prayer

Lord God, you are my Shepherd. Throughout this day, you have guided me and have never left my side. You are the Good Shepherd who provides everything I need, in you, I lack nothing. You make me lie down in green pastures, you lead me beside quiet waters, and you refresh my soul. As I lay down in bed now I am thankful for your blessings today and grateful that, as I rest, you will refresh my soul. No matter what tomorrow holds for me, I have nothing to fear with you as my shepherd. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


Prayer of Gratitude for Divine Love

Dear God, thank you for all that you have done for me this day. Thank you for everything that has transpired and for being with me through it all. You’ve given me strength for each task. You’ve given me the wisdom to think and decide on some matters that needed attending to. You are a faithful and loving God. Thank you for supporting me with your love and for sending family and friends as an extension of your care and provision in my life. You are truly good. Amen.


Protection Against Evil Prayer

Father, keep watch over me tonight as I sleep. Send your angels to protect this household and keep all the people in it safe and secure. Do not let any evil come upon this home. Do not allow the enemy to bring harm to us. And spare us from any accident or calamity. Give us good weather conditions so that we may sleep safely and without worry. Keep our windows and doors secure so that no intruder may come in. Father, cover us with your protective arms tonight. Amen.


A Prayer for Restoration

Dear Lord, this has been a full and productive day. Thank you for working things for my good and for being with me in every situation. As I now put aside the worries and stresses of the day, please grant my body a much-needed reset. Bless me with a night of sufficient and peaceful sleep. Allow my mind and body to release all the tension brought by the fulfilling of my tasks for this day. Dear God, restore physical, mental, and emotional strength as I sleep. This I pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Prayer for Blessing

Father, thank you for a fruitful day. I reflect upon everything I have accomplished through your enabling wisdom and strength. I commit everything I have done to you, my God. I ask that you would please favor my efforts with good results. Please reward my hard work accordingly. Don’t forget your promise to bless the work of my hands. Encourage me with a good outcome, O God. I know that you hear me and will answer in your perfect time. Thank you, God. Amen.


A Prayer for Cleansing

Gracious God, I ask for your forgiveness before I sleep. Forgive me for all the day’s failings. I’m sorry for speaking words and acting in ways that may have been hurtful to others. And please forgive me for the sins I have committed against you. Cleanse me from evil thoughts and wrong motives. Please allow me to sleep with the newness of mind and heart so that I may wake up with my spirit afresh and sensitive to your presence and guidance. Hear my prayer tonight, merciful God. Amen.


Protection from Sleeplessness Prayer

Lord, bless my body and bed with deep, quiet rest throughout the night. Protect me from sleeplessness. Help me to quickly fall asleep and sleep soundly all night long. May I not have restless sleep or frequent awakenings. Help me to submit my cares to you, for you care for me. May my sleep refresh and restore my mind and body. I will declare your loving-kindness tonight and your faithfulness in the morning. I praise your name, O Most High. Amen.


Prayer for Good Rest

Faithful Father, as I prepare for bed, I ask you to bless me with good rest. May all the things I have to do tomorrow not prevent me from quality sleep. Help me not to be too overstimulated from my busy and complicated day today. May I just fix my mind on you and drift into sweet slumber. Help me to wake up in the morning full of energy and ready to take on the new day. I sing for joy in you, my Lord. Amen.


Peaceful Sleep Prayer

Heavenly Father, there is no one like you. As I prepare to sleep tonight I can lie down in peace knowing that you alone Lord, make me dwell in safety. Help me to receive forgiveness for the things I have done wrong today. Help me forgive others who have done wrong against me. Make me attentive to the opportunities you provide each day for me to love other people as a reflection of your love. Quiet my mind and give me rest. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


A Prayer to Decompress

Jesus, Prince of peace, I am exhausted, and yet I’m finding it difficult to relax from this stressful day. Help me to promote a restful mind and body as I meditate on you and reflect on your word. Help my breathing to be deep and slow, and my muscles to ease. Help me to declutter my mind and decompress, so I can rest peacefully. Help me to lay aside all demands and duties and simply focus on your goodness. Thank you, dear Lord. Amen.


Prayer to Bless the Work of the Day

Lord, I pray for your favor to rest on me. I thank you for helping me to achieve a lot today. I ask you to bless the work of the day and make it fruitful. May I receive recognition for a job well done, and may it generate more projects that I can do well. Bless the work of my hands and make me prosperous. Help me to continue to work diligently, wisely, and well. And now, sweet Lord, bless me with good sleep for another day’s work tomorrow. Amen.


Faithfulness Prayer

Everlasting God, you do not change. Nothing I have done today has changed your position of love towards me. Though I have fallen short today, Lord, my failure has been atoned for on the cross. You have shown your love for me in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. You are the Father of the heavenly lights, you do not change like the shifting shadows of the world. There are many uncertainties in my day, but there is no uncertainty in your character. Every good and perfect gift flows from you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


Prayer for Plans for Tomorrow

God of hope, as I prepare for bed, bless my plans for tomorrow, so I will be successful in carrying them out. Your word tells me to commit my work to you, and my plans will be established. I first pray that my plans will be in accordance with your will, and that you will stop me if I am going down the wrong path. I also pray that I will be strategic in making my plans and carrying them out. Thank you, Lord. Amen.


Good Purposes Prayer

Loving Father, you never cease working for my good. As I reflect on today, there are many things that I can’t understand and many things that I would like to change, but no day is wasted in your sight. You work all things together for the good of those who are called according to your purpose. There is nothing that has happened today that can not be used by you for my good. Help me to rest in the knowledge that you are in control. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


Prayer to Calm My Thoughts

God, may I receive blessed sleep all night long tonight. May all these thoughts and feelings that are swirling around ease away and be replaced by assurance in you and clarity of mind. Lift away my hurts and burdens. May this battlefield of my mind be transformed into still waters and peaceful, green pastures. Renew my heart, my spirit, and my mind as I recite your word and contemplate it. May your peace and comfort wash over me. Amen.


Remove My Fear Prayer

God of all comfort, you provide refreshment for my soul. As I look back over a day of highs and lows, good and bad, happiness and sadness, I bring it all before you. You are at my side, you have protected me from harm and you will do the same again tomorrow. Your word says that I can lie down and not be afraid, that I can lie down and experience sweet sleep because you are with me. Help me to cast all my cares on you and rest in your love.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


Praise for the Beauty of the Day

God, as this day ends, I praise you for its beauty. Thank you for the awesome sunset that crowned the day. Thank you for the beauty of nature – the hills and the trees and flowers and light on the water. Thank you for the beautiful creatures you brought into being, like the butterflies that delighted me. O great Creator, I am continually amazed by the beauty you created for us to enjoy. And now I thank you for the beauty of the night – the moon and the stars. Amen.


Bless Those Less Fortunate Prayer

O God, who inhabits eternity, as I kneel at my bed, I thank you for all the wondrous ways you have poured out favor over me. And now, I remember those less fortunate and ask for you to bless them. For those living in desperate poverty, raise them up in your mercy. For those who are chronically or acutely ill, heal them in your compassion. For those living with long-term disabilities, heal and provide for them. For those living in war zones, bring peace. Thank you, kind Savior. Amen.


God My Foundation Prayer

All-knowing and all-loving God, you are my strength. As the day draws to a close, I am reminded of how often I try to rely on my own strength. I act like less rest and more toil is the path to satisfaction. Your word says that all my labor is in vain unless you build the house. Lord, let everything I do be built on your foundation. Help me to sleep secure in the knowledge that I am loved by you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


Prayer to Think on Whatever Is True

Lord, King of heaven, as I close my eyes to sleep tonight, help me to meditate on you. May I think about whatever is true, honorable, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. May these meditations fill my mind and root out negativity, deception, darkness, and hatred. Elevate and purify my heart and mind. Help me exercise control over where my mind is drifting. Remind me that my thoughts mold my actions and character and, ultimately, my destiny. May you be enthroned in the sanctuary of my mind. Amen.

A Prayer for Wisdom

God, my blessed Redeemer, as I sleep tonight, may my thoughts not be obsessed with my problems or with decisions I need to make. Rather, I pray that You will guide and direct me in my sleep. Through my dreams or through your still small voice whispering to me, provide me with solutions and answers. As I rest in you, bless me with your wisdom. When I awaken in the morning, may I know the right path to take, and proceed according to your guidance. Amen.


Bless My Dreams Prayer

Lord, my Healer, as I sleep tonight, I pray that you will deliver me from nightmares or distressing dreams. Bless my dreams, I pray and make them pleasant and instructive. Use my dreams as a way to convey your heart to me. Speak to me through my dreams and confirm them through your word. Help me to guard what I see and hear and what enters my mind, so my dreams are not distorted. In my waking and my sleeping, may I hear from you. Amen.


Prayer to Release Pain and Discomfort

Lord, as I lay on my bed to sleep, please ease all this discomfort that prevents good rest. May the aches and pains melt away, so my body can relax. In the name of Jesus, I ask for healing for everything that is disturbing my rest. I thank you, Jesus, that you carried all my pain and infirmities, so I can be set free. I thank you that even though the thief has stolen my well-being, you came to give abundant life. Amen.


May My Thoughts Be Captivated by You Prayer

Lord, as I go to sleep tonight, may my thoughts be captivated by you. Whenever my mind takes me to other places, bring me back to focus on you. When distractions pull me away, help me center on you. I’m waiting, listening, and open. Allow me to rest and rejoice in your presence. May I breathe you in and breathe everything else out. Let me feel your presence and focus on loving and being loved by you. Amen.

Thank You for Carrying Me Through the Day Prayer

Lord, you are my strength, and I thank you for carrying me through the day today. Thank you for protecting me from harm. Thank you for guiding me in the choices I made and for your Holy Spirit’s convicting when I sinned or was tempted to sin. Thank you for helping me get through my tasks for the day and staying focused. I thank you for your faithfulness and love. Now please bless my rest tonight and grant a wonderful new day in you tomorrow. Amen.


Restore Me Prayer

God, you protect me and restore me. Please restore me as I sleep tonight. Restore my body so I have the energy and strength I need for tomorrow. Restore my mind so I can be alert and focused tomorrow. Restore my spirit and soul so I can enjoy sweet communion with you as I walk in the Spirit. May I be able to help others tomorrow and share your infinite love with them. I thank you, that you make me complete and whole while I dream. Amen.


Be King of My Life Prayer

God, my King, tonight, as I kneel at my bed, I ask you to be king of my life. May your will prevail over my words, my actions, my thoughts, and my attitudes. May I not simply blurt out careless words, but be discerning, allowing your Spirit to guide my words. May I seek your desires when I make plans and decisions. May I come to understand your incomprehensible love for me and may that love overflow in my relationships with others. Amen.


Thank You for Meeting My Needs Prayer

Lord, my Savior, it’s the end of the day, and I am overwhelmed by your love, your kindness, and your provision for me. I thank you for caring for my financial needs, so I am not in want. I thank you for guiding me in my relationships, so I enjoy sweet fellowship. I thank you for healing my body and emotions, so I can be strong and active and healthy. I thank you that your Spirit communes with my spirit and intercedes for me. Amen.

Goodnight Prayer – The Lord’s Prayer For a Peaceful Night

goodnight prayer

The Lord of hosts, the God of peace, will cover you with His precious blood, and He will direct you in all your ways. Saying the Lord’s Prayer before you go to sleep can give you a feeling of peace, and it helps you feel at peace with yourself and with others. It will help you relax, and you will have a peaceful night. It can be especially powerful when you’re feeling stressed or tired. You can also say this prayer to those who love you.

Lord of hosts, the God most high, cover you with His precious blood

Let the righteousness and the faithfulness of the Lord be a girdle around your loins and the holiness of the holy ones surround you. Let the lion lie down with the lamb. Let the calf eat straw and the lamb graze. Let the wolf not hurt you on the holy mountain. Let the harp and the timbrel cover you in joy.

During the day, we are too busy to pray. The Goodnight prayer, however, can give us the strength and peace we need. It’s a good idea to repeat it before going to bed. Evening prayers can be used to thank Jesus. It may also be helpful to have a Bible verse card next to your bed to remind you of your faith.

In this prayer, you are asking the Lord of hosts to lift His hand and extend His sublime and holy arm over you and your soul. The Lord should send down a mighty and peaceful angel to guard you and your body. He will drive away evil spirits. And, may He be praised for His righteousness and faithfulness throughout the ages. The Lord is Most High, God Most High, and Blessed Forever. Let Him protect you with His mighty arm, and may He encircle you with His precious blood.

The Lord of hosts, the God most high, and His merciful mercy are ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. As Jesus sits on His throne, His compassion is everlasting. Angels accompany departed souls to paradise, where they are greeted by Martyrs and greeted by choirs of angels. Those who die in Jesus’ name, be crowned with eternal rest and the mercy of God.

The Lord of hosts, the God most high, and His mighty throne are the places of worship for the faithful. There are multitudes of angelic and archangelic hosts, who worship and adore the Lord. And countless heavenly orders adore Him. His two-winged Seraphim, six-winged Cherubim, and the many-eyed Seraphim worship Him. His divine majesty and power are incomprehensible.

During your nights, let the Spirit cover you in His presence. Your heart is still praising Him for His greatness and for His mighty works. Remember, your God is fashioned in a woman, and His women are a reflection of Him. Let your heart be filled with gratitude for the gifts you have received and the power He has bestowed upon them.

Let the goodness of the Lord be your guide. He will give you His perfect law. He will teach you His ways and guide you in judgment. His ways are mercy and truth, and He will not turn away His friend. He will give you His covenant and His testimonies. He will forgive you if you sin, and He will also protect you from your enemies.

Lord of hosts, the God most high, direct you in all your ways

As you rest your head at night, you pray, “Lord of hosts, direct you in your way.” Your innermost cries have been heard by the Lord. He will direct your path and grant your requests. His mercy is everlasting, so you will not be alone in your struggles. He will feed you, protect you, and protect you from the arrows of the evil one.

Psalms – The Psalms contain numerous prayers, including the Goodnight prayer. The last verse in Psalm 41:14 is an invitation to prayer. It is a powerful prayer, containing a message of hope and assurance. In fact, the God of the Bible has inspired this prayer. It is an awe-inspiring prayer for every person.

The first commandment: “Love the Lord with all your heart.” The second is “Love your neighbor as yourself.” The three pillars of God’s Kingdom are love, mercy, and truth. He will guide you in judgment, and teach you His ways. And His ways are mercy, and His ways are truth. He will forgive your sin for His name’s sake.

The second part of the prayer focuses on your future. God has promised His only begotten Son, Jesus, to be a savior, and He has a plan for you. So, let us pray, “Lord of hosts, the God most high, direct you in all your ways.” If you’re seeking direction, the Lord is your only guiding light.

The third part of the Goodnight prayer is to thank God. He is the fountain of all goodness and life. He has created everything in the universe. Give thanks to Him for His goodness. And praise Him all through the night. Keep him in your heart. You’ll be glad you did. And don’t forget to praise Him! If you have a long, hard day ahead, you can wake up and begin your morning with a good prayer.

In the midst of difficult times, let God guide you and protect you. He is with you, and He is working for you. During difficult times, God has equipped you with all you need to stay strong. You have the power of the Holy Spirit, and your spiritual weapons are powerful and effective. And, if you do a good deed, the Lord will reward you and give you success.

Lord will direct you in all your ways

The Bible says to pray to the Lord every night. During this time, the Lord will direct you in your journey and keep you from falling into sin. As you pray, give all your worries to the Lord. He will direct you in all your ways. He will protect your soul from the harm of sin. He will give you peace and strength to face the days ahead. He will be there for you in the night.

One of the best prayers to say at night is a goodnight prayer to God. This prayer can help you get through the toughest days of your life and wake up with renewed hope and perspective. As we face the challenges of life, it is essential to turn to God for comfort, guidance, and direction. Even in times of trouble, God loves us and provides for our needs. By asking Him for help, we demonstrate gratitude and rely on His love.

The Maker of the world hears your prayers and guards you from your enemies. He gives you peace and quiet night, and he guides your every move. He will give you sweet dreams, keep nightmares away, and shield you from all dangers. And if you are afraid of the dark, God will shield you from all harm. So, make sure to say this prayer every night. Your prayers will be heard and answered by the Lord.

Besides helping you rest well at night, it helps you praise the Lord and put your faith in Him. Goodnight prayers will give you strength to face the day. You can also use this time to thank God for the blessings you’ve received and pray about any challenges you faced during the day. Goodnight prayer helps you relax and feel more relaxed during the night. But, if you’re wondering what to pray before going to sleep, read our top 10 prayers for the night.

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