7 aspects of God’s faithfulness in our lives

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God is faithful, put together on this post are 7 aspects of God’s faithfulness in our lives.

Through the Word of God, we learn more about God and His will for our lives every day. We see there how much God is love, merciful, compassionate and full of other attributes including His fidelity.

Fidelity is a virtue which refers to reliability, constancy, regularity in fulfilling one’s commitments. We call a faithful ” a person who can be relied on in complete safety .” It is an attribute of the God of Revelation, this constancy, this invariability of His position is what  arouses our faith on a daily basis.

This faithfulness which God shows manifests itself in our life in several aspects.

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1. God renews His bounties to us.

There is a clear correlation between goodness and God’s faithfulness. Indeed, the latter derives from His goodness; goodness is perfect through fidelity. It is this kindness that allows God to initiate good things for you, good projects. Faithfulness is therefore the guarantee that you can come into possession and enjoy the bounties of God in your life.

Lamentations 3: 22-23 (KJV) “The mercies of the Lord are not exhausted; His mercies are not ended; they are renewed every morning. Oh! How great is Your fidelity! “.


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2. He always fulfills His promises

Genesis 13:16 (KJV)I will make your seed as the dust of the earth, so that if anyone can number the dust of the earth, your seed also will be numbered.

God’s faithfulness is a pillar on which you can lean; it is a rock which cannot undergo neither erosion nor dispersion.

It transcends time and eras, thus guaranteeing victory for the future. God thus fulfilled the promise He made to Abraham not only by giving him an heir (Genesis 21: 1-2) but also by making his offspring as great as the stars of heaven (Galatians 3:29). Also, you must be sure that God will fulfill His promises in your life.

3. He doesn’t change over time

God does not change, neither in His being, nor in His perfections, nor in His plans, nor in His promises. This is why in James 1:17 (KJV) it is written: ” every good grace and every perfect gift come down from above, from the Father of lights, in whom there is neither change nor shadow of variation “. All of the infinite perfections that He had before the creation of the world, from all eternity, are precisely the same today and will never change for eternity to come.

It also means saying that He does not change His nature. Because He healed in the past, He can heal you today. Since He has blessed in the past and even beyond expectations (Ephesians 3:20), even today He can bless and surprise you beyond your imagination because God is faithful.

4. He is omnipresent.

God is a powerful comfort in grief. What does the tumult and the power of the difficulties that you go through if God, your refuge, is present? How many proven believers have experienced in a special way the whole reality of this wonderful company! He says to you through the mouth of His prophet Isaiah: “ Do not be afraid, for I am with you; do not cast anxious glances, for I am your God; I strengthen you, I come to your aid, I support you with My triumphant right hand ”Isaiah 41:10 (KJV).

Here’s why you don’t have to worry. God is with you everywhere, including in your trials. Like David, even crossing the valley of the shadow of death, fear no harm. God is there, closer to you than ever!

5. He loves us all the time

His fidelity does not budge even as His own children reveal themselves, day after day, ungrateful and unfaithful. Paul recognized this for himself with this saying: “ If we are not faithful, He remains faithful. Because He can’t do the opposite of what He says. 2 Tim. 2:13 

An illustration is the case of Abraham who allows himself to be influenced by Sarah in order to take another path and thus “accelerate” God’s plan (Genesis 16: 1-4). By this act, Abraham was shown to be unfaithful to the covenant that had taken place between God and him. In His faithfulness, God renewed this covenant, promising to multiply it ad infinitum (Genesis 17: 1-21); what He did.

No matter what mistakes and sins you may have committed, know that our God does not rely on our ability to be faithful to be so in His turn. Sure, His plans for your life will be fulfilled. He is faithful! Accept His forgiveness and continue to hope in Him.

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6. His justice is in the image of His fidelity

The righteousness of God is always linked to His faithfulness: Psalm 111v7-8 (KJV) “  The works of His hands are faithfulness and righteousness; all His ordinances are established for eternity, done with faithfulness and righteousness ”.

This fidelity to His covenant made the hell of the cross known to Jesus, to give us the possibility of living reconciled with God. Jesus died and experienced separation from His Father, because He bore our sins: He died in our place, and God’s righteousness was then satisfied. He is faithful in His righteousness also when He ” repents of the evil which He had decided to do ” when the human being humbles himself: He is committed in His righteousness.

Instead of it being a sign of change in Him, it is more part of the contract that He made. His Word in 1 John 1: 9 (KJV) will rightly say: ” If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us them, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness .” Also, no matter how great your sin is, God is faithful to forgive you for it once you recognize it before Him.

7. His fidelity is the assurance of our total sanctification.

Today, God aspires more than anything to make us vessels of honor for His glory. This is how He invited the prophet Jeremiah to examine the potter’s work (Jeremiah 18: 3-4). Just as clay is taken from the earth, man is taken from dust. Just as the potter wields clay, God works our lives day by day to give us the shape that suits Him, as Ephesians 2:10 (KJV) confirms : “ For we are His work, having been created in Jesus- Christ for good works, which God has prepared in advance for us to do. ”

With God, there is no point of suspension because He works in our lives with the thought of eternity. The fruits which thus flow from His work have implications for the present times and for the times to come. It is, moreover, this vision of eternity that concludes God’s ultimate goal for us.

Thus, Paul moved by the Spirit will say in Philippians 1: 6 (KJV): ”  I am convinced that He who began in you this good work will make it perfect for the day of Jesus Christ “. In addition, he specifies it through his prayer to the Thessalonians: ” May the God of peace sanctify you entirely, and that your whole being, mind, soul and body, be preserved blameless, during the advent of our Lord Jesus Christ! He who called you is faithful, and He will do it. ” 1 Thessalonians 5: 23-24 (KJV).

Therefore, relax and be quiet, for the God you serve is not limited by anything to do you good and accomplish His purposes of happiness in your life.

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