Who is the author of the Bible and How was it written

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Much is said about who the author of the Bible is; There are many uncertainties because when they are written by followers of God, unbelievers question the veracity of the scriptures since they were made by human thoughts guided by God. If you are interested in knowing the reality of what is said, continue reading.

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Who is the author of the Bible?

The Bible accurately presents who was present in its writing. Some fractions address and begin with phrases such as the following “Nehemiah’s words,” “Isaiah’s vision,” and “the word of Jehovah that happened to Joel” (Nehemiah 1: 1; Isaiah 1: 1; Joel 1: one). Many stories are charged to Gad, Nathan, and Samuel as presented (1 Chronicle 29:29). The preambles of certain psalms reveal the identity of their composers (Psalms 79, 88, 89, 90, 103, and 127).

Since men were used for the writing of the Bible, the irreligious maintain that the Bible is the benefit of human knowledge, as is any other vulgar book. That is why many wonders: Is your argument solid?


What is the Bible?

Before knowing who the author of the Bible was, we have to know a little about this wonderful book, which is a compilation or repertoire of sacred books, which holds the stories, doctrines, codes, and traditions that allow the orientation of Christians, based on Jewish tradition (Old Testament) and the proclamation of the Gospel (New Testament).

For knowledge, we can say that the Bible is an original word from the Greek word βιβλίον (biblíon), which means scroll, papyrus or book, and in turn belongs to the Greek expression τὰ βιβλία τὰ ἅγια (ta Biblia ta hagia), which means holy books.

Facts about the bible

Before knowing who is the author of the bible, it is necessary to know all the details related to this Book that reveals the word of God through prophets.

  • The word Bible comes from the Greek βιβλία biblía, which means: books, making related to the accumulation of books conforming to Judaism and Christianity.
  • The Bible was written for 1,500 to 1,600 years.
  • The Bible has 1,189 chapters, 929 from the Old Testament and 260 from the New Testament.
  • The Bible has 31,103 verses.
  • The longest verse in the Bible is Esther 8:9.
  • The shortest verse in the Bible is Deuteronomy 5:17 (You shall not kill). Many speculate that it is John 11:35 (Jesus wept), but as we can see that verse contains one more letter than Deuteronomy 5:17.
  • The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119, with 176 verses.
  • The shortest chapter we can find in the Bible is Psalm 117, with only 2 verses.
  • The longest Book that is reflected in the scriptures of the Bible is the Psalms book and the shortest book is 2 John.
  • For his part, Moses was the writer of the Pentateuch, which corresponds to the first 5 books of the Bible.
  • Paul, for his part, is the author of 14 books of the New Testament.
  • The Bible was written by approximately 40 authors.
  • The Bible was written in a great diversity of literary genres, let’s see some: parable, allegory, letter or epistle, poetry, historical narrative, song, law, prophecy, among others.
  • The Bible was written in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.
  • The Bible was written in the same way on 3 continents Africa, Europe, and Asia. In different places, let’s see some: on an island (the Island of Patmos, by Juan), in the middle of trips (for example Lucas), in prison confinement or inside a dungeon (Pablo, Jeremías), inside a palace (Daniel), and even in the desert sands (Moses).
  • The Bible exceeds a record, being the most printed book in all of history. In 2015, the Bible was considered to have been printed between 2.5 billion to 6 billion times.

To summarize who is the author of the bible, we can say that it was written by around 40 authors, of different professions, in an approximate period of 1,500 to 1,600 years, it consists of 1,189 chapters, which was written in 3 continents, and for the course in 3 languages, containing 66 books that constitute a whole.

It is considered the most printed book in history, where everything focuses on Salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, there is no other book that details and contains these characteristics, and even so despite the unbelievers who claim that it is human writings and not by divine messages, a message or doctrine that contradicts it has not been found, do you still doubt that it is of divine inspiration?

After all this information they wonder, who wrote the Bible? There is one author who is the most important – God Himself. 

Peter said this:

But first of all know this, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of personal interpretation, since no prophecy was ever given by an act of human will, but men inspired by the Holy Spirit spoke on behalf of God.

(2Peter 1: 20-21 NASB)

The Holy Spirit communicated through the authors of the Bible through visions and messages. For this reason, it was they who wrote as human beings, but the Holy Spirit guided all their writings.

And the words of the Apostle Paul:

All Scripture is inspired by God and useful to teach, to rebuke, to correct, to instruct in righteousness, so that the man of God may be perfect, equipped for every good work.

(2Timothy 3:16-17 NLT)


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  • How many Prophets are in the Bible (Major And Minor)
  • Bible: How many chapters, verses, and words are in the Bible?

Forty writers and a single Author

To find out who the author of the Bible is, we commented that the vast majority of the writers of the Bible accepted to have made their writings in the name of Jehovah – the only true God – and in the same way that they were ruled by him or by an angel (Zechariah 1: 7, 9). The prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures proclaimed more than 40 times: “This is what the Lord has said” (Amos 1: 3; Micah 2: 3; Nahum 1:12).

Many of his writings begin with messages such as “the word of the Lord that happened to Hosea” (Hosea 1: 1; Jonah 1: 1). Relating them to the prophets of God. For his part, the apostle Peter showed: “Men spoke on behalf of God when carried away by holy spirit” (2 Peter 1:21).

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It is for this reason that the Bible is at the same time a combined and consolidated book, written by many men who showed that behind their work there was the will and the word of God. In other words, God used ministers of the word to establish his thoughts. For this reason, below we will show who the forty writers of the Bible were and how did they do it?

  • Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy = Moses – 1400 BC
  • Joshua = Joshua – 1350 BC
  • Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel = Samuel / Nathan / Gad – 1000-900 BC
  • 1 Kings, 2 Kings = Jeremiah – 600 BC
  • 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah = Ezra – 450 BC
  • Esther = Mordecai – 400 BC
  • Job = Moses – 1400 BC
  • Psalms = many different authors, mainly David – 1000-400 BC
  • Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Songs = Solomon – 900 BC
  • Isaiah = Isaiah – 700 BC
  • Jeremiah, Lamentations = Jeremiah – 600 BC
  • Ezekiel = Ezekiel – 550 BC
  • Daniel = Daniel – 550 BC
  • Hosea = Hosea – 750 BC
  • Joel = Joel – 850 BC
  • Amos = Amos – 750 BC
  • Obadiah = Obadiah – 600 BC
  • Jonah = Jonah – 700 BC
  • Micah = Micah – 700 BC
  • Nahum = Nahum – 650 BC
  • Habakkuk = Habakkuk – 600 BC
  • Zephaniah = Zephaniah – 650 BC
  • Haggai = Haggai – 520 BC
  • Zechariah = Zechariah – 500 BC
  • Malachi = Malachi – 430 BC
  • Matthew = Matthew – 55 AD
  • Mark = John Mark – 50 AD
  • Luke = Luke – 60 AD
  • John = John – 90 AD
  • Acts = Luke – 65 AD
  • Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon = Paul – 50-70 AD
  • Hebrews = unknown, most likely Paul, Luke, Barnabas, or Apollos – AD 65
  • Santiago = Santiago – 45 AD
  • 1 Peter, 2 Peter = Peter – 60 AD
  • 1 John, 2 John, 3 John = John – 90 AD
  • Judas = Judas – 60 AD
  • Revelation = John – 90 AD

Who is the author of the bible? Inspired of God

“All Scripture is inspired of God,” clarified the apostle Paul (2 Timothy 3:16). The Greek expression translated “inspired of God” means exactly “breathed in by God”, which means that he worked the minds of the human ministers of the word, using an intangible force in communicating his true message to them.

On the other hand, we know that the Ten Commandments were written on tablets of stone by Jehovah himself (Exodus 31:18). It occurred on occasions when God imposed his message only on his human servants, as we read in Exodus 34:27: “Jehovah went on to say to Moses: ‘Write these words for yourself…’”.

On other occasions, God made men discover in visions the things that he wanted them to translate into scripture. Ezekiel said, “I began to see visions of God” (Ezekiel 1: 1). In the same way, “Daniel contemplated a dream and visions of his head on his bed.

At that time he put the dream in writing ”(Daniel 7: 1). Regarding the last book of the Bible, called Revelation, God communicates by the same means through dreams and visions with the apostle John, who later wrote: “By inspiration, I came to be on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind from me a powerful voice like that of a trumpet, saying: ‘What you see, write it on a scroll’ ”(Revelation 1:10, 11).

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The human touch in the scriptures of the Bible

As for who is the author of the bible, it is important to note that divine illumination did not invalidate the intimacy and individuality of the writers; since putting the messages from God in writing required a personal effort from them. Thus, for example, the teacher of the book of Ecclesiastes “sought to find delightful words and the writing of correct words of truth” (Ecclesiastes 12:10).

To compile his historical account, Ezra examined at least fourteen sources, including “the account of the affairs of the days of King David” and “the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel” (1 Chronicles 27:24; 2 Chronicles 16:11). Luke the Evangelist investigated all things from the beginning with exactitude and wrote them in a logical order (Luke 1: 3).

Many biblical books reveal aspects of the personality of their writer. For example, Mateo Levi, who was a tax collector long before he became one of Jesus’ followers, paid exclusive attention to the figures; it is for that reason that his Gospel is the only one that specifies the price for which Jesus was betrayed, namely, “thirty pieces of silver” (Matthew 27: 3; Mark 2:14).

Luke, in acquiescence to his profession, provided concrete medical details, using words like “high fever” or “full of leprosy” to relate the condition of some sick people whom Jesus cured (Luke 4:38; 5:12; Colossians 4: 14).

It is in this way that Jehovah often allowed writers to speak in their own words and style, although he governed his mind to ensure that the text was faithfully conveyed as its message had been. –Proverbs 16: 9.

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The end product

Is it not surprising that forty men will write a divinely coherent book, with a perfect and uniform thematic thread, after it has been carried out in different lands over sixteen hundred years? Such a result would have been incredible if not one Author named God had guided and utilized all the writers.

Other questions that researchers ask themselves apart from who is the author of the Bible, is that Jehovah was obliged to use men to write his Word? Well, the answer is No, but he forged it as an exemplary model of all his wisdom. Part of the universal rapture that this book possesses resides in the indisputable quality of how its writers express the full range of human emotions, including the guilt feelings of the repentant sinner who asks and implores divine mercy, as in the case of King David (Psalm 51: 2-4, 13, 17, heading).

Although Jehovah used human writers, we can believe in their work as much as the first Christians did, who recognized the Holy Scriptures “not as the word of men, but, as it certainly is, as the word of God.” (1 Thessalonians 2: 13).

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Curiosities of the scriptures of the Bible

Many questions are asked about who is the author of the bible and its writings, so much so that studies have developed concerns according to its authenticity, it is through these concerns that curiosities arise such as:

  • The first name of a woman that was placed does not correspond to that of Eve, but to that of Sarah (Genesis 17:15) since the name of Eve is not placed by God but by Adam.
  • The name that corresponds to being the longest in the scriptures is Maher-salal-hash baz. Isaiah 8: 3 “And I came to the prophetess, who conceived and gave birth to a son. And the Lord said to me: Name him Maher-salal-hash baz. “
  • As for Esther’s book of scriptures, the word “God” is nowhere related verbatim. Being of the great unknown since this would be the book with the largest verse in the entire Bible: Esther 8.9.
  • Many say that the bible was written long before paper and pencils existed. For this reason, it was written on wide strips of papyrus or parchment.
  • According to studies carried out, it is said that the book of Isaiah is in the Bible but in miniature, or turn the fifth Gospel, since Isaiah has 66 chapters, the Bible 66 books.
  • It is also said that Goliath does not die from the stone that Pastor David will provide him, but by his sword (1 Samuel 17: 48-51).
  • Regarding the book of Judges chapter 8 verse 30, it is said that Gideon had 70 children.
  • There is only one character in all the scriptures that is mentioned who wore a watch, and it was King Ahaz (2 Kings 20:11).
  • In the Old Testament, the marking of the skin is prevented as are tattoos. That is why in Leviticus 19:28 it is said verbatim; “And you will not make scratches on your body for a dead person, nor will you print any marks.”
  • The last book of the Bible to be written was not Revelation, but the 3rd letter of John.
  • According to the narrative of the scriptures of the Bible, God only wrote in person only once, and it was just when he wrote the 10 commandments on the tables of the Law. In the rest of the scriptures, he guided others so that through messages and visions written for him.
  • It has been said that David -of the tribe of Judah- was a specialist in the use of the sling (a strap generally made of leather) which was used to throw stones at great speed. But what is not known is that in the tribe of the Benjamites there were many left-handed and ambidextrous ones, who were also very popular in the use of the sling. In all this tribe there were seven hundred favorite men, who sling a stone at a hair and did not miss. (Judg 20: 15-16).
  • The contradiction of what is melted, who cut Samson’s hair was not Delilah but a man. She only envisioned him to slumber on her knees to be cut off (Judges 16:19).
  • In Leviticus Chapter 11 the largest number of animals mentioned in the Bible appear.

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Verses on the Scriptures of the Bible

As a conclusion of who is the author of the bible, we can say that although the scriptures were made by human thoughts, they have great value since through verses it is evidenced that all the words of the forty writers were inspired by God and through their messages and visions, therefore here are certain verses that speak about the inspiration of these scriptures.

2 Timothy 3:16

All Scripture is inspired by God and useful to teach, to rebuke, to correct, to instruct in righteousness,

2 Kings 17: 13-14

And the LORD warned Israel and Judah through all his prophets {and} every seer, saying: Turn from your evil ways and keep my commandments, my statutes according to all the law that I commanded your fathers and that I sent you by through my servants the prophets. Yet they did not listen, but stiffened their necks like their fathers, who did not believe in the LORD their God.

Nehemiah 9:30

Yet you endured them for many years, and warned them with your Spirit through your prophets, but they did not listen. Then you delivered them into the hands of the peoples of these lands.

Matthew 22: 43-44

He * said to them: “Then how is it that David in the Spirit calls him” Lord, “saying,” THE LORD SAID TO MY LORD, ‘SIT AT MY RIGHT HAND UNTIL I PUT YOUR ENEMIES UNDER YOUR FEET’ “?

Mark 12:36


1 Corinthians 2:13

Which we also speak of, not with words taught by human wisdom, but with those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual {thoughts} with spiritual {words}.

Hebrews 1: 1-2

God, having spoken long ago, on many occasions and in many ways to the fathers through the prophets, in these last days has spoken to us through {his} Son, whom he made heir of all things, through whom he also made the universe.

1 Peter 1: 10-11

Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied of the grace that would {come} to you diligently inquired and inquired, seeking to know what person or time the Spirit of Christ within them indicated in predicting the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow. .

2 Peter 1: 20-21

But first of all know this, that no prophecy of Scripture is {matter} of personal interpretation, for no prophecy was ever given by an act of human will, but men inspired by the Holy Spirit spoke on behalf of God.

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