25 Prayers For Grace: Powerful and Effective

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God is faithful to give grace, even when we don’t deserve it. These 25 powerful prayers of grace are accompanied by printable images that you can share or use.

Grace is a secret of power and great grace is the sponsor of great power. To be engraced is to be empowered. When God has engraced a person, He has empowered that person, so, men who carry grace are men who carry power. That is why every highly anointed servant of God carries grace; they carry power.

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What is Grace?

Grace, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is the free and unmerited favour of God as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. Grace is also seen as the kindness of God towards mankind. It can also be seen as “a divinely given talent or blessing.”

Grace is a secret of power and great grace is the sponsor of great power. To be engraced is to be empowered. When God has engraced a person, He has empowered that person, so, men who carry grace are men who carry power. That is why every highly anointed servant of God carries grace; they carry power.

On this article are 25 Powerful and Effective Prayers for Grace


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Powerful and Effective Prayers for Grace

Prayer for Grace

Gracious God, You are my creator who has chosen me to be in a relationship with You. Through Jesus, You have extended grace to me. By grace, I have been saved. Day by day, help me to comprehend Your grace more and more in my life. Give me an increase of grace this day so that I can respond to Your love by my good deeds. Your love is amazing, thank You, O my Father. Amen.


Prayer for Daily Grace

Loving Father, You have loved me when I was unlovable. I am so amazingly grateful that I know You and I can experience Your wonderful presence in my life. Give me this day Your grace in how I live my life today. Give me wisdom and gentleness in how I interact with others. Make me pure then peaceable and gentle. May I have a mind that is open to reason and shows mercy. In all of today’s tasks, grant me the wisdom and grace to be sincere and meek. Thank You that You pour out Your grace to me. Amen.

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Prayer of Thanks for Sufficient Grace

God, my Father, as Jesus states to Paul in his time of need, so do I remind myself: Your grace is sufficient for me. Whether in wealth or poverty, hunger or feasting, I will, like the apostle, boast in my weaknesses. For it is my weaknesses, Lord, that make Your grace manifest even more so in my life. In my life thus far, I have been upheld by this grace You supply – thank You, O my Father. Praying in the name of Jesus Christ, I praise You forever. Amen.

Prayer for Grace and Guidance

Jesus, my Savior, my every path is in accordance with Your will. Although I feel like the direction of my life could change any minute, I know that You are truly in control. Lead me by Your Holy Spirit and keep me from straying to the right or the left. By Your grace, let me not take a direction that might be contrary to Your desire. Whether that be in a career, in relationships, or any other choice ahead of me. Instead, open the right doors in front of me. You are my gracious Savior and I pray in Your holy name. Amen.


Prayer for Grace to do the Right Thing

Jesus, my Savior, You are righteous and praiseworthy. You give wisdom and guidance to Your children because You delight in giving good gifts from above. I am facing a complicated situation. It occupies my thoughts day and night and I am torn between different choices. Father, give me direction. I pray against stress or trying to control outcomes. Rather, let me seek to obey Your commands and make my choices conform with heavenly wisdom. Above all, teach me to trust that You are the one ultimately in control. Amen.


Prayer for Grace in Relationships

My Father God, I am Yours and You are my first love. You have created me for relationships with others and I praise You for the relationship I do have. Right now, I need Your guidance – I need divine grace to know how to move forward. Lead me to move forward with wisdom and love. Keep me from overly relying on emotions but to be thinking through how I can best honor You with my life. In all things let me put on love and may my every act be defined by a desire to be obeying Your great command to love others. Amen.

Prayer to Know God’s Grace

Merciful God, I feel far from You and separated from Your love. This path and the choices that have brought me here have made me feel far from Your embrace, O God. I need Your touch and I need You to shine Your face upon me once more. I come before You with a humble and contrite heart, confessing my sins and seeking Your presence. Renew a right Spirit in me by Your grace and mercy. I praise You that You exalt the lowly and You do not turn away the meek-spirited. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Financial Grace

Gracious and Holy God, You send the rain on the just and the unjust alike. However, for me, I am going through a drought. I barely have enough to rub two pennies together and so I need Your blessing. I know that You are my loving Father who knows what I need, and I know that You care about my needs. So help me to entrust myself and my financial situation to Your mercy. I want to rest in Your bountiful grace. Amen.


Prayer for Grace in Hard Times

Heavenly Father, even in the middle of the storm, I dance with joy in the peace of Your presence. While the waves come crashing upon me and my world crumbles to dust around me, Your promise remains sure. O Lord, show me more of Your incredible grace, reveal more of Your unfathomable love, wrap me in Your beautiful mercy – I trust You. I will praise You in this storm. In the love and grace demonstrated to me by Jesus on the cross, I pray all these things. Amen.


Prayer for Grace to Love Others

Dear Lord, You desire us to flourish under Your good law. I find myself continually struggling to fulfill Your command to love my neighbor as myself and I need You to work a change within my heart. Although I desire to love You by obeying Your precepts, I am often frustrated and impatient with other people. As You have promised in Your Word, You will produce the fruits of the Spirit in my life as long as I keep in step with the Spirit. Fill me anew with Your Spirit, Father, and sanctify me by Your grace. In Jesus’ name, I ask. Amen.

Why does God allow me to suffer: it is one of the facets of life.

Prayer for Grace to Forgive

Mighty God, without fail You have forgiven me again and again. I need Your help, Lord. I feel anger and hurt towards this person who has sinned against me. I try to forgive, but my emotions return each time I think about what happened. Help me to remember forgiveness is a process. And, Lord, let me not forget how much You have forgiven me. As I have been forgiven, so must I then forgive. Thank You for the forgiveness purchased for me by Jesus on the cross. Amen.


Prayer for Grace with Family Issues

Holy God, You are my loving heavenly Father who will never forsake me. This issue with my family has been a constant source of stress and upset in my life. Now, I surrender it to You. I cannot deal with it on my own, Father God, I need Your grace. Sanctify me and increase wisdom in me. Give me supernatural love so that I can represent the way You have loved me to my own family. You promise grace to all who turn to You, and You have the power to restore my family. Amen.

Prayer for Grace at Church

Lord God, You did not give us a spirit of fear but one of power, love, and a sound mind. This I pray for my church, that they do not move forward with timidity, but instead act according to Your Word and with Your love. Although the situation is complex, You freely give strength by Your grace. I pray for every single member and especially those tasked with leadership that they may prayerfully seek to demonstrate wisdom in everything. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Prayer for Grace in Witnessing

Mighty Father, Your Spirit gives the power to be a witness for You. As I seek to proclaim You through word and deed, I realize that I am not capable of standing strong without Your grace. Renew a passion within me and fortify my faith. Without You, I can do nothing, but I know that You are able to powerfully use me to bring others into a relationship with You. Extend Your grace through me. By the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.


Prayer for Grace with Siblings

My Father in Heaven, You are the one who placed every person in my life. I am grateful for Your goodness in how You placed me in the family that I am in. However, whenever I am with my siblings, I find myself losing patience. I know I need to change this response that I have. Lord, by Your grace, give me patience. You have been so patient with me. When I am with them, help me to remember Jesus who was patient unto death to save me from sin. Amen.

Prayers to Christs Blood

Prayer for the Grace to Understand in a Complicated Situation

Sovereign God, You are all-knowing. In front of me are problems that threaten to consume my life. I feel hopelessly confused and helpless to even begin to untangle this chaotic mess. There is nothing I can do except throw myself on Your grace to be patient. In my heart, Lord, develop the characteristic of forbearance. This situation does not define my life – You are the one who gives me my identity. Thank You that You did not consider humanity’s sin too complex but in Your love, You have provided the solution to us. Amen.


Prayer for Others to Grow in Patience and Experience Grace

Heavenly Father, the depths of Your grace are bottomless, and its heights are incomprehensible. I want to want to pray for those that are around me to grow in patience in their lives. You know their circumstances and their struggles. There are some for whom I feel particularly burdened – Lord, You know who they are. Teach me ways in which I can be an instrument of Your grace to them, Father God. Change their hearts so they can learn patience in their situations. In the love of Jesus, I ask. Amen.


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Prayer of Thanks for Amazing Grace

Lord my Father in Heaven, You are so incredibly good to me. I did nothing to earn Your love and yet You love me still. Extending grace and mercy to me, You have forgiven my sins and removed them from me. I thank You for this amazing grace. Let me not remember my transgressions except to remind myself how You have saved me. I am so grateful to Your Son Jesus who has borne my sin and shame for me on the cross. I look forward to the day when I will enter Your eternal kingdom. Amen.


Prayer of Praise for God’s Grace

Holy and Gracious God, You are blessed forever. On my lips will always be a song of praise for Your perfect grace. Reaching to the sky, Your love overwhelms me and transforms me. The music of Your salvation infuses my heart with gratitude. There is nothing I could do to separate me from Your love because You have adopted me as Your very own. Everything pales in comparison to the bountiful riches of Your ever-present love in my life. Thank You for this amazing grace. Amen.


Prayer of Thanks for Forgiveness and Grace

Heavenly Father, I am on my knees before You. The fountain of Your love has quenched my thirsty soul. I was broken, now renewed. I was dirty, now cleansed. I was lost and abandoned, now I am safely at home. Your mercy to me when I hated You, transformed me into a new creation. Words cannot express my thanks to You. Exalting the lowly, You delight in saving lost and helpless sheep like me. I now live my life as an expression of gratitude to my King, Jesus Christ. Amen.


Prayer for Others to Know Grace

Loving Father, Your love is limitless. When Jesus saw the crowds, He saw them as they are, harassed and helpless. Responding to them with compassion, Jesus demonstrated Your heart for Your people. In Your mercy, I pray that You grant favor to these people in my life who I know need Your grace. Work in their hearts and minds to turn them to You and see Your grace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Prayer for Grace in Good Times

Father in Heaven, Your joy abounds in me. As an expression of Your favor, I pray that You continue to shower down Your many blessings which I get to experience every day. I am so grateful for each day with which I get to live for You and every breath with which I get to tell of Your awesome deeds. In these times of joy, help me to plant roots deep in You so that I can hold fast when storms come. Give me the grace to continue praising You even in tribulation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayers for trusting God

Prayer for Wonderful Grace

Lord God, You are worthy of all praise. Life, for me, feels so gray and dreary. There is no wind in my sails, Father God. I need the wind of Your favor to enliven my soul. Drench me in Your wonderful grace. Reveal a bit more of Your character to me so that my days might be invigorated. I know that You have given me salvation and that You are good. Indeed, You have good gifts for Your children. Help me to see the way You work things for my good even more. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.


Prayer for Grace When Others Are Cruel

Father in Heaven, You are the champion of the weak and the downtrodden. My spirit is feeble and in the company of others, I am timid and helpless. Criticized relentlessly, I feel cast out and rejected. And yet, You are the God who has accepted me and loved me fully. As Your word states, if You are with me, who can stand against me? Even though my enemies cruelly harass me, grant me a greater understanding of Your grace. Make peace become my watchword. In the name of the one who is with me until the end of the age, Jesus Christ the risen one. Amen.


Prayer for Grace When Relationships with Others are Strained

Gracious and Merciful God, my soul is turbulent and fractured. My relationships are troubled, and interactions have been strained. I do not know how to move forward or how to heal the cracks that have come between me and others. Send peace to me like a healing balm. Father, pour out Your grace on me so I can rest in knowing You can use all things for good. Let the surety of Your Word ground me in the foundation that Christ provides. In the love of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

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