What Is Needed To Grow Spiritually

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Spiritual maturity is not easy, but it is not impossible either, find out what is needed to grow spiritually on this post.

Every day we get to grow a little. Physically, weight and height are the most noticeable changes we see throughout our lives. Our appearance now is not the same as when we were 3 years old. The same happens with desires and emotions, they are different as you start to grow. Over time you establish priorities and desires.

Human beings are made up of 3 parts that constitute our entire being: body, soul, and spirit.
In the first book of Thessalonians chapter 5, the apostle Paul speaks to the people telling them to remain blameless, that is, to remain clean in their entire being: externally (body), emotional and sentimental (soul), and internally, most intimate (spirit).

Ways to grow spiritually?


In the same way that we grow and change in body and soul, the spirit also grows, changes, and breaks. Below is an explanation of how we mature spiritually.


To grow, you must be willing to change. If you are not willing to let go of old ways or ideas, old feelings or old concepts about God and the Christian life, then you can never grow or mature spiritually.


All growth is marked by change. Spiritual maturity means that all decisions, thoughts, feelings, and actions are more and more similar to those that Jesus would make. “ But grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18a).

To achieve the above requires a daily dependence on God. It is required to let your whole life be governed by Him. This means that the guide to living our life is the Word of God written in the Bible.


The simple definition of breaking is breaking a hard thing without actually separating all of its parts. If you decide to change and grow then you are willing to reach a position where you can receive the best from God. The way you get to that position is by removing every hindrance and obstacle that prevents you from moving forward. While that happens and you move towards that place of blessing, it is where you experience the brokenness. In a nutshell, it is God’s direct dealings with you.


Spiritual Maturity

The changes, growth, and brokenness that were mentioned in the previous paragraphs are called spiritual maturity.
Spiritual maturity is a process in which you can ask yourself: what does God want to do with me? What does God want me to remove from my life? What is hindering me from growing? Among other questions that are being answered as you deepen your relationship with God.

No matter how long the process takes, or how difficult it may be, God will be there with you in every situation that is pleasant or unpleasant for you. He has so promised. “ …and behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the world” (Math 28:20).

The important thing is that your love for God and your dependence on Him are greater and greater. Don’t let anything get in the way of your relationship with God.

God loves you so much and wants the best for you. It may not be exactly what you have in mind, but in His heart of love is the desire to take you to a place of fulfillment in your life, to form His character in you, and that you be a blessing to those around you.

In the process, God is willing to speak to you, teach you and share his wisdom with you. He will give you comfort and encouragement when times are tough and he will be glad when you are too.

He gives us abilities and gifts to help others.

God teaches us so that we can also teach others. He gives us abilities and gifts to help others; He imparts his thoughts to us so that we can better communicate with those around us and provides financially so that we can also share with others.
Everything is so that more and more people know about God and experience the life that exists when we decide that God is the main thing in us.

A reflection that there is spiritual maturity in our lives is when we serve those around us. Our life must be of service and Jesus is the greatest example of service.

“How the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” (Math 20:28).

Achieving spiritual maturity is not easy but it is not impossible either, you must be willing to pay a price, to feel pain and sometimes even suffering, but rest assured that every effort will have its reward.
The joy and happiness of knowing that you are part of God’s plan for this world compare to nothing, the security of knowing that God is with you, and the confidence that God’s plans are better than what you and I can have. they are more than worth it, it encourages you to continue and not discourage you.

Growing up hurts

Just as today there are young people like you and me who seek to please God in everything we do, in ancient times there were also people who sought to reach that place of fullness and blessing from God. An example is Moses who required a lot of courage to appear again and again before Pharaoh to announce the judgment against the Egyptians (Ex. 5 and 6); It took a lot of faith for him to lead the people of Israel through the desert and across the Red Sea (Ex. 14) when there was a large army behind them almost to catch up. Moses needed a lot of patience to put up with the gossip and complaints of the Jewish people (Num. 11 and 12). If Moses had not decided to depend on God every day of his life, he would not have been able to fulfill everything that had been delegated to him.

Just like Moses and many other people whose names appear in the Bible, you and I must trust and depend on God more and more every day. The reality is that by our own strength we will be able to do very few things, but if we depend on Him and remain on the path in absolute commitment to Him, then we will live experiences that no one has ever lived before.  

“Rather, as it is written: eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has the heart of man conceived, which god has prepared for those who love him” (1 Cor. 2:9) .

Have you ever asked yourself: why am I here? What is the purpose for which I am alive?
Spiritual maturity allows us to know and understand the answer to these and other questions. We exist in this world to give glory to God! We are here for God to bless us so we can bless others!

There are so many things that God wants you to discover, he has so many things to give you. Do not be afraid to grow, do not be afraid of God’s treatment in your life. God loves you and you are extremely important to Him, He wants to bless you and that your life be an instrument of blessing for your family and friends.

Prepare your life for change and growth. Trust in God’s love for you.
Enjoy the adventure of living depending more and more on God every day!

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