walk by faith and not by sight meaning KJV

4 Ways to stand firm in hardship
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Paul the Apostle in 2 COrinthians 5:7 said, “For we walk by faith and not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7).

Today, christwin.com brings to you walk by faith and not by sight meaning  with bible verses KJV

To walk by faith and not by sight sound simple enough.

But, I’m learning that expressing that concept, even a simple one, can be much more difficult than I thought. It takes courage and strength. It requires you to be open to being misunderstood, even abandoned. You have to be available to losing any control you had over your life. It would be best if you were prepared to appear foolish.

It is also a journey of great blessings and rewards. It’s a life-altering, exciting, and mind-boggling journey. This journey will help you see God in all his glory and grace.

“What does it look like to walk by faith and not by sight?”

Walking by faith, not sight, requires you to travel to a place you don’t know. One that God will reveal to you as you follow His lead. Just look to Abraham as an example (Genesis 12:1).

Walking by faith is to continue to hold on to the dreams God placed in your heart. Even when you are thrown out or sent to prison for crimes you did not commit, just look at all Joseph endured (Genesis 37-50).

Faith requires you to be firm in your determination to keep God’s plan intact no matter what happens. Look to Daniel to discover how to have the resolve not to sin (Daniel 1:8).

Walking by faith is having the courage to speak up for the brokenhearted, the suffering, and the downtrodden, and to risk your life for the benefit of others.

 Esther shows how She risked her life to save the Jews.

You may have to be a fool. Imagine Noah building an Ark for a flood when it hadn’t rained anywhere on Earth. Though he was 100 years old, Abraham held on to the promise to become the father of many nations. Imagine Moses standing in front of the Israelites in the wilderness, telling them that they would eat meat until it disgusts them. But they didn’t know where the meat came from. Imagine Joshua walking around Jericho, as God instructed him, and wondering what it would do.

This path requires you to be open to moving beyond your comfort zone and to abandon Americanized Christianity, which so many of you have been familiar with all your lives. It is necessary to be open to God taking control of your life, turning it upside down, shaking it up, and starting over. You have to be open to letting God out of the box you’ve put him in and allowing him to show up how he pleases.


  • Faith come by hearing the word of God
  • 5 Ways To Grow Your Faith As A Christian
  • 20 Bible verses about Faith

It might be the calling to do something that you have never imagined:

  • Adopt or foster children.
  • Quit your job and become an evangelist.
  • Trade-in worldly comforts for heavenly riches.

It might not be so neat and tidy and socially acceptable. Perhaps your world will be thrown into chaos by divorce and adultery. You might also be confronted with infertility and addiction. You might have a prodigal son or daughter that changes your life. Perhaps you have lost a child.

Although I don’t know the outcome of your shake-up, I do know that God will grant your request. He will lead you on a journey that will teach you faith and entrust you with some of life’s most precious moments.

He will instill faith in you, faith that moves mountains and God’s hands. He will show you how to live the life of abandonment and give you the freedom to experience God’s fullness and grace. He will equip you to use your life for his glory.

Maybe you have experienced life being turned on its head, thrown off the cliff without any control. Perhaps you have found yourself lost in the wilderness, watching God’s fire guide your steps by night and a cloud guide you by day. You might feel you’re at the Promised Land’s edge, waiting for the Lord to grant you the command to seize possession.

Yet, you’re tired and weary. Friends have lost faith in you and don’t get how you can hold on to a promise that’s dead. 

It’s so easy to feel distant, but yet so close. You feel the temptation to settle even though it is not God’s best. It is impossible to know how long you can keep going.

You are not the only one. 

I see God raising a few believers who he knows will follow his lead. He wants those who have clean hands and pure hearts, those who will obey even if it means they lose everything. He wants to see those who are willing to throw caution to the wind and believe that God has an abundant life (John 10) and will be patient with us if we follow his lead. He is looking for those whose hearts have been purified, whose faith has been strengthened by the trials of this life (James 1:2). He seeks those who will hold on to his promises, even when there seems no hope.

My friends, be strong and courageous!

God has chosen you to be part of the remnant. He will take their lives and shape them into his desires. He decided to test your faith and promise that the fire will not burn you. He has made it clear that he will walk with you, carry you, and support you in every step. He assures you that he will be there for you, even when things seem chaotic.

He is teaching you to trust him so he can do something bigger and better than you ever dreamed possible (Ephesians 3:20-21). He is teaching you to let go and trust him with your heart, your soul, your life (Proverbs 3:5-6). He is leading you to walk every single day in the spirit so that he can do even greater works in you and through you (John 14:12). He wants you to be a beacon for hope and light in a world that desperately needs Jesus.

While I don’t know exactly where you are in your journey of walking by faith, I can encourage you to surrender the white flag. God will take your life, pain, and loss and use them for his glory. Ask him to do something amazing in you so that he can do amazing things through you.

Step out of the boat and onto the water. Never look at him again. This is a choice you won’t regret.


  • Faith without works is dead meaning with full explanation
  • Saved by grace through faith full explanation
  • Difference Between Hope And Faith Full Explanation


Again: What does it mean to walk by faith?

What about the act of walking in Faith? “I, therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called,” wrote Paul (Ephesians 4:1). Combs says, “the word walk in 2 Corinthians 5:7 is used in the metaphorical sense of ‘live.'”

Christians’ walk should be distinct from that of someone who doesn’t believe but has been saved through grace. It is important to remember that if we love God, there will be an outpouring of love for others.

Jesus was a symbol of unification and love for the marginalized. Paul taught that Jesus was the best example “of what a Christian leader should be like.” It could hardly be more dramatically countercultural, and Paul lived out this leadership style in person.”

Yet walking, or living, by faith, is also about our relationship with Christ “God is looking for not only a clinging bride but also a walking partner.” When we walk with him, we recognize that worship of Christ is not so much a “catalyst” to action but “an everyday walk of unbroken communion with our Lord and friend.”


Jesus calls us “friends” and we are to be close to him, worshipful and confident. This is personal and true. Other people, mentors or pastors, cannot replace Jesus. These individuals are a source of growth but not the vine. Only Jesus is the vine (John 15).

Is sight coming?

Will we ever see Jesus Christ when we are gone? Paul himself said it: While we see dimly now, the mist will eventually lift and reveal his face one day. The veil between God and man was torn when Jesus died on the cross.

Even though we may not be able to see the Lord right now, “this doesn’t mean that we are cut off” from fellowship with him. Bill Combs explains that living by faith is “no hindrance” to communion with Him.

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