Christian messages for the family encourage us to maintain a close relationship with God, since he is the only one who can help us build our home on rock, with solid values embodied in the word.
According to the bible, the family appears in the first book of Genesis in chapter 1: 26-27-28, in which we can observe a creator God who forms the first family union and where we can meet the purposes that God had for families.
For our Lord, the family represents his masterpiece, where he is the architect par excellence of that building instituted by God. Therefore it can be noted that our Lord is a family God because by the time he established the family on earth he gave the instructions that led to his perfect will.
In this way, the family is very important to God and his presence is a treasure here on earth where there is so much calamity. So much so that he has promised to send his only son Jesus Christ for the second time to earth to look for families who love him unconditionally.
8 Christian messages for the family
In the stories embodied in the bible, you can see stories about the importance and value of the family, and this term is described as the seed, offspring, and lineage, among others. So it is important to consider the Christian messages for the family, in which we are taught the value of walking together with Christ. Next, we will show you 7 Christian messages of great power:
1. The most wonderful symbol of heaven is a home filled with the Holy Spirit
The family must be a place where all affections flourish and are not repressed, where the Holy Spirit resides and where love, good coexistence, and values reign. However, in a world so congested and full of adversity, this can be a difficult thing to achieve. For this reason, it is important to place all burdens in God’s hands and always read the word, as it is full of wisdom.
For the family to constitute that heaven on earth, the parents who represent the earthly authority in the home must be in obedience to Christ and always cultivate respect and love for their children who are very vulnerable within the society in which we live. at the moment.
In this regard we can quote the word of God: “The God of the covenant has in mind the families that dwell on earth as in heaven, we are known by him and he calls us by the name” (Ephesians 3:15)
2. Correct your children with prayer and you will see the blessings of Our Father
Prayer certainly has power and opens doors to heavenly blessings. It is also important to educate children from the simple, without so many scoldings and reproaches, they should only be exhorted through the word and bring them closer to God since he knows what our needs and problems are.
In the same way, we must make our children understand how important it is to ask for forgiveness and recognize the faults before God so that he cleanses them and helps them overcome the weaknesses they may have since we are not perfect and we can easily make mistakes.
Humility must be the base in the family, haughtiness will only distance us from Our Heavenly Father. Which we don’t want.
In the same way, we must consider raising our children in the discipline and admonition of the Lord so that they are men and women of good Christian principles since by being so permissive we only make them deviate from the path that is Christ, who taught us to be ordered. , disciplined and loving.
It is also very important to be loving parents, highlighting the strengths of our children and congratulating them when they achieve their goals, and strengthening them when they cannot carry out a project in their lives.
Certainly, it is not easy to be parents but if we allow ourselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit, it will undoubtedly work in our lives and strengthen the bonds of love within the home. As his beautiful word reveals:
“Well, if you, even being evil, know how to give good things to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” (Joshua 24:15)
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3. The home should be like a nest where joy and happiness reign
True happiness comes from Christ, so first of all we must seek from him every day to make our home a refuge of blessings, where joy, happiness, and love are cultivated.
But many times we feel burdened by routine and do not spend time in prayer.
Therefore, the distance between parents and children is created where each one is dedicated to their work, leaving aside sharing with the family.
Similarly, it is important to create a pleasant atmosphere at home, where worship plays an important role since praise brings blessings. In this way, listening to Christian music can create that happy and festive atmosphere that we want in our home, celebrating the good news of God.
His word tells us the following: “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, kind, benign, full of mercy and good fruits, without uncertainty or hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who make peace” (Jas. 3:17, 18).
4. A Christian home honors God and is blessed
Fathers and mothers must put God first, and teach their children to fear the Lord since this is the beginning of wisdom.
In the same way, God must be glorified before the angels and before men, making a well-organized and disciplined family known to the world.
In this way, it seeks to create and form a family that loves and does the will of the Father, loves and obeys God, instead of rebelling against him: “I will honor those who honor me” (1 Sam. 2:30).
So only the presence of Christ can achieve happiness in homes, transforming the lives and hearts of his children. Certainly, the Christian home should be an Eden of blessings and a wonderful symbol of the heavenly family.
As his word reveals: “Your offspring will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west, to the east, to the north, and to the south; and all the families of the earth will be blessed in you and in your seed” (Genesis 28:14).

5. The best missionaries come from Christian homes
God’s missionaries get very good preparation to work far away in the Christian family, in which there is fear of God, but also faithfulness and worship.
In these missions they are doing the will of God, always maintaining communion with God, in order to be able to fulfill their daily duties.
For this reason, it is essential that Christian homes are always strengthened in the Lord and let themselves be guided by the Holy Spirit. In this regard, God refers to the missionaries in his word:
And messengers went throughout all Israel and Judah with letters from the king and his princes, according to the king’s command, saying, Children of Israel, return to the LORD, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, that he may return to those of you who escaped and remained from the hand of the kings of Assyria” (2 Chronicles 30:6-7)
6. A pious home is a good argument that the unbeliever cannot deny
A pious home turns out to be a powerful argument that strengthens the Christian religion, where everyone can see that there is an influence that works in the family and affects the children and that God is always with them.
When the homes of Christian leaders have this quality, they exert greater influence for good and could be the light of the world that so badly needs it.
In this regard, the Holy Scriptures tell us about the quality of being in a godly home:
“Piety is a virtue that pleases our Lord, it brings contentment to the heart of a father, we must be diligent with those in need including our relatives and even more those of faith” (1 Timothy 5: 4)
7. Good men are more necessary than great intellects
Within families, love and fear of God must first be instilled, and good Christian principles where respect and love prevail.
Before pretending to educate intellectual, studious, and applied children, we must worry about their souls, so that they will be good men and women in the future, and that they feel empathy for others.
But this will depend on the influence they have in their homes, in order to have more noble men and women in society who are instruments of blessing.
As his word reveals: “The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice, and he who begets a wise man will rejoice in him” (Proverbs 23:24)
8. First of all we must care for and provide for our own
Within the home, we must try to care for and provide for our own. And for this, we must remain attentive to the difficulties that our family is going through, and help them as much as possible so that they feel family support.
We have to prioritize our own, our family since it is a divine gift from God and therefore we must take care of it and attend to its basic needs.
In this sense, we must apply the love of Christ to our family and educate our children on Christian principles, so that in the future they do not lose the path that is Christ. We do nothing as leaders of a church if we neglect our families and are never present in their lives.
If we are diligent with our own and help them, God will greatly bless us and help us to build a home according to his will and great love.
Otherwise, we will not be to God’s liking, as reflected in his word: “He who does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” ( 1 Timothy 5:8)
What is the Importance of the Family in the Bible?
The family constitutes a fundamental part in the life of a believer since its objective must be to form people who are in conformity with God and who are willing to do his will.
But this turns out to be very difficult in a society where values have been affected for various reasons and where dysfunctional families are seen very often.
But Christ came to earth to restore the family and rescue what was lost. Thus we must never lose faith and always continue under the cover of our Lord, doing his will and strengthening the bonds of love of our family.
Today, within the family, some members of the nuclear family are directed by God to plant the seed of eternal life, and it is known as the new birth.
That is why God planted his eternal life in man, in which an unknown passion is generated but full of joy, where a need to love and seek God more every day emerges, as expressed in his word in John 7: 38: “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture says, from his interior will flow rivers of living water”
In this sense, it is very important that these Christian messages for the family be kept in mind at home, since, as their word says, they are like rivers of living water, which refresh life and fill us with blessings.
This, however, seems to be something simple, but it is not, it is the narrow path that you must choose, which will have many obstacles but in the end, you will obtain eternal life as a gift, and your family is within the promise:
“But if it seems wrong to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves whom you will serve: the gods your ancestors served across the Euphrates River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you now dwell. For my part, my family and I will serve the Lord” (Luke 11:13).