Ephesians 6: 13-17:

The Armor of God Prayer
I know this is Your will and purpose for me.
For you have provided me with everything I need to remain in victory in Christ against Satan and his kingdom.
I confidently hold the BELT OF TRUTH that you offer me, I reject Satan’s lies and his deceitful ways to take advantage of me. I wish to believe only the truth, live the truth, speak the truth, and know the truth. I praise and adore you my Jesus because only you lead me in the path of truth, beloved Jesus because you are “the way, the truth, and the life” and I have known you.
Thank you for the HEART OF JUSTICE that you offer me, I accept it and put it on me as my protection, thank you for reminding me again that all my righteousness comes from you. Justice is mine through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Lord, for SHOOTING MY FEET WITH AFAN FOR ANNOUNCING THE GOSPEL OF PEACE. I desire that my feet remain on the solid rock of peace that is Jesus Christ and he has provided for me. I claim the peace of God that surpasses all understanding and which is mine by justification.
Lord I lift up the SHIELD of FAITH to put out all the darts of fire Satan and his bones throw at me. I recognize that you are my shield, by faith I put my trust in you, to defend my front, back, up, down, right, left, completely covered by you, so that Satan cannot find any way to hurt me, destroy me or prevent me as I carry out your will today. For “You are a shield around me, you are my glory and the one who lifts up my head.”
Make me able to use your word to claim your promises that are mine and acquire all the showers of blessing you have for me.
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I put the helmet of Salvation over my eyes
and just obey his voice.
I put the breastplate of righteousness on my heart,
and I thank you for this garment
because I don’t have any that are mine.
I put the belt of truth around my waist,
to stand up safely,
and strengthen the man inside me.
I put on the sandals of the Gospel of Peace,
and I put my feet on the fullness of the Gospel,
to go proclaim the Good News of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
I hold the shield of faith with my left hand,
to deflect the enemy’s flaming arrows.
You, Oh Lord, are my Strength, my strength, my Redeemer!
which is sharper than any two-edged sword,
penetrating and discerning the intentions of the heart.
Cover me with your Precious Blood,
and create in me a clean heart,
and don’t let evil fall on me.
Build a thick shield of fire around me,
and let no evil befall us. I put my family,
my parents and brothers, my friends, my community, and myself