To protect your newborn? When families grow because of the arrival of a baby at home, it is a great blessing for everyone: parents, uncles, grandparents, brothers, cousins … When this happens, approach the Lord to bless that new creature through your intercession and prayers.
For this, you can resort to prayer for babies and we have selected for you a list that comes down from heaven so that you can pray for your little one.
Baby prayers are a way to thank God every day for this new little blessing.
Prayer for babies helps you reflect on the new life that you brought or are going to bring into the world and also reminds you of God’s promises in this stage of your life as beautiful as motherhood. We will introduce you to the best prayers for babies, raise your prayers to heaven with our help!
Prayer for babies Asks for the protection and blessing of the little ones!
Praying for your baby is one of the tasks that you should always keep in mind in your day to day, remember that they are small and harmless. There are also scenarios in life that are not always the best and you will need God’s help at all times. With some beautiful prayers, you will feel relieved, your child will be protected and both of you closer to God.

Bless your baby with this prayer
Lord, thank you for this precious blessing!
There seems to be no greater physical gift than this sweet bundle of joy, sent directly from you.
Their perfect little fingers and toes, the way they smell heaven, the bubbling love, unmatched in its depth.
It is a wonderful kind of love that we can experience upon his arrival.
Bless this baby, Lord.
Put a shield of protection around its little body and keep it while it grows.
Keep him safe and sound, Lord.
Help this little one to know that he is loved whole and deeply and forever first by you, and then by us his parents.
Bless this baby and his life, bless us too.
Help us adjust to this new normal as we welcome this new member into our lives,
into our hearts, and into our home.
Give us strength and energy when the nights are short.
Cover our home Lord with peace, grace, and love.
Thank you, Lord, for this new life.
We praise you and thank you for your good and perfect creation.
Prayer to dedicate your baby to God
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this precious son.
Although you have entrusted this child to me as a gift, I know that he or she belongs to you.
As Hannah offered Samuel, I dedicate my son to you, Lord.
I acknowledge that it is always in your care.
Help us as parents Lord, with our weaknesses and imperfections.
Give us strength and divine wisdom to raise this child according to your Holy Word.
Supernaturally provide what we lack.
Lord keep my son walking on the path that leads to eternal life.
Help him overcome the temptations of this world and the sin that would so easily entangle him.
Dear Father, send your Holy Spirit daily to guide and advise him.
Always help him grow in wisdom and stature, in grace and knowledge, in kindness, compassion, and love.
May this baby serve you faithfully, with all his heart dedicated to you my God, all the days of his life.
May I discover the joy of your presence through daily relationship with your my Lord Jesus
Help us not to cling too much to this baby, nor to neglect our responsibilities to you as parents.
Lord, may my commitment to raise him to be to the glory of your name, and may he make
his life forever testify of your faithfulness.
In the name of Jesus
- 21 Powerful Prayers For A New Born Baby with Bible Verses
- 12 Prayers to Christs Blood for Love, Children and Healing
- 85 Scriptures For A Healthy Pregnancy And Save Delivery
Prayer for newborns
Dear Heavenly Father, We thank you for the blessings you give us,
especially for the blessings of being parents.
Today we introduce you to the new creature that you have given us.
We recognize that our baby is a miracle of yours and belongs to you.
For this reason, we dedicate it to you in gratitude.
Always carry (name) in your hands.
Save your steps. Accompany him/her every day of his life.
Show him your love always.
Guide us as parents.
Give us wisdom, patience, and love so that we can instruct
and correct our baby in a way that pleases and glorifies you.
Today we renew our vow with you, Jehovah,
declaring that you are the center of our home and
that Jesus, your Son, is our Lord.
Our family praises you because you are a good God.
We trust that we are in your hands.
We pray this prayer in the name of Jesus.
Protection Prayer for Newborn Babies
Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be your name
First of all, I want to thank you For the immense sacrifice,
you made, dying for me, on the cross
That is why I recognize you as my Lord and only Savior
Blessed Father,
I also want to thank you for the beautiful gift you gave me by
allowing me to be the mother of my son/daughter.
Today I want to present her to you so that you have the certainty
That like me, she is also your daughter, and as such She
will be educated on your way, so that she can adore you
You know her, Lord You even knew her long before I do
That is why I want to put her in front of you so that you can be you
Watching over her, in every moment of her life
I ask you, beloved Father, that you keep her from all evil
And that you do not allow any power of danger to rise before her
Clean her little body with hyssop, of any virus or disease
And glorify yourself in her healing
I ask Blessed Father in heaven, That give me the tools and strategies required in
order to be the mother of my daughter needs
Enlighten my way in this new phase that begins in my life
As I became filled with love and hope with the birth of my daughter I
also beg you to fill me with energy and patience
To be the ideal mother for her
I thank you for the life of my daughter
And for the home that thanks to your mercy we have formed
I ask that your eyes be always open and attentive to us
Because we only trust you, my beloved Lord
I thank you, Father And I bless you in the sweet name of your son Jesus
Prayer for a baby who is at risk
Our father who art in Heaven.
Here I am that I carry in my womb a small, weak, and vulnerable child,
who is already transforming my whole body and my heart
Thank you for entrusting it to me, thank you for allowing me to welcome you.
How Mary welcomed Jesus on the day of the Annunciation.
Thank you for allowing me to welcome him as my mother welcomed me
when she discovered my presence in the depths of herself.
Good Father that you love us, I am amazed at this life
so secret and pulsating, so fragile and full of promise.
Thank you for having given me the eyes of the heart that allows me
to see my son from now on. When it is not yet visible.
Father full of kindness, help me to do every day what I can
do to make this little boy happy.
I ask you, Father of all graces, to be able to transmit to this son all the faith,
all the hope, and all the love that I carry in my heart.
Finally, with my son who is yours before anything else, I ask you, Father,
to always keep us under your protection, now and forever
Sick Newborn Babies Prayer
Father, you are holy sir.
You know the hearts of your children And you know our sorrows, just as you knew
your son Jesus felt on the cross.
Father, you knew of my desire to have a baby and you granted it to me,
Lord have mercy on me and my family, My baby is healthy in Jesus name
Your son died for each of us on the cross, To be saved and healed, father.
God heals (your baby’s name) I ask you, father.
He is healed by the blood of Christ, In Jesus name,
Prayer for Newborn babies
For newborn babies, unfortunately, there are greater risks in terms of health,
growth and other complications.
For this, we put faith and entrust the baby to God and all the saints
so that they take care of it and protect it during that period that it needs to finish
maturing its organism or whatever it needs.
It is a very complicated situation for us, but with faith and the support of the
family is soon overcome to have our baby at home with us.
Prayer for the healing of a sick baby
Heavenly Father,
Today I approach you to ask about the health of my baby.
I know that you are full of requests for healing,
but I also know that you are attentive to the faith of everyone who prays.
I prostrate myself before you in adoration and recognition of your great healing power.
I humbly implore you to restore this innocent’s health.
Lord, my baby’s health is dying.
Please come to his room, come to his bed, put your hands
on his body so that he is saved and alive.
I don’t care if the reports say that this innocent no longer has hope;
I only care about your mercy, oh Lord.
Therefore, at this moment I decide not to fear.
At this moment, I choose to believe.
I will remove from my ears any voice that wants to destroy my faith.
I will not look at the faces of those who have no faith in you, my God.
Rather, I will be with my baby to pray and bless her body.
While others are in an uproar, I will bless you.
While others mourn, I will bless you.
While others cry, I will bless you.
My blessing will be transformed into healing,
it will become a miracle for your glory, oh Lord!
I believe in my heart and declare with my mouth;
my baby will be healthy, my baby will get up!
Arise precious creation of God.
Get up and walk.
Get up and let everyone thank the Lord for his great goodness.
In Jesus name, Amen
Prayer for Unborn Babies: Pray for your baby from the time it is in the womb
When your baby is in your tummy he can perceive everything that happens around him and everything that you transmit to him. Instill the love of God from before birth, spread your love and mercy through some beautiful prayers, your little one listening to them will surely give you a kick!

Prayer of parents expecting a child
with all love, we place ourselves in your presence as a married couple whom you have blessed.
and the fullness of love.
giving us the son we are looking forward to.
and the emotion that fills our hearts.
It fills us with joy to know that we are creators with you of this new creature,
ours and yours at the same time, our God, source of life.
we now want to purify ourselves of all evil to be clean channels through
which life and faith pass to our son, to our family, to the Church, to the world.
We want to always be an exemplary couple and form a holy family for your glory.
each other in your name and in your love.
Prayer of husbands expecting a child
Virgin Mary, Mother of God, who sheltered the Savior in your womb,
we ask you to protect us at this moment when we confidently await a child,
so that we can accept him with love; and educate him so that he
“grows in wisdom, stature, and grace in the eyes of God and men”;
and lead him with our example to the Father’s house.
Prayer of pregnant women
Mary, mother of beautiful love, a sweet girl from Nazareth,
you who proclaimed the greatness of the Lord and saying “yes”,
you became the mother of our Savior and our mother:
heed the prayers that I make to you today.
Inside me, a new life is growing: a little one that will bring joy and joy,
concerns and fears, hopes and happiness to my home.
Take care of it and protect it while I carry it in my womb!
And that, in the happy moment of birth,
when I hear their first sounds and see their little hands,
I can thank the Creator for the wonder of this gift, which He gives me.
That, following your example and model, I can accompany and watch my son grow.
Help me and inspire me so that he finds in me a refuge where he can take shelter
and, at the same time, a starting point to take his own paths.
Also, my sweet Mother, pay special attention to those women
who face this moment alone, without support or without affection.
May they feel the love of the Father and discover that every child
that comes into the world is a blessing.
Let them know that the heroic decision to welcome and
nurture the child is taken into account.
Our Lady of Sweet Wait, give us your comfort and courage!
Prayer for the little brother to be born
Dear God!
We ask you for (name), our little brother (a) who is going to be born.
May he grow up healthy in mom’s tummy and may we soon have him playing
with us, to love him and help him grow as your child.
Thank you for everything you give us and for loving us so much!
Grandparents’ prayer for the unborn grandchild
Mister! We ask you by (name), who we are waiting for,
and who is already part of our lives, who will help us
give meaning to our existence; transforming our old age
with the tender word of grandparents.
May he grow in love and wisdom before your eyes and be a source
of blessing for all those around him!
We pray that we can see him grow healthy,
body and soul, and that he never leaves the palm of your hand.
We ask you for our children (names) who will soon become parents,
so that you accompany and enlighten them, in this compromising and wonderful
experience of engendering life, as Mary and Joseph did with Jesus.
To you, who live and reign, forever and ever!
Prayer to Our Lady of Sweet Wait
Our Lady of Sweet Hope, in the experience of your motherhood
protected by the Holy Spirit, you have shared our hope,
as well as our sorrows and joys.
Since you reign gloriously with your Son Jesus Christ, our Savior, and Lord,
we know that you want to come to our aid.
Heed this plea and protect us at the moment
when we confidently expect a child, so that we can accept him with love,
educate him in the Catholic faith, and lead him with our example
to the house of God the Father.
Healing prayer for your unborn baby
Lord, thank you for the gift of life: ours and that of this baby
that is gestating in the womb.
We know that from conception we are capable of being influenced
both for good and bad, in our physical, psychological, and spiritual areas.
It is for this reason that we ask you, that your Mercy is on this baby
so that if it is your Holy Will, our physical, psychological, and spiritual frailties do not influence him,
or if we have already done so, your own Mercy heals him.
We apologize because many of these weaknesses that today put
our baby’s overall health at risk has been our bad decision.
Give us the grace of an integral conversion that can make us
a little more worthy of this life that you are entrusting to us.
No, we are not afraid that you allow in your mysterious wisdom
that this baby is born with serious physical, psychological, and spiritual deficiencies
.But, if so, we ask you to inflame in us a burning oblative love that embraces it,
and that as far as possible it seeks its integral healing.
We ask you to imprint in his heart the conviction that we, his parents,
love him for being a blessing out of your hands, that it is not an accident,
that his life is a unique and unrepeatable gift, and that what we most desire
is may one day be saved and be with you for all eternity.
We give it to you, we consecrate it to you, it is yours, not ours.
May what lives on this earth be a song to your Mercy, an act of adoration to You,
who are, the only true God.
Finally, we ask that you also apply this prayer to all babies who are gestating
in the womb, especially those who are most in danger due to the serious physical,
psychological and spiritual injuries of their parents.
Prayer to the archangel Gabriel for a mother and her unborn child
The archangel Gabriel is undoubtedly a symbol of protection for pregnant women, newborn babies, and everything that has to do with motherhood, so if you need spiritual help you can turn to the angel Gabriel. This archangel was the one who announced to the Virgin Mary that she was carrying the Son of God in her womb.
For this reason, the blessings of this great archangel are used for everything related to pregnancy and the well-being of mother and child.

You who announced to the Virgin Mary the birth of Christ
and filled her with divine blessing, I beg you according to the will of God
and in the name of Jesus Christ, the blessing for all women who desire a child.
I ask you for a special blessing for and for the being that grows (or will grow) in her womb.
Fill them with your light of unequaled purity, so that with your divine illumination
the love of God towards all humanity may be manifested.
Prayer for babies in terminal stage or for the little angels who went to heaven
“When their hands close on the earth, two wings unfold in eternity …” The pain of the loss of a child is irremediable and more if you could hardly enjoy it or left before you met them. In addition to being something natural that cannot be avoided, when this happens it is said that the baby has already fulfilled its work in the world.
When a baby stops living on this plane, God picks it up to live eternally with him and in the hearts of his parents and family.
These prayers speak in a beautiful way because when a baby dies a little angel is born in heaven, when a few eyes are closed, new wings open and the moment a child stops beating on earth, a heart beats next to God. pure and clean.

Prayer for a terminally ill newborn baby
Lord, thank you for your mercy and thank you for everything.
Father, you have a plan for each one of us.
And if my baby is not what you want, I give it to you, God.
I give you the life of my baby
I know that my baby with you will always be at peace
You will have my baby under your majestic wings
And I will take care of them, me and my family
Father, thank you because you gave me the opportunity to
have (your baby’s name) on my arm and for letting me know him /
her. You are in control of my life and my feelings
Not only of mine but also of each person who is going through for this
Lord, you strengthen us, In the name of Jesus,
Amen to each person who is going through this
Lord, you strengthen us, In the name of Jesus,
Prayer for unborn babies
My God, Receive my unborn child with your loving hands.
Let him know that my love for him will not perish.
Bless me on this earth and help me get through the pain.
Sow a seed that illuminates my baby’s heart; that does not
know the dark
Help me to live the days and the night to pass quickly.
Hold me when I can do nothing but cry.
Increase my faith so that I can see my son live by Your side.
Forgive me when my sadness makes me indifferent.
Tell my son that there will always be a place for him in my heart,
full of Your Divine Grace And, when You call me to Your Kingdom that is in Heaven,
wait for me with him by Your side so that I can embrace and love him as I could not hear.
A beautiful prayer for babies who went to heaven
My God,
Receive my unborn child with your loving hands.
Let him know that my love for him will not perish.
Bless me on this earth and help me get through the pain.
Sow a seed that illuminates my baby’s heart; that does not
know the darkness Help me to live the days and the night to pass quickly.
Hold me when I can do nothing but cry.
Increase my faith so that I can see my son live by your side
Forgive me when my sadness makes me indifferent.
for him in my heart, full of Your Divine Grace
wait for me with it by Your side so that I can embrace it and love it as I could not hear.
Prayer for a deceased baby
O my Lord Jesus Christ, we turn to you in this hour
of immense pain, to beg you to design to protect the soul of my son (the name is said)
who has wanted to bring you to your presence, my father
We do not know the reasons, but we know that as a baby, none were his sins.
Therefore we beg you, welcome our beautiful angel into your womb,
and give him your true light.
To you, Blessed Mother Mary, we ask you to intercede
for us and deign to take him in your loving womb of the mother of Jesus Christ.
For your love to guide him directly to heaven, in the presence of your son,
and our Heavenly Father
We beg you, sacred hearts of Jesus and Mary,
that you deign to listen to our prayers and prayers.
Thank you for listening to the prayers of these parents in pain,
for such a sensitive loss, Thank you, God.
Prayer of consolation for the death of a baby
They say that when a child closes his eyes to the world
a new angel is born in heaven, that when his hands close on earth
two wings unfold in eternity.
They say that when a child stops beating,
a clean and pure heart beats next to that of God,
that when two virgin feet stop walking,
a great path with flowers and plants
awaits at the top of the summit.
They say that when a child stops living,
God picks him up to live forever.
Because a child is a smile in the morning, noon
and night, it is play and mischief.
And for this very reason, because it is hope,
a child never ceases to exist.
He lives because God as creator
does not allow unfinished work,
he does not want something of his to be unjustly forgotten, he
wants this world of ours to
be adorned by the beauty and candor,
the joy and spontaneity of a child.
For this reason, when a child closes his eyes prematurely,
a new angel is born in heaven,
two wings unfold overhead,
an angelic song is heard in the sky,
a heavenly whisper sustains the sadness of the moment.
Today, an angel exists: in our family
in our hearts
in our faith
in our hope.
His name is….
Biblical passages to accompany your prayers for babies and bless them throughout their life
Incorporate your baby’s name into these passages so that you can use the Bible as you pray for them. Remember that right now they are babies, but tomorrow they will be adults and with God’s help you will raise good men and women.
- “I asked the Lord to give me my son, and he granted my request. Now I give it to the Lord and it will belong to him all his life. ” 1 Samuel 1:27, 28
- “Lord, guide me so that I can show my son your way so that when he is old he will not turn away from him.” Proverbs 22: 6
- “Lord, teach my son so that his well-being may be great.” Isaiah 54:13
- “Lord, help me to always value MY CHILDREN and allow your angels to always surround them.” Matthew 18:10
- “My son, may the Lord bless you, and take care of you! MY DAUGHTER, May the Lord make his face shine on you, and have mercy on you! May the Lord lift up His countenance upon MY DAUGHTER, and put peace in her! ” Numbers 6: 24-26
- “My son, may the Lord’s plans be for your well-being and not for your evil, to give you a future full of hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
- “Lord, help MY CHILDREN to be obedient, for they belong to you. That their parents know how to honor us, so that they enjoy the promise you make to those who obey this commandment; so that they do well and have a long life. Help us not to provoke or mistreat them. Help us to raise them under the discipline and instruction that come from you, just as your word commands. ” Ephesians 6: 1-4

When your child is in the early stages of his life and they are just babies, you should try to keep him away from all evil … both earthly and spiritual.
The latter for humans is difficult to control and therefore they must resort to the help of the Almighty to help you in this battle of parenting and emerge victorious from the hand of God.