As mysteries in gods word is unveiled, i like you to know that There is nothing in this world that is as precious as the word of the Lord. It is the light to our path and the lamp to our feet.
It is by the word of the Lord that we walk in the light. It is the food that nourishes our souls; it is the water of life that refreshes our spirit.
Job declared that he esteemed the words that came out of the mouth of God more than his necessary food.
Jeremiah summed up what should be the attitude of every believer in Christ to the word of the Lord, when he said “Thy words were found, and I did eat them, and thy word was the joy and rejoicing of my heart, for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts”
(Jeremiah 15:16).
We are to search out the word of God until we find, or discover or get to know, and understand it. When we do, we will find the strength we need to run the race set before us, victoriously.
READMORE: Engaging The Wisdom To Reign In Life
When the word of the Lord is revealed to us, the joy of the Lord will fill our hearts.
This is why it is important for you to locate yourself in a Church where the word of God is being faithfully expounded and taught everyday.
A Church like that will do you a wealth of good and help you to connect a glorious destiny in Christ.
Whenever you sit under the teaching of the word of God, you should open up your heart to absorb the light that the word is bringing.
You should open up your Bible to follow through with what is being taught, and you should open up your notes to write down whatever insight, understanding, direction, or instruction that is coming to you from the word of the Lord.
Never should you be casual in your approach to the word of God.
It is the food by which you live.
The teachings of the word that you are receiving is not a vain thing, it is your life (Deut. 32:46-47). By them, you discover the precious promises of God by which you connect with your inheritance in Christ.
ALSO READ: The Hidden Secrets Of Wisdom And Revelation
Child of God, your regular attendance in the house of God where you are fed with God’s word should be a top priority in your agenda. Make sure you are consistent and regular, receiving daily the word of the Lord. Make sure you rejoice to receive God’s word and to apply them in your daily life. And make sure you support that Church where you are fed with the word of God with your prayers, your service, your tithe, your offerings and your goodwill.
If you exalt the word of the Lord in your life and walk in the light it brings, you will prosper in all your ways.
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night (Ps. 1:1-2).
Endeavor to Cherish the teaching of his word today.
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