It take commitment to God and his kingdom the ultimate key to greatness in life.
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The kingdom of God deserve the highest level of commitment on earth.
As a Christian, your commitment to God should be greater than your commitment to your official work or anything else. This is because your primary assignment on earth is to be committed and dedicated to God, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”Mathew 6:33
Unfortunately, many christian are more committed to money making and career pursuits than they are to God who created them and therefore, deserves their full commitment.
Read More:
- Divine Wisdom Commands Success
- Unveiling The Pregnant Faith
- Abraham’s Blessings Are Yours
Ultimate keys to greatness in life can be what you need to triumph in life just like a Abraham.
Abraham was a man who was doggedly committed to God . in Genesis 12:1-5, God disconnected him from physical relationships and associations yet he agreed to follow God.
Abraham had a place where he met with God on a daily basis; it was rigid routine (Genesis 19:27).
It was Abraham’s habit to greet God first thing in the morning before talking to any man.
In Genesis 22, God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son and he agreed.
What a sacrificial heart!
Ultimate Key To Greatness In Life
1. Be committed to God and make it a lifestyle
Greatness it’s what we all desire, If you are committed to something, you will not quite so therefore, being committed to God will open you up to greatness.
2. Give Him your life, time, resources and energy.
3. Put God first in every thing you do.
God is not a user of men but a rewarder of those who diligently seek him, Abraham seek God and he was made a blessings to generations still to come.
Give it all to God, commitment to God and his kingdom is key to greatness in life.
Above is the ultimate keys to greatness in life, study and meditate.