The 12 Years Prayers of Saint Bridget

The 12 Years Prayers of Saint Bridget
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One of the most common forms of spiritual prayer is the Twelve Years Prayers of St. Bridget. This tradition dates back to the 14th century when Bridget was a religious sister and widow. Her husband died, leaving her to raise their eight children on her own.

After her husband’s death, Bridget founded the Order of the Most Holy Savior and spent the rest of her life as a nun. During her life, St. Bridget was visited by visions of Jesus and Mary, and her visions were later published. These visions were related to the 12 Years Prayers.

The Magnificent Promises

  1. The soul that prays them will not suffer any Purgatory.
  2. The soul that prays them will be accepted among the martyrs as if he had shed his own blood for faith.
  3. The soul that prays them can choose three others whom Jesus will then maintain in a state of grace sufficient for them to sanctify themselves.
  4. None of the four generations following the soul that prays them will be lost.
  5. The soul that prays them will be aware of his death a month before it occurs.

* In the event that the person praying them dies before reaching the age of twelve, the Lord will accept these prayers as if they had been prayed in their entirety. If you skip a day or a couple of days with just cause, they can be compensated later.

This devotion has been declared good and recommended both by the Sacro Collegio de Propaganda Fidei, and by Pope Clement XII.- Pope Innocent X confirmed this revelation as “coming from the Lord”.


O Jesus, now I wish to pray the Lord’s prayer seven times together with the love with which You sanctified this prayer in Your Heart. Take it from my lips to Your Sacred Heart. Improve and complete it so that it will bring as much honor and happiness to the Trinity on earth as You guaranteed with this prayer. May it spill over Your holy humanity for the glorification of Your painful wounds and the most precious Blood that You shed from them. Amen

Our Father, Hail Mary

Eternal Father, through the immaculate hands of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I offer You the first wounds, the first pains, and the first spill of Blood as atonement for the sins of my childhood and of all humanity, as protection against the first mortal sin, especially among my relatives.

Our Father, Hail Mary

Eternal Father, through the immaculate hands of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I offer you the intense suffering of the Heart of Jesus in the Garden of Olives and every drop of sweat of blood as atonement for my sins of the heart and those of all humanity, as a protection against such sins and so that divine and fraternal love may spread.

Our Father, Hail Mary

Eternal Father, through the immaculate hands of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I offer you the wounds, the pains and the most precious blood of the scourging as atonement for my sins of the flesh and those of all humanity, as protection against such sins and the preservation of innocence, especially among my relatives.

Our Father, Hail Mary

Eternal Father, through the immaculate hands of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I offer you the wounds, the pains, and the most precious blood of the sacred head of Jesus after the crowning with thorns, as atonement for my sins of the spirit and those of all humanity, as a protection against such sins and so that the kingdom of Christ may be extended here on earth.

Our Father, Avemaría

Eternal Father, through the immaculate hands of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I offer you the sufferings on the way to the cross, especially the holy wound on his shoulder and the most precious blood as atonement for my denial of the cross and the of all mankind, all my protests against your divine plans and all other sins of word, as a protection against such sins and for a true love of the cross.

​​Our Father, Hail Mary

Eternal Father, through the immaculate hands of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I offer you Your Son on the cross, when he was nailed and raised, the wounds on his hands and feet and the three threads of the most precious blood that he shed there for us, the extreme tortures of body and soul, his precious death and his bloodless renewal in all the holy masses on Earth, as atonement for all wounds against the vows and norms within the Orders, as reparation for my sins and those of the whole world, for the sick and dying, for all holy priests and laity, for the intentions of the Holy Father for the restoration of Christian families, for the strengthening of the Faith, for our country and for the union of all nations in Christ and his Church, as well as for the diaspora.

​​Our Father, Hail Mary

Eternal Father, accept as worthy, for the needs of the Holy Church and as atonement for the sins of all humanity, the most precious blood and water that flowed from the wound of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Be merciful to us. Blood of Christ, the last precious content of his Sacred Heart, wash me clean of all my guilt of sin and those of others! Water from the side of Christ; wash me totally from the penances of sin and extinguish the flames of Purgatory for me and for all the souls in Purgatory! Amen


Deep Study On The Twelve Years Prayers of Saint Bridget

12 years prayers of Saint Bridget


Seven prayers to be recited daily for a year

In honor of St. Bridget, the author has prepared a list of Seven prayers to be recited daily for a year. These prayers honor the seven times that Christ shed his blood for mankind, and honor the Martyrs as if they had shed their own blood. When recited daily, these prayers guarantee that no one will go to purgatory or hell, and that a person will be informed of his or her death one month in advance.

The St. Bridget Prayers are included in the Pieta Prayer Book. These fifteen prayers are a good meditation on the Passion of Christ and are especially useful during Lent. St. Bridget’s prayer is only four verses long, so it should be easy to memorize. Moreover, it is also a good choice to read these prayers on a regular basis, regardless of whether or not you are suffering from the effects of the past.

These prayers are based on an ancient chant that explains the meaning of the Magnificent Promises. They are supposed to encourage daily prayer and sanctification. If you’re a neurotic, you might even feel pressured to memorize all of them every day. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that daily recitation will improve your life. Rather, you’ll become more content and peaceful.

Some people have claimed that reciting the Prayers of Saint Bridget is a key to achieving happiness. Some have even published pamphlets on the subject. The Promises are supposedly divinely inspired, which suggests that they are authentic. However, the author’s claims are questionable. In any case, reprinting and publishing such material is not recommended.

Twelve blows

In addition to her work as a missionary, Saint Bridget also founded the Order of the Most Holy Savior, also known as the Bridgettines. Although she died while her religious order was still in its infancy, she was a very active saint and worked hard toward her mission, which was only realized after her death. In 12 years, she would make over 16,000 pilgrimages to many holy places, including Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

The number of actual blows to Christ during His Passion has been controversial, but it is not in conflict with Catholic teachings. Scriptural accounts of the Passion support this claim. The revelation of the exact number of blows to Christ was made by the Divine, who knows the details of the Passion. St. Bridget was chosen by the Divine to learn the truth and inspire a greater love for suffering. The prayers of Saint Bridget are said to confirm the salvation of up to fifteen souls from her lineage.

St. Bridget was born in Uppland, Sweden, in 1303. Her family was wealthy. She lived with her mother’s sister for a year, and later married Ulf Gudmarsson. The two eventually had eight children, including St. Catherine of Sweden, who was a daughter of St. Bridget’s. However, her visions never were formally approved by the Church, but were nevertheless deemed true by Pope Pius IX.

These are just two of the fifteen Prayers of Saint Bridget, and they are shorter than the fifteen. The Saint Bridget Twelve Year Prayers are intended to be said for twelve years. Both Popes Clement XII and Innocent X endorsed them. Both Saint Bridget’s 12 Years Prayers are a powerful way to remember Jesus’ Precious Blood. While they focus on the seven times that the Lord spilled his blood on earth, they are full of promises.

Magnificent promises

In a recent pamphlet entitled “The Secret of Happiness,” the blessed Lord allegedly made five promises to Saint Bridget. These are not approved by Holy Mother Church. Despite the poster’s faith in a supernatural origin for the prayers, he/she has not reproduced the promises. We can only speculate on the significance of these promises, but we must recognize their lack of Catholic approval.

Saint Bridget of Sweden had twelve years of prayers that were said to assure the safety of her children, grandchildren, and two generations after her death. Her twelve year prayers also include four other promises. Her visions of the suffering of Christ are part of the prayer. These promises were made in 1305 and later published. The Magnificent Promises of Saint Bridget’s 12 Years Prayers were a response to the visions she had received.

sacramental Confession

The twelve years prayers of Saint Bridget are a wonderful example of the virtues of sacramental confession. Saint Bridget herself was a convert who appreciated the graces of the Sacrament of Penance. But how hard was it for her? Saint John Chrysostom posed a very difficult question: what would the Holy Spirit be doing as she prayed?

Pope Pious IX acknowledged that the prayers of St. Bridget were given by the blessed Lord and he endorsed them on May 31, 1862. Moreover, there are five alleged promises made to St. Bridget that have never been recognized as approved by Holy Mother Church. While the poster believes that the prayers are genuine and beneficial for the soul, he did not reproduce these promises.

St. Bridget was a Christian and was born in the year 1302. She was raised by a virtuous aunt. Although she could not speak, she began to pray and praise God at an early age. As she grew older, she began to speak more clearly. During her early childhood, Bridget was attracted to serious discourses and the pious readings.

The fifteen prayers of St. Bridget are a wonderful meditation on the Passion of Christ. You may find them especially helpful during Lent. In fact, they are often a favorite during Lent, when we are focusing our prayers on Christ. If you can remember them for just twelve years, you will reach the First Degree of Perfection. So, let’s ponder! What is it about twelve years of praying the prayers of Saint Bridget that makes them so powerful?

St. Bridget’s 12-year prayer

There are many ways to pray the 12 year prayer of St. Bridget of Sweden. This prayer was written by a 14th century Swedish mystic and visionary. She was given a set of prayers by Our Divine Lord and prayed them for twelve years. In addition to praying the 12 year prayer, Bridget also made four other promises. Below are four examples of St. Bridget’s prayers.

The first is that St. Bridget, a Swedish nun, was told by the Blessed Mother to pray the seven prayers for twelve years. These prayers honour the seven moments in Jesus’ life where his blood was shed for humanity. Pope Clement XII later approved them. St. Bridget was so devoted to her prayers that she offered them to a nun during a time of severe persecution. The prayer has a unique, powerful appeal.

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