Prayers of Consecration to the immaculate heart of Mary

Consecration to the immaculate heart of Mary
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In this article, we will discuss what Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary means and the prayers. This act of total consecration to Mary is a sign of God’s kingdom, and it has several spiritual benefits. We will also look at the benefits and signs of total consecration in general. Continue readin g below.

What is the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary?

A promise of love where everything that the family is, has and does is given to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary, to live fully surrendered to the will of the Father.

The family is left in the hands of the Virgin Mary so that she may exercise her role as spiritual Mother, Mediatrix of graces, Advocate and Queen.

The final goal of all consecration is Jesus; The Virgin Mary is the effective means to achieve greater union with Christ and she is a source of maternal protection against Satan.

Through consecration, the members of the family are to become like Saint Joseph, totally dedicated to Jesus and Mary. They must ask God for the grace to live faithful to this consecration, recognizing that they belong to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, who must be the center of every aspect of their lives, decisions, relationships, etc.


What are the fruits of the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary?

It will allow the Most Holy Virgin to freely use her power of intercession and sanctification for the growth of her family in her grace.

The Virgin respects the will of each one and therefore waits for the family to consecrate itself freely in order to then fully exercise its mission. First we must open the doors and then respond faithfully to everything that the Virgin asks to bring us closer to the Heart of Jesus.

The Virgin Mary will be a Source of Protection: Due to the free decision they have made, her family belongs to the Heart of Mary, and they will be protected spiritually.

It will obtain graces for them to live in virtue and will help them to open their hearts to live the virtues that are found in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Especially humility, meekness, sacrificial love, purity and obedience

It will also help them exercise the virtues that build and maintain family unity, such as peace, order, respect, delicacy, thinking of the other first, self-sacrifice, communication, and above all, charity.



How should a Family consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary live?

mind your business

-Fidelity to the Church and the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist and regular Confession.

-Prayer, personal and family, especially the recitation of the Holy Rosary frequently.

-Have an image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in a prominent place in the home

-Support your parish in any way you can (with your time, resources, etc.)

-Be generous in the needs of others.

-Regularly renew the prayer of Consecration of the family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


Individual consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Oh, my Virgin, Oh, my Mother,
I offer myself entirely to your Immaculate Heart
and I consecrate my body and my soul,
my thoughts and my actions.


I want to be what you want me to be,
do what you want me to do.

I do not fear, for you are with me always.

Help me to love your son Jesus,
with all my heart and above all things.

Put my hand in yours so that I will always be with you.


Consecration of home and family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Oh Virgin Mary! Today we want to consecrate our home and those who inhabit it to your Most Pure Heart.

May our house, like yours in Nazareth, become an oasis of peace and happiness through:

– the fulfillment of God’s will,

– the practice of charity,

– and abandonment to Divine Providence,


May we all love each other as Christ taught us! Help us to always live Christianly and wrap us in your tenderness.

I ask You for the children that God has given us (the names are mentioned) so that you free them from all evil and danger of soul and body, and keep them within Your Immaculate Heart. Deign, our Mother, to transform our home into a little heaven, all consecrated to your Immaculate Heart. Amen.

Sacred heart of Jesus miracle prayer

Consecration of the Family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Most Holy Love of Jesus, we consecrate our hearts, our lives, and our families to you.

We know that the beautiful example of Your home in Nazareth was a model for each of our families.

We hope to obtain with Your help, the union and the strong and lasting love that You received.

– May our home be filled with joy.

– May sincere affection, patience, tolerance and mutual respect always be present.

– May our prayers include the needs of others, not just our own.

– May we always be close to the Sacraments.

– May peace be with us, and when difficulties come, give us comfort and hope.

Bless all of us who live here and also the deceased

Keep our families close to your Love and may Your protection always be with us.



Consecration of the house to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart of Jesus;
We have gathered here to offer you our home.

Today, when you are kicked out of so many places,
we are delighted to welcome you to our home.

We want you to live by our side;
that you participate in our joys and our sorrows.

of our wealth and our poverty,
of our triumphs and our failures.

We want you to enlighten us in our doubts,
to warn us of our dangers,
to help us in our temptations,
to encourage us in our setbacks,
to guide us in our resolutions and, above all,
to light us up in a great love for You,
that leads us to always serve you with all fidelity.

Grant us, Lord, that we be better Christians every day,
that our life be an authentic testimony of our faith,
that we learn to see you in others,
that we know how to sincerely ask for forgiveness of our sins,
and. finally, that we obtain the supreme grace of a holy death, that reunites us with you, in Glory, to all of us who now love each other here.

Lord, we are not worthy to have you come into our house;
but if you went to the centurion’s, and entered Zaccheus’s, and also Mary Magdalene’s,
deign to stay here, with us, forever.

We are going to always try in this house:
to believe what You want us to believe,
think what You want us to think,
read what You want us to read,
speak what You want us to speak,
love what You want us to love,
and do what You want us to do.

May this whole family always conform to your wishes.

Because we trust in You as in our Father. And we have not enthroned you here to witness our rebellions and sins, but to bless the willingness we have to serve you.

Help us with your grace, for we recognize our weakness.

But in You we put our trust.


Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in YOU (three times).

Our father. Ave Maria. Glory.

Note: It is recommended to renew this consecration every year, if possible by confessing and receiving communion with the whole family.


Daily Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

My kind Jesus, as a testimony of my gratitude and in reparation for my infidelities, I N…give you my heart; I consecrate myself entirely to you and I propose with your grace not to offend you any more.

Consecration of the human race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sweetest Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look at us kneeling humbly in your presence. We are yours and we want to be yours; and to be more firmly united with You, today each one of us voluntarily consecrates himself to Your Sacred Heart.

Many have never met You; many have rejected You, despising Your commandments. Have mercy on one and the other, most benign Jesus, and draw them all to Your Sacred Heart. Reign, Lord, not only over those who have never been separated from You, but also over the prodigal sons who have abandoned You; make them return to their father’s house soon, so that they do not die of misery and hunger. Reign over those who are led astray by error or stopped by discord, and make them return to the port of truth and to the unity of faith, so that soon there will be but one flock and one shepherd. Grant, Lord, to Your Church full freedom and security; grant everyone the tranquility of order; Make that from one end of the earth to the other, only one voice is heard: Praised be the Divine Heart, through whom salvation has come to us; To Him be glory and honor forever and ever. Amen.


Consecration of young people to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Divine Heart of Jesus, through the Heart of Mary, the new woman of Nazareth, we consecrate ourselves to your Heart to be in our world a beacon of hope for the downtrodden, joy for so many young people who find themselves alone and desperate. Do not let us fall into the temptation of doing nothing. Help us to sow the paths of love to those who suffer and to be among the young builders of the Civilization of Love. Amen.



Prayer for the consecration of families from all over the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (carried out on June 3, 2007 in Barcelona (Spain) by Cardinal De Giorgi)

Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the world,
Friend of the simple and of sinners,
that on the Cross you have allowed yourself to be pierced by
your Sacred Heart to save us from sin
and give us the abundance of divine grace.

Look compassionately on our weakness, and have mercy.

Free us from sin and evil,
and lead us to authentic peace,
which is found through conversion
and acceptance of your Word.

You who invite us to follow
you and love you as disciples,
because in this way we will find the rest
and happiness that we so desire,
never leave us from your powerful hand,
and support us kindly in all our ways.

Today we humbly consecrate
our lives and our families to your Heart,
and we entrust to your mercy all the families of the world.
because we always want to live with trust placed only in You,
who are infinite Love,
and because we want to serve You and our brothers and sisters out of love for You with all our heart.

Make, Lord, that we can all find in You
the true Friend and the kind and humble Teacher,
and that in your Sacred Heart we learn the generous and sacrificial love towards all.


Brief Study on Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Consecration to the immaculate heart of Mary

In this session, we will discuss what Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary means. This act of total consecration to Mary is a sign of God’s kingdom, and it has several spiritual benefits. Here’s a brief history of this act. And what are the benefits of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary? We will also look at the benefits and signs of total consecration in general.

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is a spirituality

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is a specific form of Catholic devotion that is based on the principles of Mariology, the medieval school of theology. It acknowledges Mary as the Mother of the Savior, giving her Son humanity in order to pass on His blessings. The heart of Mary is the seat of the Holy Spirit, the source of all spiritual life.

Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was first developed during the Middle Ages, where Mary’s heart is regarded as her central center. It is a source of purity and gives her the name Immaculate. Just as Jesus took His sacred humanity from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the heart of Mary was pierced in union with her Son. Today, Mary is venerated as the Mother of God and gives grace to the Christian soul.

It is an act of total consecration

What is an act of total consecration to Mary? Simply put, total consecration means that you set aside your entire life to serve God. The Church has long advocated this kind of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Pope John Paul II endorsed this act and added a missionary dimension. Today, we can pray to Mary as we seek to live our lives according to her example.

The preparation for total consecration begins 33 days before the Marian feast. After that, you must count backwards 33 days until the Marian feast day. This is the day you will make your act of total consecration. Listed below are Marian feast days and their associated start dates. To begin preparing, choose the Marian feast day that is 33 days before the date of the Act of Total Consecration.

It has spiritual benefits

The physical heart of Mary is a physical manifestation of her sublime love for God, her Divine Son, and mankind. This heart shares the love and affections of interior life and registers them. The physical heart is the most visible organ of spiritual life and merits veneration. In fact, this heart has become a universal feast. The spiritual benefits of consecration to the immaculate heart of Mary are numerous.

During the Fatima apparition, Jesus told his apostles that he would return in glory through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The apostles, in their turn, asked the Immaculate Heart of Mary to grant them peace, mercy, and joy. In addition to this, Jesus explained the purpose of the Five First Saturdays, which deal with making amends for dishonoring Mary. Consecration is also linked to the Holy Eucharist.

It is a sign of God’s kingdom

The Immaculate Heart of Mary shines as a model of the perfect love of God and neighbor. Love conquers all. This is the hymn of charity in the book of 1 Corinthians. Mary’s voice soared to the omnipotent. The consecrated life is a special gift to the Church and an incomparable sign of God’s kingdom. The sanctity of a religious life makes us feel the hope and joy of the kingdom.

There are three levels of Marian devotion: personal, communal, and universal. Whether a person practices Marian devotion on a regular basis or makes an oblation only occasionally, the intention is to increase their love of God and Mary. For example, a priest may want to offer a special prayer to Mary. Others may simply choose to offer a prayer to Mary.

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