45 Powerful Short prayers for your daily life

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45 Powerful Best Short prayers to Help you Get Through Your Daily Life.

Life is full of ups and down seasons and some seasons are just too tough to endure but God never left us alone, that’s why we have put together 45 powerful short prayers for our daily life.

Some seasons of life can be so tough to endure the hardship and heartbreak,  even knowing what to say to God sometimes can be a very difficult thing. these 45 Powerful Short prayers for your daily life are here to help you whenever you face such challenges.

45 Powerful Short prayers for your daily life

12 powerful Armor of God prayers with bible verses

Short Prayer for Difficult Times

Life is full of seasons of hard times but God is always set and he’s ready to help us, use these prayers when you encounter these tough seasons in your life.

Prayer for Peace

Father God, my heart is filled with chaos and confusion. I feel as if I am drowning in my circumstances and my heart is filled with fear and confusion. I really need the strength and peace that only You can give. Right now, I choose to rest in You. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

Prayer for the Broken-Hearted

Lord, my heart is broken but You are near. My spirit is crushed, but You are my rescuer. Your Word is my hope. It revives me and comforts me in especially now. My soul faints, but you are the breath of life within me. You are my help, the One who sustains me. I am weak but You are strong. You bless those who mourn, and I trust You to bless me and my family with all that we need. You will rescue me from this dark cloud of despair because You delight in me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer for Perseverance

Holy Lord, Thank You for grace. Please help me move beyond the hurdles that trip me up and give me the strength and wisdom to look up and see the hope I run toward in Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Prayer for Self Control

Father, today I ask forgiveness for all the negative and harmful words I have spoken about myself. I do not want to abuse myself in such a way again. Transform my thoughts and let me understand how marvelously you made me. Change my habits so I use my tongue to speak hope and favor upon my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

8 powerful Prayers for Your Children

Children are precious gifts from God, when life challenges come, it’s easy to fear for their futures. Praying for  your children is one of the most powerful things you can do as a parent and That’s why we’ve gathered together 10 prayers for your children



Lord God, we praise you that you are fully in control of all things. I pray you would protect my child. Keep them healthy and help them to thrive. I thank you that you know every hair on their head. You know exactly when they rise and when they fall. Watch over my child in every area of their life and keep them safe I pray, Amen.


Heavenly Father, I thank you that all good gifts come from you. I thank you that I can trust you for the future of my family. Please guide my child in every step they take. I pray they would know your provision and protection. Make steady their steps I pray. Amen


God I thank you for the gift of knowledge! I praise you that you provide us with brains to think and question the world around us. I pray you would help my child learn well and flourish. May they discover their unique talents and giftings. Give them a passion for the world around them. Amen


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Father God, I thank you that you made us to be in relationship with others. I pray for my child to know great care and support from those around them. May they be encouraged by friends at school, college or university. May they show your love and care to their friendship circle. Amen


We love You so much, Lord! We surrender fully to You and pray that Your love will guide us today and every day. May we simply be conduits of Your love to the children in our care. Amen


Lord God, we thank you for the gift of new life. We thank you for this precious baby’s safe arrival into our world. We pray this baby would sleep peacefully and be kept from harm. We pray you would bless this child as they grow. Keep them safe and strong in the weeks, months and years ahead. Give us grace and strength through the highs and lows of caring for a newborn baby. In Jesus’ name. Amen


Holy God, I thank you for the precious gift of my daughter. I pray you would protect her through the years. May she become a young woman of great character, seeking after your heart. I pray that through the challenges of life, she would find her confidence in you. May she know your joy as her strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Amen.


A child’s prayer can be beautiful and powerful. As well as praying for your children, it’s also great to encourage your kids to pray simple prayers themselves. Let this collection of prayers for kids help your child as they reach out to their Heavenly Father.

Prayer for Loving Like Jesus

Father, I have to thank You for looking beyond my faults and for loving me unconditionally. Forgive me when I fail to love others in the same way. Give me eyes to see the needs of the difficult people in my life, and show me how to meet those needs in a way that pleases You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Prayer for God’s Direction

Lord, help me not to lean on my own understanding but in everything acknowledge You so that You can direct my words, thoughts, and actions. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer for When You Feel Unworthy

We face a heartbroken situation that makes us to lost self-confidence and feel unworthy of ourself but the truth remains the same, God is still God and he can never leave us nor forsake us. These prayers will help you never to worry again.

Short Prayer to God for Obedience

Dear God, Forgive me for the times when I choose to follow my own will instead of Yours. I know Your plan is the highest and best one for me and I was created in response to Your will. Thank You for the purpose in my life. Today I choose to seek You and obey Your Word. Amen

Prayer For Worry

Father, I am tempted to worry about so many things. Our world is a mess! Forgive me for focusing on anything or anyone but You. Thank You for the Bible that equips and empowers me to live each day. Right now, I declare that You are my only Hope. Please help me remember that You really are in control. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer for God’s Strength

Lord, thank you for your greatness. Thank you that when I am weak, you are strong. Lord, the Devil is scheming and I know he desires to keep me from spending time with you. Don’t let him win! Give me a measure of your strength so that I might not give in to discouragement, deception, and doubt! Help me honor you in all my ways. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer for Control of Tongue

Emotions can make us speak uncontrollably at some point of unexpected happenings in life, these prayers will guide you in those times.


Prayer When Feeling Inadequate

Dear Lord, Thank You for fearfully and wonderfully creating each of us. Thank You for giving us worth in Your eyes. Help us live as the one You uniquely intended us to be. Help us abide instead of strive, living peacefully and joyfully as heirs to Your Kingdom and co-heirs with Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Trust God Prayer

Dear God, You never said it was going to be easy. You simply said, “Trust me.” My faith is strong and I give myself to You. I will live this life with gratitude. Appreciating every little thing; its difficulties and pleasures. For all this and more, I am grateful. Amen

Short Prayer of Kindness

Dear God, If I can not be brilliant, let me be kind. If I can not change the world, let me inspire just one other to do so. If I can not give away riches, let me be loving. Let me be known for kindness, for it is the greatest glory. Amen

Prayer for Being Grateful

Father, I am so sorry for the way I complain about my circumstances. Please forgive me for my bad attitude when things don’t go my way. I want to see Your hand in every part of every day – good or bad. Help me learn how to face every storm with confidence, knowing that You really are in control even though I cannot hear Your voice or see Your hand at work. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Prayer of God’s Provision

Dear Father God, Thank You for Your unfailing love for me, Your blessings, and goodness. Thank You for Your faithfulness to guide me and see me through times of uncertainty, for lifting me up, and setting me on high. Thank You for Scripture that comforts and reminds me of Your promises, plan, and provision. Thank you for taking away my fears and worries, the what-ifs, and reminding me that my help comes from You. Help me be a good steward and to sow wisely. In Christ’s Name, Amen.

Prayer to Speak Out

Dear God, I know that silence is not golden when it ought not to exist. To deny praise to a child or to withhold best wishes from someone of whom I am jealous. To keep back from contradicting someone spreading malicious lies. All this creates a silence that destroys. Open my lips to speak out when the time is right. Amen


Prayer for Growing Faith

Dear Lord, help me – every single morning – to find faith in the midst of the chaos. Give me the desire and ability to see You, hear You, talk to You, and give thanks to You. And as I do, I pray that I will draw nearer and nearer to You, and that my faith will multiply exponentially as I understand in new, deeper ways that You are everything I ever hoped You would be. And so much more. Amen.

Prayer for Confidence

Lord, help me let go of my fear of failure. I know Satan wants to use my fears to hold me back from living boldly for You. Forgive me for not living in faith, and help me from this moment on to live with bold confidence in You. Lord, help me not compare myself to others around me. I pray instead that I can keep my eye on You and live a life that proclaims Your excellence. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

Prayer for a Heavy Heart

Lord, I want to lay before you all that weighs heavy on my heart. Reveal even the sin I am not aware of, Lord. I lay these at your feet and pray for your forgiveness on me. I believe you when you say that you wash us whiter than snow. Thank you Lord for your unending love for me! Help me start fresh right now to make choices that honor you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Prayer for Hope and Trust

Father, sometimes it does feel that you have left us in the battle. We know that you are with us, but so are our feelings of aloneness. The Enemy seems to be taking ground. Our crying out to you seems to go unanswered. We know you are at work, but help us trust you in the midst of our questions. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Short Prayer for Thankfulness

God, sometimes life gets me down and I find it hard to see things to be thankful for. Open my eyes to see the gifts you’ve given me in my life. I’m going to start by thanking you for loving me enough to come to earth and die so we can live together forever. Amen. 

Prayer for Restored Relationships

Father God, open my eyes to see the ways I’m like Cain. What conflicts am I allowing to brew in my family? What anger is bubbling into a murderous rage in my relationships? Thank You for the clarity to see how hatred kills relationships. I choose instead the way of love. Love protects. Help me to protect those I love by loving them. Your way is always best, Father. I pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer to Praise God

Dear God, I lean on You because I know you care about me. Your strength supports me, Your love carries me. You are here for me: To help me through every pain. To be my eyes when I feel the need to turn away. To be my ears when I can’t bear to hear what has to be said. To be my heart, always filled with hope and courage. Thank You.Amen


  • 60 Powerful Bible verses about answered Prayers
  • 10 powerful prayers of thanksgiving to God Almighty

Finding Brilliance in God

Dear God, Thank you for helping me to accept that your holiness is here to cover me, that I am not expected to bring my own or to impress you with an eloquence that implies spiritual genius. rather, let me bring myself to You just as I am – open, honest, ready to find true brilliance in You. Amen

Short Prayer of Thanks

Dear God, I know that sometimes I forget to praise You. I know my faith weakens and I even doubt You when things are particularly bad. But, in the end, I am always grateful that You love me unconditionally and see to it that I rise to a new day. Amen

Gratitude to God for Renewal

Dear God, After the sadness I didn’t think I could ever be the same again. I was right. I now have qualities I never had before. I am more sensitive to the sorrows of others. I am more compassionate to the less fortunate. I appreciate it deeply. I love more intensely. Thank You for giving me the wisdom that comes from life experiences. Amen

Silent Prayer

Lord, There is nothing as certain as silence, stillness, and solitude, to help me understand the secrets of myself. I come to You in silent prayer. Reveal Yourself and I will be revealed. Amen

Short Prayer of Praise

Dear God, Help me to remember that everything is under Your control. There is nothing that can harm me. No one who can hurt me. You are a great and powerful God who gives me the strength to rise above each difficult circumstance and to react with grace to every difficult person. Praise God, Master of All. Amen


God is able to deliver us in any situation we find ourselves in.
Hope you find these 45 Powerful Short prayers for your daily life, kindly share them with friends and love ones.

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