Speaking in tongues: what is it and Why is it important to pray in tongues?

short prayer for humility
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When we are born again or believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, our spirit undergoes regeneration, we become a new creature according to 2 Corinthians 5:17.  Jesus before returning to His father, let His disciples know the things that we will be able to do through the new birth, which are indeed the mandate that every member of the body of Christ is called to fulfill ( Mark 16: 16- 18 ). On this list of miracles that will accompany us, the element that interests us especially is speaking it in new languages.

Speaking in tongues is therefore this spiritual language which cannot be learned or understood by our human intelligence. With this supernatural language, we communicate directly with God ( 1 Corinthians 14: 2 ). The Holy Spirit gives our minds a new language which the Bible also calls the language of the angels ( 1 Corinthians 13: 1 ).

Speaking in tongues is one of the first manifestations or signs of the baptism of the Holy Spirit that we receive after our conversion. Why is this happening? Because the moment the Holy Spirit fills a believer, the first thing he does is begin to create the supernatural language in the believer’s mind for his personal edification. Speaking in tongues is praying as the Holy Spirit gives us to express it, it is a prayer led by the Spirit and it prevents any possibility of self-centeredness in our prayers.

Wisdom of God

Different supernatural manifestations of languages.

Although the various manifestations of tongues occur at the will of the Holy Spirit, four fundamental manifestations are described in the Word of God:

  • Languages ​​for personal edification (1 Corinthians 14: 4).

The most common is the supernatural language that each of us receives when we are filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit prays through us, so we can pray for many hours as we desire. God uses it to communicate divine secrets and mysteries from His Spirit to ours. It represents the most fundamental action of God, it was established by God to do for us what no man can do. It edifies us by developing divine characteristics in our minds.


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  • Languages ​​for interpretation (1 Corinthians 14: 5).

This manifestation of languages ​​is normally present during a public meeting and is accompanied by its interpretation by the same person or another. It manifests itself when a message is addressed in an unknown language and that message is then interpreted into our language as a divine message to the Church or to a particular person. Sometimes God will lead us to interpretation when we pray in the Spirit, but we cannot practice interpretation when we want to.

  • Tongues of intercession with inexpressible sighs (Romans 8:26 ).

This diversity of languages ​​allows us to stay in the gap concerning our own lives, our families, our churches, etc. God can also very well encourage us to intercede for someone or for a situation that is completely unknown to us. We can pray according to our understanding and intercede for those we know. For example, if I know that a friend is interviewed for a job, I can pray according to my understanding that he will find favor and wisdom when meeting with his employer and answering his questions.

Now, if the devil planned to take his life by accident while on his way to the interview, I personally have no prior knowledge of this fact. It is at such times that the Holy Spirit leads us in the deep sighs of intercession. You don’t know how to pray, unlike Him. If we submit to the Holy Spirit, He will make us intercede for people we have never even met.

  • Cloths as a sign for unbelievers (1 Corinthians 14:22).

This is the same phenomenon that took place on the day of Pentecost ( Acts 2: 4-11 ). This phenomenon occurs when the Holy Spirit transcends the intellect and all language barriers by empowering a believer to preach, teach, or bear witness to Christ in a language which is absolutely unknown to him. Tongues as signs for unbelievers are normally used in public meetings, when God wants to touch a particular people and win them to Himself.

Benefit of speaking in tongues.

If the Holy Spirit creates precisely this language in our minds, what benefits can we derive from it? Let’s see some of them:

  • Speaking in tongues allows us to make coded prayers (mysteries) that the devil cannot decode.
  • Speaking in tongues connects our minds directly with God.
  • Speaking in tongues helps us to always be aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit within us.
  • Speaking in tongues allows us to pray according to God’s perfect will.
  • Speaking in tongues helps us learn to fully trust God.
  • Speaking in tongues allows us to subjugate the flesh.
  • Speaking in tongues broadens your perspective of the power of God in your life.
  • Speaking in tongues allows you to understand the scriptures from a divine point of view, not an intellectual one.
  • Speaking in tongues takes you beyond what intelligence knows.
  • Speaking in tongues takes you out of the bounds of the flesh towards the abundant supply of the Spirit of God.

Why don’t I speak in tongues?

It is true that God has given us a great gift, that of the Holy Spirit and the latter helps us to know mysterious things through the new language that He puts in us. But the question that arises is why is it that not everyone can speak in tongues? This question is so big, that there is a lot to say, but let’s see some reasons for not speaking in tongues of some people or even believers.

  • The first reason is that you may not have been born again yet, because being born again is the first step that qualifies you to be equipped by the Holy Spirit.
  • The second reason may be that you don’t believe in it, because not believing in something sometimes makes us look down on it.
  • The third reason may be the fact that you are not yet baptized with the Holy Spirit, we go through the experience of the baptism of the Holy Spirit to receive the gift of speaking in tongues.
  • The fourth reason may be your misconception that you should have spoken in tongues, believing that it comes from the devil, or perhaps it is demons that make you speak.
  • The fifth reason may be fear or reluctance to speak up. It is important to note that although it is the Holy Spirit who puts this tongue in us, it is not Him who will speak for us, it is for you to speak.

Sad to say, but some Christians still disbelieve in speaking in tongues. If you are one of them, let me tell you that disbelieving in speaking in tongues does not make it false or heretical. You are actually depriving yourself of this great blessing and more that God has made available within his Church. So, if you have never received this gift, I encourage you to sigh after this gift to enjoy the benefits it provides. And for you who are already speaking, desire even more depth.

 Why is it important to pray in tongues?

When we are born again or believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, our spirit undergoes regeneration; we are becoming a new creature according to 2 Corinthians 5:17. And Jesus before returning to His father, let His disciples know the things that we will be able to do through the new birth. These things actually represent the mandate that every member of the body of Christ is called to fulfill (Mark 16: 16-18). On this list of miracles that will accompany us, the element that interests us especially in this article is speaking it in new languages.

Speaking in tongues is therefore this spiritual language which cannot be learned or understood by our human intelligence. With this supernatural language, we communicate directly with God (1 Corinthians 14: 2). The Holy Spirit gives our minds a new language which the Bible also calls the language of the angels (1 Corinthians 13: 1).

In 1 Corinthians 14:15, the apostle Paul lets us know the 2 ways of praying. He said: “I will pray with the spirit, but I will also pray with the understanding “. So it is not enough to know that there is a way of praying in the spirit (praying in tongues), because we do not rejoice in a thing because of the knowledge we have of it but much more in the knowledge that we have of it. knowledge of the effects it produces. Why is it so important to pray in tongues?

  1. Praying in tongues helps build ourselves up (1 Corinthians 14: 4, Jude 1:20).
  2. When we pray in tongues, our spirit is in direct contact with God who is Spirit Himself. We speak to Him by divine means, without possible interference!
  3. Praying in tongues keeps us continually aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. It helps us to always be attentive to His presence within us and it will influence our life.
  4. Praying in tongues allows us to pray according to God’s perfect will. When we pray in tongues, we pray as the Holy Spirit gives us expression (Romans 8:26). The Holy Spirit will not pray for us, He’s sent to help us pray. And this prevents any possibility of self-centeredness in our prayers.
  5. Praying in tongues allows us to make coded prayers (mysteries) that the devil has difficulty decoding (1 Corinthians 14: 2).
  6. Praying in tongues takes you out of the limits of the flesh towards the abundant supply of the Spirit of God.
  7. Praying in tongues takes you beyond what intelligence knows.
  8. Speaking in tongues broadens your perspective of the power of God in your life.
  9. Speaking in tongues allows you to understand the scriptures from a divine point of view, not just an intellectual one.

Prayer in the Spirit is the prayer of the new creature that we are in Christ and it begins at the divine investiture, namely at the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Sad to say, but some Christians still disbelieve in speaking in tongues. If you are one of them, let me tell you that not believing in speaking in tongues does not make it false or heretical. You are actually depriving yourself of this great blessing and great benefit that God has made available within His Church. So, if you have never received this gift, I encourage you to sigh after this gift, to enjoy the benefits it provides. And for you who are already speaking, desire even more depth!

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