Psalm of Praise And Thanksgiving for God Blessing

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One of the keys to living a blessed life is admitting what God has done. Giving thanks to God is one of the ways we can acknowledge his favor in our lives. As a result, our relationship with him is strengthened.

The Father’s heart is moved by our gratitude. Here you will find a selection of passages from the book of Psalms that will stimulate your heart to be more grateful to God. Praise the Lord for all His blessings!

Exalt the Lord with all your might

Exalt yourself, Lord, with your power,
and with psalms we will celebrate your feats.
(Psalm 21:13)

Our God is strong and mighty! There is nothing and no one who can resist him. When we take our cause before God, he goes before us. We have limitations, but when we turn to God, he leads us with his strength and transforms tribulation into praise.

Thank God with your praises

Sing to the Lord with gratitude;
sing psalms to our God to the sound of the harp.
(Psalm 147:7)

There are several ways to thank God: with words, with gestures, and with music. Our body and our talents serve to express our feelings to God. If you know how to play an instrument, use it as a means to worship God. If you know how to sing, use your voice to magnify the name of the Lord. God rejoices when we show our gratitude to him through the art and creativity that he has given us.

You have strength and protection thank God

The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in him;
I get help from him.
My heart leaps for joy,
and with songs I will give thanks.
(Psalm 28:7)

Our God is able to act in the most difficult hours and free us from the most dangerous situations. He is our strength and our shield. How many times have we been delivered? How many doors has it opened for us? You can be sure that they are countless. Our God does not hold us back when it comes to blessing us and loving us unconditionally. We just have to thank and exalt his name.

Give thanks for their kindness

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good;
His great love endures forever.
(Psalm 106:1)

Our God is good! He loves us and has given us many proofs of his love. God is just and merciful and does everything perfectly. Who is like our God? We were reached by his mercy, love, and grace from him. Hallelujah!

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It is good to give thanks to God

How good, Lord, it is to give you thanks
and sing, O Most High, psalms to your name;
proclaim your great love in the morning,
and your fidelity at night.
(Psalm 92:1-2)

There is nothing healthier for our souls than stimulating our hearts to be grateful to God. Be it day or night, thanking God brings us closer to him. Our relationship with God must be nourished with love because our God is alive. He already showed us his immense love. It is up to us to correspond to that love that took us out of darkness and brought us to light.


God’s love has no end

Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good;
His great love endures forever.
(Psalm 136:1)

It is not possible to measure the goodness of God. His mercy is the reason we have not been consumed. His love for us lasts forever and cannot be erased because what he did for us is irrevocable. He loved us first, before everything else. How can we not thank him for this love?

God’s justice does not delay

I will praise the Lord for his justice!
To the name of the most high Lord I will sing psalms!
(Psalm 7:17)

Our God is just, his justice is effective and comes at the right time. When we think that there is no one by our side we must remember that God is always with us. He lifts up the fallen and exalts the humble. The one who has faith and remains faithful to him will be able to experience the justice of God and glorify his name because he is righteous.

 A people grateful to God is a happy people

Shout joyfully to God, you
inhabitants of all the earth!
Sing psalms to his glorious name;
Give him glorious praise!
(Psalm 66:1-2)

Happy is the nation that recognizes the favor of God. A people grateful to God is a happy people. When God’s love and favor reach us, we want to announce the Lord’s blessings to the four winds. Better than thanking alone, it is to thank God among the brothers, rejoicing together in communion.

Today is a good day to be thankful

This is the day the Lord acted;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
(Psalm 118:24)

It is good that you thank God today for what he does for you during this day. Do not procrastinate! The Lord is by our side anywhere and anytime. We can approach the Father through prayer. Thank him wholeheartedly for all his kindness to you. A heart that is attentive and ready to give thanks at all times is one that will receive even more blessings.

Give thanks in the house of the Lord

I want to bow down to your holy temple
and praise your name for your great love and fidelity.
Because you have exalted your name and your word
above all things.
(Psalm 138:2)

David was a man who recognized the work of the Lord in his life. As he did, it is good that you recognize what God has done in your life. Thank him for his blessings and for His protection over you. Exalt the name of the Lord, give Him thanks, and rejoice in his presence!

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Give thanks for your life

I praise you because I am an admirable creation!
Your works are wonderful, and this I know very well!
My bones were not unknown to you
when in the deepest recesses I was formed,
when in the depths of the earth
I was interwoven.
Your eyes saw my body in gestation:
everything was already written in your book;
all my days were being designed,
although not a single one of them existed.
(Psalm 139:14-16)

God created us in an excellent and wonderful way! Before we were born he already thought about our existence and traced the lines of our history. How can you not thank him for the care received since you were in your mother’s womb? Show your gratitude to God for all his love and for deciding to bring you into the world. You are part of the wonderful works of the Lord!


Never forget to thank

Praise, my soul, the Lord;
Let my whole being praise his holy name.
Praise, my soul, the Lord,
and do not forget any of the benefits of him.
(Psalm 103:1-2)


Other Psalms of Thanks to God for His Blessings

This post contains Psalms of Thanks to God for the Blessings.

60 Bible Verses about Prayer with powerful quotes

Psalms 139:14-16

I praise you because I am an admirable creation! Your works are wonderful, and this I know very well! My bones were not unknown to you when in the deepest recesses I was formed when in the depths of the earth I was interwoven. (Psalms 139:14-16)

Your eyes saw my body in gestation: everything was already written in your book; all my days were being designed, although not a single one of them existed.

Psalms 44:8

Forever we will glory in God! We will forever praise your name! (Psalms 44:8)

Psalms 28:7

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him; I get help from him. My heart leaps for joy, and with songs, I will give thanks. (Psalms 28:7)

Psalms 86:12

Lord my God, with all my heart I will praise you, and I will glorify your name forever. (Psalms 86:12)

Psalms 107:8-9

Let them give thanks to the Lord for his great love, for his wonders in favor of men! He quenches the thirst of the thirsty, and satisfies the hungry with the best! (Psalms 107:8-9)

Psalms 100:4

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, come into his courts with hymns of praise, give Him thanks, praise his name.

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Psalms 103:1-2

Praise, my soul, the Lord, praise all my being his holy name. Praise, my soul, the Lord, and do not forget any of the benefits of him. (Psalms 103:1-2)

Psalms 28:7

The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusts in him; I get help from him. My heart leaps for joy, and with songs, I will give thanks. (Psalms 28:7)

Psalms 106:1

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good, his great love endures forever. (Psalms 106:1)

Psalms 92:1-2

How good, Lord, it is to give you thanks and sing, O Most High, psalms to your name, proclaim your great love in the morning, and your fidelity at night. (Psalms 92:1-2)

Psalms 136:1

Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good, his great love endures forever. (Psalms 136:1)

Psalms 21:13

Exalt yourself, Lord, with your power, and with psalms, we will celebrate your feats. (Psalms 21:13)

Psalms 147:7

Sing to the Lord with gratitude; sing psalms to our God to the sound of the harp. (Psalms 147:7)

Psalms 75:1

We give you thanks, O God, we give you thanks and call on your name; everyone talks about your marvelous works! (Psalms 75:1)

Psalms 7:17

I will praise the Lord for his justice! To the name of the most high Lord, I will sing psalms! (Psalms 7:17)

Psalms 66:1-2

Shout joyfully to God, you inhabitants of all the earth! Sing psalms to his glorious name, give him glorious praise! (Psalms 66:1-2)

Psalms 118:24

This is the day that the Lord acted, let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalms 118:24)

Psalms 138:2

I want to bow down to your holy temple and praise your name for your great love and fidelity. Because you have exalted your name and your word above all things. (Psalms 138:2)

Psalms 34:1

I will bless the Lord at all times, my lips will always praise him. (Psalms 34:1)

Psalms 69:30

With songs, I will praise the name of God, with thanksgiving I will exalt him. (Psalms 69:30)

Psalms 138:2

I want to bow down to your holy temple and praise your name for your great love and fidelity. Because you have exalted your name and your word above all things. (Psalms 138:2)

Psalms 86:12

Lord my God, with all my heart I will praise you, and I will glorify your name forever. (Psalms 86:12)


Imagine what it would be like to wake up and see that you only have what you gave thanks for the day before? There are many blessings we receive every day. Jesus is good! Awaken your heart to thank him for all the good things he grants you. Sometimes we forget with so many chores throughout the day. Therefore, stop a little, consider everything, exercise your mind, and thank God with everything in you.

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