What is the real meaning of Christmas?

What is the real meaning of Christmas?
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Christmas is a great religious celebration in Christian lands and non-Christian lands alike; it is celebrated universally, but, what is the real meaning of Christmas? Discover more about Christmas in this article today.

This verse is the very definition of Christmas:

Luke 2: 10-11
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

Often when we think of Christmas, we think of gifts, of reuniting with family members that we have not seen for several months for some, and that puts joy in our hearts.

There is a very important event that can just as easily bring joy to our hearts, a hope that will never be taken away. To remind us that Christmas is also the celebration of the good news that was announced to the whole world. Several centuries before He comes, we can read in Isaiah 9: 5 that a child was born to us, a son is given to us. He received the authority of a king. His name is given: Wonderful Counselor, Strong God, Forever Father, Prince of Peace.

God had already planned this wonderful gift for every human being.

What a wonderful moment when we see the Three Kings take to the road, following the star that indicates where the Messiah is! What a joy to think that a leader will come and that He will be the Shepherd of a whole people (Matthew 2: 6)! What a joy to think that in this period a Savior was born, Christ the Lord (Luke 2:11)!

I would like to encourage you my brother, my sister, to speak around you about the One who gave us the most beautiful gifts during the Christmas period, that of a Son who gave His life for us. He is the One who gave Himself for us so that by His wounds we could be healed.

I think in these times God also wants to remind us that a Savior has come and He wants to help each of us. He wants to purify us, to wash us in addition, He wants to use your life to do good so that you serve as a gift to those who lack love, joy, goodness.

Yes, the Lord was born to die and that by this death you can be born in Him. An undeserved gift, an infinite grace, this is the image of Christ our Savior. He had more joy in giving than in receiving; so just like Him, my friends, let’s give without expecting anything in return.

To see a smile, to see a person who takes courage in Jesus Christ, is the greatest joy we can experience and the greatest gift we can give.

What you need to know to have a good Christmas.

We are at the end of the year, and generally what occupies us at this end of the year period are indeed the holidays; mainly Christmas! But what is Christmas? There are a lot of rumors, stories, and fairy tales revolving around Christmas. We speak in particular of the arrival of Santa Claus dressed in white red with a large goatee on his chin on Christmas evenings or of the birth of “little Jesus”.

But what does the Word of God tell us about this feast? And above all, what does Christmas represent for a Christian?


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What does the Bible say about Christmas?

Luke 2:11 (KJV) For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

Christmas is a symbolic holiday for Christians because it represents the day of celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus, of His entry into the world. It is this period that we, children of God, have chosen to celebrate this great event, which is moreover the most important moment in the history of mankind. It is by the birth, death, and resurrection of this latter that man was reconciled to God.

In the second chapter of the Gospel according to Matthew, the Bible teaches us this: “When they saw the star, they were overcome with great joy. They entered the house, saw the little child with Mary His mother, bowed down and worshiped Him, then opened their treasures, and offered Him gold, frankincense, and myrrh as a present. “   (V.10-11)

The time of the celebration of the birth of our Savior is a time of worship of the latter. A period in which we should not just be proud of the decoration or the trees installed everywhere. It must be a period in which, like the wise men, we celebrate the Lord and His coming to this earth; by praise, offerings to our God but also and above all by the perpetual offering of our daily life.

Personally, I particularly like the end-of-year periods for two main reasons. The first is quite simply that in the Christmas season, there are Christian concerts and praise evenings all over the place. Who is better than an evening of praise and worship to celebrate the King of kings with one heart and in the unity of the Holy Spirit?

And the second is even more wonderful than the first; quite simply because Christmas, by itself, represents an ideal occasion for the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; which brings us to our second part.

A Golden Opportunity to Preach the Gospel!

2 Timothy 4: 2 (KJV) Preach the Word, insist on every occasion, favorable or not …

Christmas is more than a favorable occasion to announce the good news of Jesus Christ, it constitutes a golden occasion to announce the Word, even to the most hardened hearts. The general theme of Christmas remains centered on the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ; and what better occasion than a party that talks about Jesus to talk about Jesus around us? “But for me, people keep telling me that it is not biblical and that it comes from the devil! “

Colossians 2:16 Therefore, do not let anyone judge yourselves about what you eat or what you drink or about the observance of the feast days …

Let no one judge you by watching a party. Let’s understand each other well. It is not about adopting an attitude of rebellion or entering into polemical and futile discussions. I really don’t see the point. No one will miss Heaven for not having celebrated Christmas any more than no one will go to Heaven for having celebrated Christmas. But I say this: If your heart doesn’t condemn you if the Word doesn’t condemn you, then why would God condemn you?

Christmas is not bad, on the contrary! But very often many make it a motive for plunging into debauchery and drunkenness. Now the Bible tells us it well: “Do not conform to the present century but be transformed by the renewal of the intelligence so that you discern what is the will of God, which is good, pleasant, and perfect. Romans 12: 2 (KJV)

Let’s not do like the crowd, let’s not act like the majority, let’s not be “Mr. Everyone”… But let’s make a difference, let’s make a difference in the midst of this wicked and adulterous generation!

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The spirit of Christmas: a great joy

Many people wonder whether to celebrate Christmas. They also wonder if the date we should celebrate Christmas is December 25 or some other date. When we celebrate Christmas, we are not celebrating a date but rather an event. In celebrating Christmas, we don’t wish Jesus a happy birthday either, so the date is of very limited importance. We don’t know if Jesus was actually born on December 25th.

 I am announcing good news to you which will be the subject of great joy for all the people. (Lk.2: 10)

By celebrating Christmas, it is not only the birth of Jesus that we are celebrating, but it is also the reason why He came to this earth. That’s why the date doesn’t really matter much. We celebrate the Savior’s coming to this world and especially to our lives.

If Jesus had not come, we would still be in our sins, in darkness, and without any hope. There is in the Gospel of Luke 1: 67-79 a magnificent prophecy which is given by Zechariah the father of John the Baptist. John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin was the one who had been sent by God to prepare the way of the Lord. He announces different things, concerning our salvation and the reasons why we should rejoice. It is the full restoration of our position as human beings, created in the image of God, to walk with Him and do His works.

1) A Savior who delivers us from our enemies:

The one who hates us and wants our downfall is satan. Jesus came to deliver us from his hold and dominion over our lives.

The coming of the Savior was a promise made by God through the prophets of ancient times. It is the fulfillment of the Covenant He made ( and remembers His Holy Covenant with Abraham  ).

2) We can now serve Him without fear:

God delivered us from our enemies through His Son Jesus Christ, so that we can regain our dignity and also that we can be reinstated in our original vocation: to walk with God in holiness, righteousness to serve and collaborate with him. Him in perfect harmony and friendship. 

When we have received this good news in our lives and it has produced its effect in causing us to be born again, then we are seized with inexpressible joy. It is a joy-full of glory, it is the joy of our salvation.

Not only have we been saved from hell and eternal perdition, but also, right here on this earth, we can live in the glorious dimension of the children of God. To be the head and not the tail, to be above and not below. It means to be able by the grace of God to be able to overcome and dominate all the circumstances of life, because of the One who loved us and who came to dwell in our heart by the Holy Spirit.

The joy of salvation is knowing that we are no longer alone because Jesus is with us every day, even until the end of the world; it is also knowing that we are loved with unparalleled love.

Jesus was sent into the world to save mankind from destruction, hence the real meaning of Christmas is the celebration of Christ the Savior.

In addition, Christmas should be a Christian celebration that reminds us of the birth and coming of our Lord and King Jesus Christ. He invites us (Through His Word) to radiate the colors of the Kingdom of Heaven, which are the love of neighbor, sharing, adoration, praise, and above all evangelization as it is written:  ” There will be more joy in heaven for one sinner who repents, than for ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance. “Luke 15:7 KJV

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