10 Short prayers to bless food before and after meal

prayers to bless food
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Before starting to eat, it is always important to thank God for the food placed on our table. thanks to God the Creator, we can have abundance and the blessing of our food so that we never lack and also to pray for people who do not have bread to share with their families.

Food plays a central role in many people’s lives. It is something that we often enjoy, and something that can also elicit negative feelings if it doesn’t go well. Food is sacred, and the way we view it can change how we feel about ourselves. These 10 short prayers are meant to bless food both before and after mealtime.


10 short prayers to bless our food

One of the most beautiful traditions to share with the family is the blessing of food. This is an act that we must perform as soon as we sit at the table and that, through a short prayer, will allow us to infinitely thank the Heavenly Father for all his help so that the bread is never lacking on the table.

Today, we are going to give you 10 short prayers, which you can use to bless the food.

bless the food

1. Blessing of the food Prayer

God the Almighty Father, on this beautiful day, I want to thank you very much for the food that you give me the opportunity to share with my family and loved ones. As it is well mentioned in a passage of the Holy Bible, when we eat the bread that we break, we become one with Christ in his body.

That is why, when consuming our food, we ask you to help us to recognize Your Sacred Presence and that of your beloved Son, Jesus. May your love and your many blessings always be present in our home and at our table. Keep us away from temptation and the dangers that the world suffers. I want to have a pure and clean heart to always praise and bless you. Amen.

2. Prayer to ask for the fruits of the earth

My Lord, this is a beautiful day to thank you for the bread that you put on our table and that we will gladly share with the family. Please help the farmers and those who are the intermediaries so that we obtain what we are going to consume on this day. May your crops always be productive and may the earth produce infinite plants and herbs that give many seeds.

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Allow the fruits of the earth to be abundant and to be shared with all of us. Especially, with the people who need them the most because they are in a difficult situation right now and can’t find what to eat. Amen.

3. Prayer to always have food

Oh Lord Jesus, in those days when you were sharing with the apostles, food was never lacking. On that occasion, you told them: Come and eat and you took with your precious hands the bread and the fish, to share it with your brothers. Food was never lacking because they always had faith and hope in the Creator.

On this day, I humbly ask that bread never be lacking in my home and that I can continue to contribute financially so that my family does not lack anything. Thank you for your beautiful presence in my house and for the food that we share today in your name. Amen.

4. Prayer so that work never lacks

Jesus Beloved, I ask you that with your help there will be no shortage of work so that I can continue acquiring fruits and vegetables to be consumed in my home. I am the economic support of my family and for that reason, I ask you to bless my work.

You, who live resurrected in all of us, never forsake us and never allow anything to discourage our spirit. In each bite of our food, we perceive your presence and your many blessings for us. May your beautiful guide always be present in each of our steps and may the Father’s blessing fill our lives. Amen.

5. Prayer to break bread

Lord Jesus Christ, today, we want to invite you to our table, so that with your divine presence, you illuminate our home and bless our food. We want to recognize you when we break our bread and that you will always be present at our table. We invite you to share with us just as it was quoted in that passage from the Bible by the hand of the apostle Luke.

“When Jesus was passing by, he looked up and said to him: Zacchaeus, come down right away! Because today I have to stay at your house. Zacchaeus quickly went down, and gladly received Jesus.”

You are a very important member and guest in our house, my Lord Jesus. We are joyful and happy to receive your beautiful presence. Accompany us daily and feed our faith and hope so that they are never lacking in our lives. We love you infinitely and bless you always. Amen.

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6. Prayer to ask for daily bread

When you were here on earth, my Lord Jesus, you left a very important prayer for all of us, the Our Father. In it, the following section is cited: “Give us today our daily bread and forgive our offences just as we forgive those who offend us.” That is why we ask that bread never be lacking on our table through this powerful prayer.

Likewise, we thank you very much for all the blessings granted and for allowing us to share our food daily with our loved ones. Just as the prayer says, we also ask you to help us forgive one another in order to have a fuller and more harmonious life. Take care of us and never forsake us on our way, beloved Jesus. Amen.


7. Prayer to bless the bread on the table

Heavenly Father God, we are here gathered as a family before your Divine Presence. Our food is abundant and fresh and that is why we ask you from the heart to bless them. Please, we beg you that we never lack bread on our table and that we can always be sheltered under your infinite protection.

Help us to hear and understand your word of life so as not to suffer from spiritual hunger and praise and adore you as you deserve. Let us have a good family coexistence so that we are always united and no circumstance makes us separate from each other. Quench our souls and hearts with your Holy Spirit so that they never lose hope in your word. Amen.

8. Prayer to share with those in need

Lord Jesus, we give thanks for the infinite blessings that you grant us in every moment of our lives. Today, we want to ask you for those people who are homeless and can’t get anything to eat. Let us be a help to them through the food we share.

Help us to be good people, willing to always help others and thus offer them a helping hand. As well as, a word of hope and encouragement that encourages them to move forward to lead a fuller and happier life. We want to be attentive to your visit Lord Jesus Christ since in heaven we will not suffer from any disease or painful situation that wants to afflict us.

Thank you for always being by our side and never forsaking us, bless the bread that we are going to eat today and the one that we are also going to share with our fellow men. May light and hope never be lacking in our lives. Amen.

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9. Prayer to enjoy the fruit of your labour

As is well reflected in the Holy Scriptures: “There is no better thing for a man than to eat and drink, and enjoy the fruit of his work . I have seen that this also comes from the hand of God.” (Ecclesiastes 2, 24). This beautiful reference makes us understand the importance of fighting for our own food so that it is not lacking on our table, always hand in hand with the Creator, who guides us and helps us succeed in our goals.

Infinite thanks we give to You, Merciful Father, for giving us the opportunity to have abundant food and drink under our roof. All this is the result of our effort and daily work. Thank you for all the blessings received from your loving hand. Blessed are you for all eternity. Amen.


10. Prayer to give thanks at the end of eating

Almighty God, we give you infinite thanks for these foods that have allowed us to satisfy our hunger and that will give us the energy necessary to perform on this day. You are great and Powerful, we praise you always and we are grateful because at every moment, we have the necessary food to satisfy our appetite.

Thank you for helping us earn our daily bread and we ask that you always allow us to share our provisions with our families. As well as, with the people who need it most. May our family always eat together at this table and may no bad circumstance separate us from each other. May your divine union always be present in our home. Amen.



These ten prayers are ideal to pray daily, as we mentioned before, it is necessary that one be done per day and that each member of the family takes the floor to bless the food. We hope that they have been very helpful and useful to you and that you always put them into practice so that the blessings of the Lord are always present in your home and in your family.

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