What Does The Justice of God mean, and how is it exercised?

30 Key verses about sin
Key verses about sin
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The Justice of God. What does it mean, and how is it exercised?

God is our heavenly father, and as a father, he must correct us so that we can grow spiritually. God’s justice guarantees us that every human being will receive what they deserve. He has sent his son Jesus Christ to earth to die for all sinners, so that we can be forgiven, and saved through the grace of Christ that provides holiness.

Holiness is something that our Lord demands to reach Him. However, all those who do not accept Him will be destroyed, the justice of God will come in the final judgment, on all those who have not believed that Christ is the only Savior and that by works no one can be saved.

This too shall pass

What does God’s justice mean and how is it exercised?

Another way of saying “God of justice” is ” God of judgment “. Both phrases are used in the Old Testament. Justice and judgment both mean set things right, delivering a verdict, or pronouncing a decision.

God is the supreme judge who will always administer justice according to his nature. Because he is a God of holiness and justice, his justice is always holy and just.

Understanding God’s justice begins with an understanding of sin. Sin is wickedness (1 John 3:4). It opposes the holiness of God, as expressed in his law.

The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23) and the holiness of God requires the death penalty against all sin. To do otherwise would be to deny his holy and righteous nature.

But God’s justice is mitigated by his love and mercy. Therefore, God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to satisfy justice, and to remain consistent with his holiness.

Through Christ’s death on the cross, God made salvation available to all who believe in Him (John 1:12; 3:15–17).

God’s justice is not only satisfied at the cross; He actually gives the gift of that same righteousness to sinners who are sanctified through sacrifice. In this way, his justice is satisfied and glorified in the display of his mercy and grace.

Jesus spared us from God’s righteous wrath by becoming our substitute on the cross, proving that his justice was not violated, but fully satisfied (1 Thessalonians 1:10; 5:9).


3 Ways God’s Justice Comforts Us

The Scriptures show that our sin-stained world not only faces a divine reckoning but needs it. Here are three biblical facets of God’s judgment that give comfort and hope to the believer:

Yahweh in the Bible Verses

1. The judgment of God is in the hands of Christ, setting us free so that we can be saved

As human beings, we have an innate sense of right and wrong: a conscience. We have a desire to pursue justice, and we act on this instinct as believers. But our ability to execute justice is limited.

Sin deserves an answer, the strongest possible answer, but we cannot provide it. As Scripture reveals, there is the only one who can, the one long foretold, the warrior savior who crushes the serpent’s head (Genesis 3:15).

The work of judgment, God tells us, is not in our hands. It is in the hands of Christ because revenge belongs to the Lord (Rom. 12:19). How good is this? We are fragile, fallen, and finite. But Christ is not. He is not limited. He does all things well.

The work of justice flows freely from his holy nature. And we are free to comfort ourselves with this truth. The burden of carrying out judgment and making the world fair does not fall on us, Jesus did it through sacrifice.


2. God is a just father, slow to his wrath

Justice is brief in our world. Wherever we look, we find suffering and death. Because of the curse, the world appears to the natural mind as a cosmic accident, a grand lottery that we all eventually lose. But this is not reality. The reality is that there is a righteous Father, a forgiving Savior, and a life-giving Spirit.

There are many people who think that the standards of perfection are a mandatory requirement to be saved. But, that is not true, because “if by his works they were saved, Christ died by others”. The sacrifice of Jesus had to be made because through the law salvation was almost impossible, “no one was going to be saved.”

God has calmed his anger and has sent his son as a sacrifice so that everyone who accepts this redemption in his heart may be saved. In fact, he has put it as the “only way to reach Him”. that is, even if you are perfect “something that is impossible”, you cannot become saved if you do not accept being saved by grace.


3. God’s judgment destroys evil, a result we rightly desire.

As Christians, we must zealously desire the end of evil. We should pray that the abortion industry is swallowed up like Pharaoh’s army in a sea of ​​destruction. We should cry out for the end of racism. We should yearn for an end to murder, casual cruelty, genocide, sexual evil, and 10,000 other evils, and oppose them in word and deed.

This work has already started. When Christ died, he washed his bride with her precious blood ( Eph. 5:25; 1 Pet. 1:19 ). When he rose from the grave, he triumphed over death, ensuring victory for his people. The end of the reign of death was enacted through the finished work of Christ. However, we await the consummation of this defeat.

Sin will not cease because of some vague trajectory in the cosmos toward goodness. The end of sin will come because Jesus will divide heaven and make the whole earth his threshing floor ( Revelation 20:11–21 ). This truth should inspire a growing hope in the church.

God’s justice has a different meaning than many think. Our Lord is merciful, and I am slow to manifest his wrath. But he is also a God who likes the right things. In the hour of judgment, he will know how to grant each one what corresponds to him, because he has given everyone the opportunity to be saved by grace.
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