John 14:6 Jesus Christ is the Only and True Way Meaning KJV

How To Have Victory In Christ
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Jesus Christ is the Only and True Way, In John 14:6, Jesus answered and said, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. There is no one that can access the father without passing through the son Jesus christ

Jesus is the only way and this is why it’s good to remember a wonderful message that He left us in Chapter 14 of the book of John. This chapter begins like this: “Let not your hearts be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me ”. Here Jesus was at the dinner he had with his disciples just before he was apprehended. He had already washed their feet and had already announced the betrayal of Judas. He was telling them that he would go to prepare a dwelling for them there in Heaven and that later they would dwell there together with him and with his Father. It was very difficult for them to understand all this. Tomás asks him where that place will be and how they will know the path to take. Jesus in verse 6 answers and said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me ”.


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We know that Jesus is the only way, whoever believes in Jesus, who accepts his teachings and who lives by his example, is the one who will have an assured place in that heavenly abode. Now, this particular verse also speaks to me in another way. The article “El” is used to emphasize that Jesus and our Father know that in this life we ​​will have many “other roads”, but not all roads lead to Rome. The only way that will give us lasting peace and fullness of joy is the Way of God.

Later this same verse tells us, I am the truth. Jesus knows that if we ask for something in his name, it will be granted to us and he does not emphasize them in this chapter as well. If we also know that, we must do it through the Spirit of Truth, which we also know as the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit remained as our comforter and it is thanks to the Holy Spirit that to this day we can continue to have communion with Our Father. So also in this world, we are going to be offered many “other truths” but those are only tempting offers that want to divert us from that path that we have to follow.


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Keep saying “I am life.” Of course, Jesus died for us so that we would have access to Eternal Life. Jesus with that wonderful act of love came to save us and to show us how much his Father loves us and how much he loved us too. That is why today more than ever I am surprised to see all that extraordinary life that all those characters who lived before Jesus came had. They had an unshakable faith even without having seen a Messiah who came and died for us and rose again on the third day, but we did. We have already seen it and that is why we do not have to fear and our Faith must also be unshakable.

We do know who is up there interceding for us. Well, Jesus not only came, he left us some beautiful teachings, he died and rose again on the third day, but now he is seated at the right hand of the Father and is there always interceding for our requests. That must be very comforting.

Jesus Christ is the Only and True Way, therefore,  Let us always remember that we are children of a King, of the King of Kings. He just wants to give us the true blessings of heaven. He is the Recipient of those who seeks him. He wants to bless us now and forever.

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