4 benefits of an effective prayer life

Prayers for strength and courage in difficult times
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Prayer is a great weapon from God to us his children(believers), Today, we’ve put together 4 benefits of an effective prayer life.
1 Thessalonians 5:17: Pray without ceasing.

Checkout: How to pray in the holy spirit effectively

Prayer is communication between man and his creator. Its purpose is to ask God to act favorably in the face of a situation or a fact that is beyond us. The Bible urges us to pray always. However, few people are aware of this. Many people pray from time to time missing out on the many benefits of an effective prayer life. It is also important to know that effective prayers make an effective prayer life.


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How to do an effective prayer

There is a lot to be said about this. But in summary, effective prayer requires having faith in God, creator of heaven and earth, for without faith it is impossible to please Him.
To pray effectively, one must prepare one’s heart to serve God so that His will is done on earth as it is in heaven.
This is why the Bible says in 
James 4.3: You ask, and you do not receive, because you ask badly, in order to satisfy your passions .

We must also set aside all personal motivations, apply ourselves to seeking those of God. If we want to make an effective prayer, we must aim at it in the interest of God whatever the field in which we want to get involved.
It is equally obvious to know that in the interests of our Heavenly Father are the interests of His children.

Finally, all effective prayer is done in the name of Jesus Christ because He Himself says in John 14:14: If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

The benefits of an effective prayer life.

When we work effectively for God, we inevitably have very satisfying results, Below are some of the benefit of effective prayer life.

1. Acquire intelligence and divine wisdom.

God bestows gifts especially on those who are intimate with Him in prayer. In a foreign land, Daniel and his three companions dedicated their lives to God.
They also had a solid foundation in prayer. He gave them intelligence and wisdom to the point of attracting amazement and wonder.

Daniel 1.17: God granted to these four young men knowledge, understanding in all letters, and wisdom; and Daniel was explaining all visions and dreams.

2. To have revelations in his intimacy with God.

Intimacy with God is obtained in prayer. Having intimacy with Him, He reveals secrets to us. God was not indifferent to the life of consecration and prayer of Daniel and his companions.
He granted Daniel success because he had intimacy with Him in prayer. King Nebukadnezar had a dream that he forgot and found no one to explain it to him, to the point of threatening all the wise men in his kingdom with death.

Faced with the inability of the Chaldeans to provide a satisfactory response to the king, Daniel was able to remind him and clearly explain his dream because he had this intimacy with God in prayer.

Daniel 2: 17-18: Then Daniel went to his house, and he inquired about this matter Hananiah, Mischael and Azariah, his companions, urging them to implore the mercy of the God of heaven, so that Daniel and his companions would not be destroyed. with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.

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3. Have the ability to do great works for the glory of God.

God found in David a king after His heart. Despite his imperfections, David had a connection with God based on prayer. The Bible describes for us his many successes against his enemies that enabled God’s people to expand their influence and gain the esteem of surrounding nations.
David placed his trust in God. His heart of worshiper and intimate friend of God is revealed to us through his actions and words.

Today, winning souls for God is our greatest struggle. Let us know that great spiritual awakenings are the results of an effective prayer life.

4. Manifestion of spiritual authority.

Having an effective prayer life requires holiness because the Lord is Holy and wants those who approach Him to be holy too. This holiness takes you further and further away from the devil. When we have an effective prayer life with this holiness, it gives us spiritual authority. We impose ourselves in the spiritual world. The apostle Peter was a man of prayer and possessed this spiritual authority.

Acts 3.6: Then Peter said unto him, I have neither silver nor gold; but what I have, I give to you: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, arise and walk.

It is good to stay connected to God in prayer in order to fully receive from Him. Knowing how to do this will allow us to fully benefit from the results of an effective prayer life.

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