Jesus Said: Ask And It Will Be Given You. What Does This Expression Means, find out on this article.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Matthew 7:7
What did Jesus mean when he told us to ask and it will be given to us?
Matthew 7 is part of what is commonly called the Sermon on the Mount. It is a description of the truly righteous life, a description of “the law of Christ” ( 1 Corinthians 9:21, NIV. ). When Jesus says, “Ask and it will be given to you,” a continuous prayer is seen ( Matthew 7: 7 ).
Prayer is the way to communicate our needs and desires to God. Of course, God, being omniscient, knows what Christians need, whether they ask for it or not, but prayer is the means God has chosen to achieve those answers ( James 4: 2 ).
Jesus did not mean that believers always get what they ask for; Wrong motives, for example, will make answers to prayer difficult ( James 4: 3 ). However, the longer a Christian spends in communion with God, the more he will know what to ask for according to God’s will.
Prayer, by itself, does not produce sanctification (an increasing holiness in the life of a believer), but shows a dependence on God for needs that cannot be met otherwise.
God is always pleased with such displays of faith. It is only faith that God relies on doing things, and what Christ has done, that produces true sanctification, not artificial self-righteousness ( Hebrews 11: 6 ).
Seek and you will find
Jesus then said, ” Seek, and you will find ” ( Matthew 7: 7 ). What should believers be looking for? It is God Himself! “Seek my face” ( Psalm 27: 8 ). “Seek the Lord and his strength; Seek his presence continually! ” ( Psalms 105: 4). “Blessed are those who keep his testimonies and seek him with all their hearts” ( Psalm 119: 2 ).
God is not hiding from his children. His heart’s desire is that we persistently and passionately seek Him, and when we do, He promises that we will find Him ( Proverbs 8:17 ). Searching is a matter of paying attention with an engaged mind and keen awareness.

Call and it will be opened to you
Then Jesus said, “Knock and the door will be opened to you” ( Matthew 7: 7c ). Here, the Lord uses a metaphor for the action that produces a desire. If a person needs something from someone behind a door, the most natural thing to do is knock, and keep knocking until the door opens and the wish is fulfilled. Likewise, a believer must pray in faith for God’s provision and be persistent in prayer ( Luke 18: 1 ).
Ask, search, touch. Look at the three different senses considered here. Asking is verbal; Christians should use their mouths and ask God for their needs and wants. They must search with their minds, this is more than asking, it is a set of priorities and a focus of the heart.
Hitting involves a physical movement, one in which the person takes action. Although asking and searching are of great importance, they would be incomplete without touching. The apostle John said that Christians are not to love only in word, but also in action ( 1 John 3:18 ).
In the same way, it is good to pray and seek God , but if one does not act pleasing to God, it is all in vain. It is no accident that Jesus said that believers should love God with all their heart, soul, strength, and mind ( Luke 10:27 ). God delights in the prayer of faith, and promises to give us what we need.
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How should we ask God to grant it to us?
Many times prayers are not answered, and we complain that God is far from us, and sometimes we can even question what is written in the scriptures. Jesus says: “ask and it will be given to you”, but how are we asking? How? Do our requests come smelling fragrant before God?
I am sure that we seldom ask ourselves these questions before judging what God does or does not do for us. As I said earlier, our Lord already knows what we need, but there are some things He wants us to do to fulfill our requests. Here are some tips so that a prayer is effective, and you can get answers:
1. Praise God.
The praise and worship to God are very important in a prayer because through this you can do know that He is your only Lord and that there is nothing like it in the world. God knows that he is almighty, and that he can grant anything you ask of him, but he likes you to be the one to tell him. That you express with your heart how great and wonderful it is for you.
2. Ask God for forgiveness.
We know that we are sinning all the time, no matter how hard we try, the stain of sin is always on us, and it is for this reason that there had to be a sacrifice for our redemption. But it is necessary that God see that repentance in us, and hears it not only from our mouths but from our hearts.
3. Humble yourself before the Creator.
God says in his word that he does not reject a heart that is sad and humbled. Our Lord can do everything, He knows all your needs before you go to tell him. However, he needs you to address him with prayer and supplication. He wants you to leave your burdens on Him, because He gave us free will, so much so that to forgive ourselves we have to ask Him.
4. Accept the will of the Father.
Many times we want things that God does not agree with, and therefore our requests are never granted. But why doesn’t God agree? Our creator knows what we need, we know only what we want. A father is never going to give a knife to his month-old baby.
We must learn to decipher what the will of God is for our lives, because outside of that there will be nothing that will do us good, and if there is nothing in our request that will be of benefit to us, God will not grant anything that will do us good. Let’s ask, so let’s throw a tantrum
5. Ask in faith.
Faith is essential for requests made to God to be fulfilled. This is a condition for everything we ask to be granted. God says in his word that if we have faith, even a little faith, everything we order will be done.
In addition, our Lord needs us to show him that we have confidence in him. He acts when we show that we need him, and that without him we can do nothing. We need to trust and learn that waiting on God can give us wonderful results.
6. Make your request in the name of Jesus.
We know that alone we will never be worthy to turn to the father, that only through his beloved son can we be holy and reach the presence of God. The sacrifice of Christ has given us the right to be children of God. For this reason, it is very important that requests are made in the name of Jesus.
Example of petition to God
Below I show you an example of how requests to our Lord should be, here all the steps that were explained above apply:
- Lord I praise you, and I adore you, you are wonderful, there is nothing, existing, or non-existent that can equal your power. I know that you are the only one who can comfort my life, and fulfill the requests of my heart.
- Father, I ask your forgiveness for all the things I have done against you, or against any brother, because I know that if I have sinned against them, I have done it against you.
- Lord, I know that I am not worthy, that you allow me to enter your presence, but I humble myself before you, and put at your mercy my requests of (…).
- My God, You know the desires that my heart has, what I am asking of You at this moment, but you also know what I really need, and resigned I will accept what You have for me.
- Lord, I have faith in you. I am sure that your power goes beyond borders, and I put my trust in you, thinking that this request is in the right hands.
- In the name of Jesus, amen.
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Conclusion: prayer should not be something synchronized, but an action that really comes from the heart. These have only been advice on how a petition should be correctly.
However, God greatly values the fact that you address Him with sincerity and reverence.
Ask and it will be given to you, was a word that Jesus expressed, and when he pronounced it, he was referring to the fact that prayer is fundamental so that requests can be granted. There are several factors to take into account when praying, and the most important are faith, trust in God, and the sacrifice of Christ that gives us the entrance to be with the Father.
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