3 Effective Prayer for Repentance of Sins

Prayers for a Narcissist
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When a person decides to pray for Repentance of Sins, it is making the decision to obtain salvation, and confess faith in Jesus Christ, which is involved in determining a person’s heart.

That means that it is the prayer product of the fruit of repentance of sins, and wishes to receive the forgiveness of sins by God.

It is the moment that you decide to follow Jesus Christ and declare him as the only Savior, that is enough to be able to perform the prayer of faith, and in this way, change your life where God will become the centre of your life, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you to eternal salvation.

Prayer for repentance of sins

Prayer for repentance of sins

This prayer for repentance is an act of oral confession that allows the person to repent of their sins, and accept Jesus as their only and sufficient Savior.

Fulfilling what is established in the word of God, indicating that everyone who receives Jesus in his life is constituted as a son of God.

• “But to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the power to become children of God” (John 1:12)

• “That if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For with the heart one believes for righteousness, but with the mouth, one confesses for salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).


When speaking of prayer for repentance or Faith, it should be known that it becomes the opportunity that a person has to receive healing from God.

It is through Jesus Christ that you can be lifted up and transformed as the Bible teaches.

And in this way bring healing to everyone who is sick in sin, breaking the chains of impiety that had them chained and trapped in darkness.

“The prayer of faith will heal the sick and the Lord will raise him up. And, if he has sinned, his sin will be forgiven him” (James 5:15)


Receive Jesus Christ

When a person decides to pray this prayer, they will receive Jesus Christ.

That in all areas of your life, and you must do it with an audible voice, with great faith in the Lord.

And by doing so, old things will pass away and all things will be made new as his word tells him.

Fulfilling the purpose for which God has brought them to earth.

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2nd Corinthians 5:17)

Product of that faith with which he makes that prayer, the person will become that new creature in Christ Jesus.

In other words, he will have a new spiritual birth, fulfilling the mandate that Jesus gave to Nicodemus, to whom he explained that in order to see the kingdom of God, he had to be born again.

“Jesus answered: Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

What is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:5:6).

In this way, the prayer of faith or repentance must be known to be the ticket or transfer that all people have to show their dependence on God, that is, to know the plan of salvation.

This refers to being able to enter the book of life and be part of those chosen in bringing the good news to all people, the first thing they must do is the prayer of faith.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you: and behold, I am with you every day, until the end of the world. Amen” (Matthew 28:19-20)


How to pray the Prayer for Repentance of Sins 

To make the prayer of repentance in a person who does not know God.

To do this, some steps must be followed that will allow you to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior, and the steps are as follows:

  • The person must recognize that he is a sinner and that his life needs to be completely transformed.
  • The believer who will be fulfilling the word of God must recognize Jesus as the son of God, who died for him to save his soul from darkness.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).


  • You must pray the prayer of faith trusting that Jesus is the Lord and Savior of your life.
  • Recognize that there is no other name on earth and outside of it more powerful than His.


“That if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For with the heart one believes for righteousness, but with the mouth, one confesses for salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).


With each of these steps, you will be able to perform the prayer of repentance effectively, understanding that this act will bring you the forgiveness of your sins.

Where your life will go from dying to the world to living in Christ, taking that first step that will allow you to receive everything that God has prepared for your life.

Examples of the Prayer for Repentance of Sins

Here are some examples of how the prayer of repentance or faith should be structured.

New life in christ verse and Lessons

Prayer to ask for forgiveness

Dear Lord Jesus, on this day I stand before you with a repentant heart, for all the bad things I had done.

Today I ask your forgiveness for each of my sins that I have committed and have dishonoured in your name.

Today with my hands raised I recognize that I need help and only through you Jesus is that I can have it.

Today Jesus gave my life to you and I recognize that you are my only and sufficient Savior.

I want my Lord Jesus to erase my name from the book of death and inscribe it in the book of life.

And in this way receive that crown of life that you have promised your children because I want to honour you every day of my life.

I thank you Lord because from this day I have risen from the dead, and I am a new creature in you.

Today I raise my hands and my voice in victory because you came to rescue me and I will be yours until the end of time.

Today I declare it in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.



Second Example


Prayer to settle your Debt and Receive Christ

Jesus at this time I find myself before your presence, today I am grateful for the sacrifice you made on that cross for me.

Today I want to settle my debts before you and ask you for forgiveness for each of my sins.

I want to pass from death to life because I know that it is through you that I will be able to have eternal life.

With my hands raised today I recognize before men and before you that you are Jesus, my Savior.

Today I ask you to come into my life and transform it completely, that your Holy Spirit comes into my life.

And change everything bad into good, and may it be an example of your power on earth.

Lord, I thank you because today you have erased my name from the book of death, and you have written it in the book of life.

Bringing me liberation from the chains that oppressed me and led me to do evil.

Today I declare that I am free and I am a new creature in Christ Jesus.

Thank you, Lord, for your love, for your healing, for your peace, for your prosperity.

And for my liberation that has been established from this day, in the name of Jesus.




Prayer for total cleansing and repentance of sins

Mighty God of this day, I thank you for allowing me to live, and for that, I stand before you to ask your forgiveness for each of my sins.

Today I want my soul to be completely cleansed and to leave the bad things that I did before.

Today I want to walk in your path Jesus, who is the truth and the life.

Today I declare that Jesus is my only and sufficient Savior, I ask you to come into my life and change everything about me.

Today I give the key to my heart and my soul so that you can cleanse and purify it completely because I want to be your servant all the days of my life.

I ask you my God to be your Lord erasing all the sins of my life and to inscribe me in the book of life, and never erase it.

I ask you to remove my name from the book of death, for me to walk trusting in you Lord because I want to live an eternal life with you.

I thank you because your love is incomparable, and today that I came to your presence with a repentant and humiliated heart, you have received it without reproach and with pleasure.

For that, I thank you for it, believing that my life from now on will be different, I declare it in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.



Final words:
After reading these lines, it can be said that the
prayer of repentance of sins is an act of recognition of the love of God in the life of the person.

Becoming the greatest act of faith, where they will have the opportunity to give their lives to Jesus and be able to receive that crown of life that He has promised to all.


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This means that it will be a new life filled with the presence of God, which will be shown through his love.

Giving peace, prosperity and each of the blessings that He has promised to all those who receive Him in their life.

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