What does it mean to be free in Christ

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Freedom is one of the fundamental rights and desires of humans, but, What does it mean to be free in Christ?. In the condition of freedom lies well-being, since when enjoying it, other rights can be exercised, as long as they keep their duties in mind so as not to harm others.

When you read the Bible you will find passages that refer to freedom, but it refers to spiritual freedom or freedom in Christ, which has been conferred by God when deciding to send Jesus to Earth where he died and rose again with him. the sole purpose of making mankind free from sin. That is true freedom when it is accepted and made aware that God is the one who directs our lives and that by his will sin is not allowed to take control of them.

What does it mean to be free in Christ?


By allowing Jesus Christ to exercise his libertarian power and be the guide, filling us with his presence, we can face evil designs and feel full spiritual freedom, by ceasing to be slaves of evil and living a life full of the graces that God grants us.

Benefits of freedom in Christ

Freedom in Christ can lead a life full of the Holy Spirit, where God directs all the feelings, desires, words, and attitudes, giving the strength to face the enemy evil and not fall to sin.

When you decide to be at the service of God, life is directed by his justice and this makes the result beneficial, full of virtues that lead to an approach to eternal life; whereas when one is at the mercy of sin, shameful results are obtained that lead to spiritual death.

In Christ there is total freedom, which was given to men after the sacrifice of his passion and crucifixion and this was only achieved by the grace of God (Ephesians 2: 8-9).

It is accepted that after a person is transformed thanks to the redemptive power of God and his love, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in his soul, providing him with the necessary assistance to remain firm in obedience to God, which is practiced out of love and not for fear.

The li dom in Christ always gives confidence and peace spiritual, which results in a good life with like, which is an honor and glorify God.

How does Christ set us free?

Where we get, possibly, the most adequate answers to this question is in the Gospel of Saint John, where various teachings appear in this regard. Thus, he refers to John 3:16, that the love of God is so immense that he sent his only Son to die crucified to save those who believe in him. Jesus himself, after being outraged, rose again and rose against all sins, so that believers in Him may have eternal life (John 12:32).

Another way that Jesus has implemented to grant spiritual freedom is through the truth regarding God, stating that by believing in Him the truth will come to be known, which will set those who believe so free (John 8:32) .

From the foregoing, it follows that no one can atone or solve their sins by himself, for this the help and presence of God are required. For that reason, God chose his own Son to fulfill that mission, who is free from sin, was able to sacrifice himself for the sins of humanity, as he certainly did, to free it from the bondage that sin causes and to give it freedom. spiritual in Christ.


Prayer Of Encouragement and Strength

To be free in Christ

The magnificence of God gives us the privilege of deciding how to live: do it as free people in his image and likeness or do it as slaves of sin. In deciding the first path, God provides enough strength not to fall into temptations and to recognize that he is victorious over evil. By having the love of God as the objective of life, allowing everything to happen according to his will, the tendency to dedicate himself to pleasures decreases in the human being, and the desire to serve God increases.

Even though every law leads to punishment after being transgressed, divine law is so kind that with the crucifixion and death of Jesus, it frees men from eternal damnation. Regardless of the seriousness of the mistakes made, if the person truly repents of his wrong actions, God grants him total forgiveness and offers him the beginning of a new life in Christ, with the offer of eternal life at his side and an earthly life with a new course directed by the presence of the Holy Spirit in the reborn soul.

Christ grants full freedom and by allowing each soul, heart, and body to enter, one ends up being a slave to sin and begins to be spiritually free, with a lifestyle according to God’s designs and overcoming any temptation that tends to separate from Him.

What is freedom in Christ for?

The freedom in Christ provides a feeling of fullness, grace, and spiritual well-being indescribable because it is the only true freedom that exists, which allows them time to be free in many aspects.

The most immediate thing is that through freedom in Christ, you can decide not to commit faults or sins that are against the will of God, as John 8: 31-36 exposes.

It serves effectively to reject and resist the vain offers that Satan may make, without having to attend to his lies (Romans 16:20), manifesting on the contrary, at that moment, the glorified God.

In the same way, it confers the freedom to change the way of behaving according to the talents and capacities of each one; If any damage is being produced by personal action, you have the freedom to review and change it. It also gives the freedom of respect to the conscience of others, since it should not be claimed that someone’s judgment directs the conduct of others because each one is free to follow his conscience.

It allows you to make your own decisions with freedom, knowing that you are responsible for their result, it is what is known as free will.

It gives freedom to do all the good that is desired because sin hinders the ability to help, being free from sin can act for the benefit of others.

How to experience true freedom

How to experience true freedom

Leading a healthy life oriented towards thanking God for all the benefits and experiences that He offers at every moment and for being inhabited by the Holy Spirit; in this condition, they persevere in obedience to the Word of God. Freedom in Christ gives awareness of having passed from spiritual death to life in Christ, which gives more vitality to earthly existence and guarantees an eternal life next to Jesus Christ, who is true Freedom.

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