How to open your heart to God in prayer

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Prayer is one of the means to enter into communion with God, to deepen your intimacy, to unload yourself on Him, to influence your life, and even to change your heart.

Sometimes we think that by saying and repeating the prayers, our hearts are fully open to God.
However, by asking God to examine it, by looking more closely, we can make a completely different observation. Unfortunately, you realize that your heart holds a lot more bulky elements and that God does not sit there at all.

Isaiah 29:13 (KJV) “When these people draw near to Me. He honors Me with his mouth and lips. But his heart is far from Me… ” 

1 Kings 6:61 (KJV) “May your heart be all unto the Lord our God, as it is this day, to keep His laws and to keep His commandments. ” 

How to open your heart to God in prayer

30 Outstanding Bible Scriptures on Passion

Give access to God.

The Bible specifies in Matthew 6:21 (KJV) “For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” “

There is no out-of-the-box method of opening your heart to God. But nevertheless, you must desire Him, ask God to take all the place, put God before everything. 

However, here are some tips to help you:

  • Confess the sins that separate Him from you, ask Him for forgiveness for any act likely to have offended Him.
  • Unveil the depths of your heart to Him.
  • Recognize your weaknesses before Him.
  • Call on the Holy Spirit to uproot the thorns from your heart.
  • Talk sincerely and simply to God as you would a friend.
  • Pray in good times and bad, anywhere.
  • Tell Him about your burdens, your concerns.
  • Claim the things of the Spirit through the Word of God (The Bible).
  • Take a little time apart during the day regularly to talk to God.
  • Pray precisely and clearly.
  • Make new resolutions with God.
  • Write down in a notebook regularly your prayer intentions, subjects, revelations, visions, dreams.

The more you pray, the more this flame of the Spirit will consume everything in your heart that was an obstacle to your communion with God. God doesn’t want you to give Him crumbs. On the contrary, He likes to have this place of honor to better lead your life. Moreover, He wants you to belong to Him entirely and without sharing. It makes it easier for you to hear Him, obey Him, and do His will.

1 Peter 2: 2 (KJV) “desire, like newborn children, spiritual and pure milk, so that through it you may grow for salvation. ” 

Colossians 1:10 (KJV) “to walk worthy of the Lord and He fully pleasing bearing fruit in all kinds of good works and crescents by the knowledge of God. “


  • 10 hindrances to prayer and how to overcome them
  • How to Receive Answers to Your Prayers
  • Powerful Ways to Awaken the Spirit And Live A Full Life In Christ

Pray with me

I invite you to pray this prayer if you feel the need if you become aware of the heaviness of your heart:

Eternal Father, You who have the capacity to create in me the will and do it, here I am before You on this day with this heavy and heavy heart. Please come to my aid, take off this yoke, come and reign totally in my heart. I remove in the name of Jesus any pressure or oppression from the enemy. Eradicate everything that has come to settle in my heart without Your consent. I know that what You start, You always finish. I thank You in advance and I proclaim that my heart is light. Thank you for responding favorably to my prayer. You the sovereign God, it is in Your Name that I prayed. Amen!

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