20 Strong cancer healing prayers for a friend

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Finding out that your friend has been diagnosed with cancer takes your breath away, but you want to stay strong and present for your friend during their battle. Use these 20 strong cancer healing prayers for your friend.

What Does The Bible Say About Cancer?

Diseases are unavoidable. As we live in this imperfect world, we encounter imperfect things like sickness and pain. And cancer is a difficult illness to overcome. Some refer to it as a “traitor.” Because it can reappear unexpectedly even after it has been supposed to have left one’s body. As a result, the word “cancer” elicits a wide range of negative feelings in patients and their family. This is why, throughout this stressful period, there is a strong yearning for solace, peace of mind, and sanctuary. Many people suffer from depression because contemplating the future and what the cancer patient will have to endure is emotionally taxing. As a result, during these trying moments, positive thinking becomes inconceivable.

20 Cancer healing prayers for a friend

Here are 20 strong cancer healing prayers for a friend.

Bible verse for grieving widow

Prayer for a friend with cancer

Father, my miracle worker, you allow the sun to shine on the just and the unjust. The rain falls on the righteous and the wicked. Although my friend is a wonderful person, he has been involved in an extremely difficult battle with cancer. Lord, come and give him strength. Prepare him mentally, physically and spiritually for this battle. Give him the faith and the desire to fight and win. Amen.


Prayer for the grace of healing

Jehovah Rapha, my healer, you have taught us that every act of healing is a miracle that comes from your inexhaustible grace. Because we deserve nothing, but You give everything. Because you are kind and merciful, give life and healing to my friend with cancer. Fill them with your grace, so that their bodies heal and give you glory. Amen.


Prayer for guidance in cancer treatment

Merciful God, the process of fighting cancer is exhausting and disorienting. The number of treatments, schedules, and medical professionals my friend interacts with during his battle with cancer is overwhelming. Please simplify this process and guide my friend through this difficult maze. Give him clarity and tranquillity. Send caring people into your life to make this process easier to navigate and manage. Amen.


Prayer for a dying friend

Lord God of all love, how could I comfort a friend who is dying of cancer? He has fought bravely and courageously, and now he is close to death. Be with him now and in his last hour. Give him a heart of comfort and security of his place with you, and when that time comes, receive your servant and embrace him in your loving arms. Amen.


Prayer for the faith of a dying friend.

Merciful God, I ask you for the faith of my friend who is now part of this life. Give him a firm confidence in the person and work of your Son, Jesus. May he cling to the cross, trusting in the shed blood for the remission of his sins and in the redemption, You have won for him. He strengthens his faith, so that he can win the promised crown. Amen.


Prayer for acceptance of the diagnosis.

Almighty and eternal God, the diagnosis of cancer is a shocking and traumatic ordeal. You can’t prepare to hear those terrifying words. However, someone close to me was diagnosed with cancer. In light of this diagnosis, I ask you to calm his anxious mind and his nerves. Give them the courage and acceptance to understand what awaits them. Help them not to put their hope in any person or doctor, but help them to put all their hope in You alone. Amen.


Prayer for the courage of a dying friend.

Good God, Light in the darkness, I cannot understand the fear and anguish that one faces when one is close to death. It’s hard enough dealing with life, let alone death. As my friend is called back to You, God, I ask You to give him courage and peace. May they be certain of your goodness and mercy, so that they may leave this life without pain or sorrow, but with the comfort and joy of a life well lived and a future with you. Amen.


Prayer for a cheerful spirit

Lord of unfailing love, joy is that transcendent joy in Your Spirit. It has the power to lift us up and sanctify us in Your holiness. Even in the midst of my friend’s battle with cancer, I ask that you fill him with your abundant joy. Allow no root of bitterness to take root, but let your wondrous love flow through him/her, to be transfigured forever by You. Make it shine like a light in a dark world, and lead many others to You. Amen.


Prayer to calm anxiety

Father God, the prospect of death strikes even the most faithful with fear and anxiety. Because who can face death? Who has crossed his line and come back to tell the tale? Lord, as my friend walks away from this life, I ask that you send your comforting Spirit to cleanse him. Let him lean not on his works, but on the assurance of a clean conscience and a new heart won for him on the cross and given by Your resurrection. Amen.


prayer for tranquillity

Lord God, our peacemaker, the prospect of death makes us review our entire life in our minds. We obsess over sins, wrongs, and possible regrets. As my friends’ brothers and sisters approach their final moments, I ask that You give them Your peace. Calms their minds and thoughts of regret. Instead, grant them a sense of tranquillity and calm, so that they can pass in peace to the other realm, where every tear will be wiped from their eyes. Amen.


Prayer to trust God

Oh Lord my God, a cancer diagnosis turns a person’s entire world upside down. My friend just had to put up with these horrible words, and now he needs Your help. Draw him to You during this time of refined testing. Make his heart trust in Your goodness, so that he does not fear the fate that awaits him. You have defeated death, Lord, and hell has no victory. Amen.


Prayer to lean on the Word of God

Lord of all, what another firm foundation is there but your most holy word? Because at times like this, when my friend has been diagnosed with cancer, Your word is his foundation of him. All the rest of the land sinks under it. He expels all doubts from his soul of him. Make him feel comforted and assured by the truth of Your word that You will never leave or forsake him. Make him feel that Your Holy Spirit dwells in him. Amen.


Prayer for the strength to endure treatment

Jesus, the Great Physician, all the strength to endure comes down to us from above. Because what can be more exhausting than cancer treatment? Lord, accompany my friend who is going through cancer treatment. He strengthens his faith and gives life and resistance to his body so that it can take advantage of his treatment and be cured of his illness. Lord, in your mercy, hear this prayer. Amen.


Prayer against unforgiveness

Creator of heaven and earth, as in most trials we face in this world, we are tempted to resent it in difficult times. As my friend battles cancer, he is tempted to blame others or even You for the terrible hand he has been dealt. As he/she struggles with this diagnosis, I ask that you protect his/her heart from resentment. Protect him from all forms of hatred, and instead fill his heart with the hope and joy of the resurrection. Amen.


Prayer for hope with cancer

Dear God, cancer has the potential to rob those we love of hope. However, it also has the power to draw us deeper into Your love and infuse us with divine understanding. Help my friend who has been diagnosed with this dreaded disease. Give him the hope that surpasses all understanding and keep his heart and mind in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Prayer for a strengthened faith

Holy and mighty Lord, come and dwell among us. Light Your fire in us, so that we can transmit Your strength to my friend, who is sick with cancer. By the power of your Holy Spirit, I humbly ask you to support and strengthen the faith of my friend who is committed to this refining fire. Although we do not know your purpose for this affliction, we ask that you give him the faith to trust in your good plan. Amen.


consolation prayer

Father God, cancer is such a scary diagnosis. The mere word is enough to make even the strongest cry. As my friend has recently embarked on his cancer journey, I ask you to comfort him with that peace that passes all human understanding. Give them a transcendent look, so that they fear nothing in this world, and trust in Your victory over death that has no sting. Lord, in your mercy, hear this. Amen.


Prayer to send comfort to friends.

Sovereign Lord, You teach us in your word that there is strength and comfort in numbers. Bring holy people into the life of my friend who is undergoing cancer treatment. May he lean on strong shoulders and be comforted by the presence of those who bear his burdens, as You have commanded us. Guide me in what to do and say to comfort my friend, and help me to be a strong friend in his time of need. Amen.


Prayer to lift your spirits

Faithful Lord God, I come to you to ask for your help for my friend in the midst of his valiant battle with cancer. He has struggled a lot and is very tired and exhausted from medication and other treatments. You find it hard to stay positive and motivated to continue the fight. Please send your Spirit of peace and joy to lift his spirits. Help him take things one day at a time, pausing to enjoy life’s gifts, truly being in the present, and accepting your plan for his life, whatever it may be. Amen.


Prayer for the grace to endure

Lord Jesus our merciful and faithful High Priest, we can do nothing without your amazing grace and mercy. As my friend continues to fight a daily battle with this fearsome disease, I implore you to continue to give him the grace to endure. Take care of him in body and spirit, so that he heals in body and spirit, and returns to normal life as soon as possible. Amen.


44 Powerful healing prayers; Healing of Sickness, Disease and Cancer.

25 Healing prayers for someone with cancer

45 powerful healing scriptures for cancer patients

Powerful Healing Scriptures For Cancer

healing scriptures about cancer

Cancer might make us feel hopeless. But remember that it is not a life sentence. Despite the number of deaths that it has caused, there are also many who have survived it. His words bring healing and miracles. It will give us hope and light when we are in dark times. Let these Bible verses below encourage you and your loved ones.

  • Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is the health of the body, but a depressed spirit dries up the bones.
  • Isaiah 38:16 Those live whom the LORD protects; yours is the life of my spirit. You have given me health and restored my life!
  • Isaiah 40:29 He gives power to the faint, abundant strength to the weak.
  • Hosea 6:1 “Come, let us return to the LORD, For it is he who has torn, but he will heal us; he has struck down, but he will bind our wounds.
  • Acts 4:29-30 And now, Lord, take note of their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with all boldness, as you stretch forth your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”
  • James 5:13 Is anyone among you suffering? He should pray. Is anyone in good spirits? He should sing praise.
  • James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful.
  • Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
  • Psalms 107:19-20 In their distress they cried to the LORD, who saved them in their peril, Sent forth his word to heal them, and snatched them from the grave.
  • Jeremiah 17:14 Heal me, LORD, that I may be healed; save me, that I may be saved, for you are my praise.
  • Matthew 8:7-8 Jesus said to him, “I will come and cure him.” The centurion said in reply, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant will be healed.
  • Psalms 103:2-3 Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits— who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.
  • Matthew 9:35 Jesus went around to all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and curing every disease and illness.
  • Psalms 41:4 The LORD sustains him on his sickbed, you turn down his bedding whenever he is ill.
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