Author: Admin

10 Bible verses about humility Its clear from scripture that God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble, on that, 10 bible verses about humility has been listed below but before then, How can we know that we are living in humility and ready to receive God’s blessings? What’s Humility? Before jumping to bible verses about humility, what is humility. Humility is a very important virtue every Christian must have, but you need to possess it in a way that glorifies God. It is the ability to be without pride or arrogance and it is a main character…

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45 Bible verses for encouragement Life can strike heavily on us with difficult challenges, disappointments, heartache, situations that can easily divert our mood from joyfulness to heavy laden. To help us get through these circumstances, highlighted are 45 Bible verses for encouragement. We all need words of encouragement from the lord. Here you will find Bible verses that will comfort and keep you encouraged. Bible verse that will give you confidence in the lord, that will change your thought and give you support and reassurance. Bible Verse For Encouragements Here are 45 bible verses for encouragement that set your feet…

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What’s the bible verse about love Here are 39 bible verse about love What does the bible say about love, brethren below are 39 bible verses about love. Loving someone can inspire you to accomplish some of the most amazing feats you’ll ever undertake. It’s noted that Couples who wish to show their devotion to each other and to their faith often turn to Bible verses about marriage when planning their nuptials. Therefore, These scriptures on love from the Holy Book serve as spiritual and sentimental reminders of the love that you share, and provide you with a way to…

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Whether you’re in a time of need or looking to strengthen your faith, turn to the Bible for comfort and guidance. Here are 35 Bible verses that for strength, peace, and hope during times of distress. From Psalms to Proverbs, Isaiah to Matthew, these words of wisdom will help you find the courage to keep going, even when it feels like the world is against you. Let the power of the Bible help you through your struggles — no matter how big or small. Bible verse for strength and healing Have you ever found yourself in a difficult situation…

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Top 30 bible scripture for prosperity, what does the bible say about money being evil, what does the bible say about success in business Success is a desire and a factor that keeps one feet running, no one ever want to fail in life, having the mindset to become successful in life help you focus on your goal and to help you achieve that, we’ve outlined the highlighted top 30 bible scripture for prosperity . Check this out: With God Nothing Is Impossible Explanation The exciting part: If you are a believer, you do not have to look far or worry…

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Bible verse about prosperity and wealth God’s plan for you is to prosper and its your desire to be prosperous and in command of your time, its your right as a believer, it’s the will of the father for his sons and daughters to be prosperous. Gods want you to prosper that’s the reason you’re reading this post Bible verses about prosperity and wealth. Bible verse about prosperity and wealth to help you live the live the Lord has prepared for you WHAT’S PROSPERITY? Prosperity is simply a word for well-being, financial freedom, good health, happiness and spiritual well-being.…

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10 Bible scripture for financial success Do you desired to be financially successful, or Are you looking for the bible scripture that will help you become successful with your money?, you have come to the right place. On this article, 10 Bible verse has been compiled to help you become financially successful. Below are some scriptures Christians should hold on with in a time of financial difficulty. In time of financial need and blessings, Here are 10 Bible verses to bring down God’s financial blessings. Deuteronomy 28:11–12 “And the Lord shall make thee plenteous in goods, in the fruit…

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bible verses about anxiety and depression. Depression can still be fought, worrying can stop right now, don’t be afraid. No one ever wants to be depressed, but what should you do when you find yourself in an ugly difficult situation? Should just give up? No! Don’t give up, you can still find peace and joy despite the heartbreaking circumstances with the help of these bible verses about anxiety and depression and the help of the holy spirit. bible verses about anxiety and depression – below they’re: “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.”Matthew 6:34 “We can…

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Short prayer for strength Have you been seeking supernatural strength from God over your life and over your family or are you in need of God’s divine strength over a situation? Here is a collection of short prayer for strength that you can use to pray. Before we go over to Short prayer for strength, first of all, what’s strength? Read more: Why is prayer important? What is strength? Strength is defined as a capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure, it’s a support for someone beyond what is usual or what the person deserves.…

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Life is full of ups and downs. Are you at a time when you lack enthusiasm, will, and courage? this Uplifting prayer for strength during difficult times can help promote spiritual courage and attract strength, joy, and willingness to face everyday challenges. When you feel that you lack strength, say this prayer to receive divine power from God. Here are 5 powerful prayers for strength.  Prayer for strength in difficult times “God, my Father, I ask you for courage and clarity to face all my difficulties. Don’t let me be discouraged! You are my fortress and my firm rock, my protective shield in the…

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