Righteousness, the Secret Power of speaking Gods word and secret of power with God

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Righteousness, the Secret Power of speaking Gods word and secret of power with God

Every invitation unto unrighteousness is an invitation unto powerlessness.

Are you in pain, shame or reproach? Are you bold enough to command that challenge that has became a burden in your life? Are you lacking power to speak the word of God against that difficult challenge.

God has giving you the power to address that challenge you’re facing.
“For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith” Mark 11:23.

GOD is a spirit and if you must see his manifestation in your life, Holiness is the price for it.
The righteous are strong and bold like a lion in midst of any difficulties and challenges, scripture confirmed it in proverbs 28:1, it says, “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion”. Proverbs 28:1
Every invitation unto unrighteousness is an invitation unto powerlessness.

What are the Secret Power of speaking Gods word and secret of power with God?
Having a sound relationship with God, intimacy with God, dwelling in God’s Presence, living a life of worship gives you access to work in the supernatural, it engender you access to the Secret Power of speaking Gods word and secret of power with God
On the matter of experiencing the power of God, until the right things are in place, you can fast until you have gastric ulcer, gastritis or duodenal ulcer, you will not see any result.
Righteousness is major secret Power of speaking Gods word and secret of power with God, you cant operate in the supernatural without a cleanliness of life.

  1. The way of uprightness is the way of spiritual power.
  2. Every invitation unto unrighteousness is an invitation unto powerlessness. When the devil wants to render a person powerless, he traps him/her into unrighteous acts.
  3. Every effort at upright living is a worthwhile effort, not a wasted effort.

To access the Secret Power of speaking Gods word and secret of power with God,
continually rely on the grace of God to live uprightly (Titus 2:11) and you will experience the power of God.

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