Author: Admin

Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, but it is also a time to remember the true reason for the season. It is a time to remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. For many, it is a time to reflect on the hope, peace, love, joy, and grace that Jesus brought into the world. It is a time to remember that Jesus is the ultimate gift of love and hope. From His birth in a manger to His death on the cross, Jesus has been the source of hope and redemption for mankind. As we approach…

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Jesus wept meaning and 7 powerful Reasons He Wept with Bible Verses.  Sometimes we can be hit with troubles of life that we make can lead to one weeping, as in Jesus. This verse is easy to remember because it is so short. Jesus wept. (John 11.35) We bring to you reasons Jesus wept. This post answers your questions to; What is the meaning of Jesus’ wept? How many times did Jesus weep in the Bible? What does John 11 35 say in the Bible? Why did Jesus weep over Jerusalem? why did jesus wept  ALSO READ:7 miracles of Jesus Christ in…

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And Jesus wept. Sometimes it can be depressing to watch or read the news. We try to follow the biblical mandate to seek and think about actual, respectable, just, pure, kind, worthy of admiration and praise ( Philippians 4: 8 ). However, the stories that predominate in the media often make us feel sad, frustrated, and irritated. In addition, we go through personal difficulties at home and work, with spending, relationships, illness, and many other things. We turn to our faith for answers, but they are not easy to find. For the most part, we run into questions. What are people…

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Prayers for the Government and Country Leaders are incredibly important, as these individuals play a vital role in guiding and protecting our nation. Imagine our country as a big, beautiful garden that needs constant care to flourish. The people who help tend to this garden are our government and country leaders. Just like we pray for our family and friends, we can offer prayers for these special people who work tirelessly to make our country a better place. When we say Prayers for the Government and Country Leaders, we are sending them a warm embrace from our hearts. Our prayers…

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26 Prayer for a sick family member and friend with scriptures It is difficult to see a good friend go through suffering from illness. Sometimes we want to offer them the world but we can’t. The most we can do is pray. If you are in this situation, I hope you find strength in the following information on how to pray for a sick friend. On one occasion the mother-in-law of Peter, a disciple of Jesus, was very ill. When Jesus went to visit this family, they asked for his help regarding her. In Luke 4: 38-39 we see that Jesus bent over the woman,…

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We bring to you 85 uplifting scriptures on agape love. As Believers, we are to show the same kind of love that Jesus Christ had for us, which is agape love. The Bible communicates many messages of these agape love that offer guidance in family, children, relationships, marriage, and others.  As was mentioned in the commandants itself, we were instructed to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Agape Love is the fulfillment of the law outlined in Romans. Here is a look at some of the best uplifting Bible verses about Agape love. What Is Agape Love Agape love…

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100 good bible verses for baby dedication for parents to remember A Baby is said to be a good reflection of God’s love. A child’s dedication is a symbolic ceremony that is performed as a rite for the family to instill the Christian faith onto them. Many church and family members go about encouraging the salvation of the child. For your next baby dedication, here is a powerful selection of bible verses for baby dedication to remember. 100 Powerful Bible Verses About Baby Dedication Here are 100 Powerful Scriptures on baby dedication for parents to use for the blessing of…

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I am with you always, here are a selection of 85  Bible verses to remind you God is always with you One Greatest of Satan’s most popular weapons that he uses against us is Fear.  Satan instills this fear into us by The most common lie that God is far away or He is absent from our presence. Have you for once ever felt that way before? If yes, worry no more. We’ve all felt at some point that God is distant or even ignorant but the truth can not be hidden, nothing could be farther from the truth. God…

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Have you ever heard someone say, “I am with you always”? What does it mean? Does it have a biblical basis? Well, the answer is yes! This phrase comes from the Bible and has been used by many people over the centuries to express comfort and assurance. In this article, we’ll explore the meaning of this phrase, as well as look at some of the Bible verses that use it. So, if you’re ready to uncover the deeper meaning of “I am with you always”, then let’s get started! Meaning of Matthew 28:20 I am with you always I am…

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Jesus Christ is the Only and True Way, In John 14:6, Jesus answered and said, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. There is no one that can access the father without passing through the son Jesus christ Jesus is the only way and this is why it’s good to remember a wonderful message that He left us in Chapter 14 of the book of John. This chapter begins like this: “Let not your hearts be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me ”. Here Jesus was at the dinner…

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