3 Effective Morning Prayer to Have a Good Day

Prayers of deliverance and protection
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The prayer to have a good day is related to the conviction that every believer has that this new day will be blessed because God will accompany us throughout the day, also revealing the relationship we have with the Creator, who is fundamental in our life.

Prayer is the most effective way to get closer to God, that is why prayer to have a good day should be the first thing that every believer should proclaim when seeing that sun peeking out of his window because that way he will be with conviction thanking to God how good it will be during the day.

Morning Prayer to Have a Good Day

Every day when you get up, it is essential to give your day to God, and take the example of David who manifested his daily search for God from very early, to wait on Him and know His wonders that would accompany him throughout the day.

“O Lord, in the morning you will hear my voice; In the morning I will appear before you, and I will wait” (Psalm 5:3)

In this way, every morning when you wake up, you should thank the Lord and pray for a good day, since from that daily beginning you should focus on each of the things that you experience and be thankful for each blessing that he grants. And we see Jesus giving an example of this.

“And getting up early in the morning, while it was still very dark, he went out and went into a deserted place, and there he prayed” (Mark 1:35).

Each believer must emulate that lifestyle that Jesus had, and all men of faith, who prayed to God, and longed to get closer to Him, since they understood the great privilege of being able to get closer to the Creator, and prayer was a tool given to that everyone who loves him may be in communion with him.

“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Sinners, clean your hands; and purify your hearts, ye double-minded” (James 4:8)

That is why seeking God in prayer is the best way for any person to know God’s plans, and to be able to receive the blessings that he has prepared for those who seek him in Spirit and in Truth, as the Word of God says.

“If you seek God tomorrow And pray to the Almighty; If you are clean and upright, then surely he will wake up for you, And he will prosper the abode of your righteousness. And although your beginning was small, your last state will be very great” (Job 8:5-7)

Prayer is the only way to gain genuine communion with God, because the more you long to know him, the more time you will want to spend with him, learning about him, asking for his wisdom and help in all your ways, interceding for others, and learning what you want for your life.

3 Examples of Prayer  for a Good Day

Prayer for Repentance of Sins

Knowing that prayer for a good day is vital for every believer, here are several models of prayer for a good day.

1. Prayer to have a Good Day

“Blessed Heavenly and wonderful Father, I thank you for this new day that you offer me, for allowing me to open my eyes and see the gift of life. Thank you because I have the opportunity to be closer to you, to be a better person than I was yesterday.I thank you for my family, for my friends, for my neighbours, for my country, for the world. Thank you because I have people who guide me for good and every day take me along the path to you, which is the most valuable thing in my life, and because your divine purpose continues to be unleashed in my life.

I wish you good morning, Father, also to you, Jesus, who died for me on a cross, and to you, the Holy Spirit, who guides my steps every day, so that I may be an example of your good heart to all those around me. I glorify you Father, your Son, your Holy Spirit, today I ask you in Your name Jesus to take my tongue, my lips and my voice so that I can be a defender of your word and transmit your truth to everyone around me.

Purify my hands with your blessed blood, Lord, may they be full of your perfect obedience, so that it is a good day, and I can be blessed in everything I undertake on the day, I can see your wonders and blessings. May it be your joy, Lord, that touches my heart and is a valuable instrument to impart your divine peace.

I put in your hands everything that I am today and what I will be, that each plan on this day be executed according to your holy and perfect will, that you continue to mould me in your image and likeness, and so that your name may be glorified in every place. move me I declare that today will be a day where I will see your provision in everything I undertake. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus.” Amen.


2 Prayer for a Good Day at Work

Beloved Father God creator, the owner of heaven and earth, who allows both good and bad to see the sunshine and the rainfall and water the earth for all, who makes the wind blow and cool our bodies from the heat, thank you for this new day of blessings, for the opportunity to see the miracle of having a new dawn.

Thank you for taking care of me during the night, for the rest and for renewing my strength to be able to face this new day that appears in my life, I ask that your grace spill over in everything I undertake during the day, giving me strength, giving me wisdom, that I do not lack patience and that my gifts and the fruit of your Spirit can be active in everything, that I can overcome every challenge that comes my way on this day.

I thank you because I know that if you go by my side I will be able to overcome any adversity that comes my way because I am fully confident that your plans for me are plans for well-being and not for calamity, as your Word says, for give us a future and hope in everything you undertake.

That’s why Lord I put in your hands this day that will be a great blessing. May your infinite grace cover me, free me from all the bad and from any danger that could affect me, you make me invisible, I ask that with your powerful hand you keep me and free my life from the evil that could attack me because I am your beloved son.

I place all my trust and gratitude in you today, I believe that with you in control I will receive the provision in my home, and you will keep all my family, my neighbours and friends, because I place all my plans completely in your hands, and I hope with confidence in that your purposes are for my growth and well-being. Thank you beloved God because it is done and today I ask it in the name of your Son Jesus. Amen.


3 Prayer for a Good Day for family and friends 

Lord Almighty God, I thank you for this day that you present to me since with this new dawn I have the opportunity to get closer to you and enjoy the wonders that you have given us all because your mercies are new every day.

Thank you I give you for my family, for my friends, my neighbours, and for all the things you have put before me for my good and well-being. This day will be good because I sanctify it in your name Jesus, through your Holy Spirit guide every step that I take, and that on this day you can show me your glory and be able to see the divine purpose in everything I do and receive in the way.

Lord Jesus Christ bless my lips so that they can give testimony of your mercy and love, that my thoughts can act according to the Holy Obedience of your Word, and that everything I do on this day is a blessing for my life, and be you opening my eyes to see your splendour and thus be able to have you as a light that illuminates each of the decisions that I must make today.

I ask that each day your presence be revealed in my life and in each person who needs it, that your love, that your holiness, that your power, that your healing covers me and all those who need it, that your glory visit, may your material and spiritual provision not fail me, I thank you for the food you give me on this day.

Today I give you my heart, my thoughts and all my being so that you continue transforming them according to the call you have given me to be your son, and thus be able to be more like you, for the glory of your Holy Name. I ask this in the Holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Amen


Good Morning prayer to start your day with God

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For each of these models of prayer for a good day, it is necessary that believers always ask for the direction of the Holy Spirit in their prayers and that he teaches them how to do it, and that they be words that come directly from the heart, with great faith, for that is the only way to activate a genuine prayer to God.

“And in the same way the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for what we should ask as appropriate, we do not know, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groans. But he who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is because according to the will of God he intercedes for the saints”. (Romans 8: 26-27)
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