Prayer for him to cry for me and not want to be with another

Prayer for him to cry for me
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Effective Prayer for him to cry for me and not want to be with another

Men are often moved by their feelings. They are weak beings easily manipulated by sin. That’s why I make this prayer so that he cries for me and doesn’t want another. Although in the beginning, in the Garden of Eden it was precisely Eve who lent her ears to sin, it seems that history has been reversed, and now it is men who are easily attracted by lust, greed, and desire for what they love. surrounds them.

For a man to return to the right path and return to the teachings of the Lord, we must pray, put in his vision and in his mind and body, the love he has always professed for you and for God.

Only then can we show men the path of fidelity. And honesty is staying on the right path. Here are two powerful prayers, an intense prayer to make you cry for me. And not wanting another, which will help you ask the Lord to keep your mind. And the spirit of your partner on the right path, and that he concentrates and thinks only of you.

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Prayer so that I don’t want another

Father, on this day I want to raise my prayer before your presence because I am distressed by a very particular situation.

I know that you always listen to my prayers and requests when I come with a humbled heart before you. You love me unconditionally, more when I cry and my eyes burn with betrayal.

The love I feel for that person was what made me grow and you always fight for all the things I long for, and it is precisely this fight that brought me back to you, my Lord, to seek help.

As you know, I am madly in love with a person. I know that he is the perfect companion for my days and with whom I want to spend the rest of my life. We feel that we are attuned to each other and that we love each other with all our hearts. Although lately, I have felt that he has been distracted by other women.

I beg you, Lord, to keep your attention on me and let him see that he doesn’t need to look for anything else in other women. Let her see that I can complete her life completely and give her the love, attraction, passion, and affection that she so badly needs right now.

Allow him, Father, to love me deeply and give him the courage to show it to me. I ask that you can feel love only for me and that you can always realize that I am that person who can brighten all your days. Please, Father, hear my prayers. So that the person I love can receive and attend to this powerful prayer that I am praying.



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