How to pray to God – See How To Approach God Through Prayer

Prayer for peace and strength
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One of the most common questions asked by people is how to pray to God. In this article, find out the steps that can help you get started with praying to God.

One of the best ways to get a little closer to our Lord is through the power of prayer. That is why today we have brought you this article, where we are going to give you a series of useful tips on how to pray to God so that all your words are heard with divine joy in heaven.


Is there an ideal way to pray to God?

You may be wondering what is the correct way to pray to God our Creator, but we tell you that there is no such way. Since, the most value in prayer, is the person’s faith, humility and good wishes. However, we can offer you some simple tips that will help you make communication with the Lord more effective, as well as easy to carry out.

As we understand that on some occasions, we can feel lost on the way and do not know how to pray to God. But all this has a solution, because our Father will always be willing to listen to our pleas and calls, so you have nothing to worry about because, with these useful tips, you will be able to pray with confidence and security.

4 Things to take into consideration when praying to God

In this section, we indicate everything you have to keep in mind when raising your prayers to heaven. In this way, everything you ask for will be granted, because the Father always wants the best for us, his beloved children and never abandons us under any circumstance of life.

1. Thanksgiving: be thankful always

One of the most important things you should do as soon as you start praying is to thank Almighty God. it is not just about asking and expecting to receive in return, but it is also essential to be grateful in all moments of life, even if the circumstances are not the best. So, glorify the Father and give thanks for your life, for the blessings, for the health and for all the things that you can enjoy on this earthly plane.

Likewise, ask the Holy Spirit to accompany you in your prayer, to help you express yourself wisely so that communication with God will be the best. Ask him to allow you to pray with all humility and with the exact words that are pleasing to the Lord, to glorify him, thank him and praise him in each of your days.

2. Pray from the bottom of your heart

It is useless to utter empty and unfeeling words that do not please God. So, we recommend that when you go to make your prayer to the Father, you express everything that you carry inside your heart. Have confidence that God hears you and speaks to him as a friend or a confidant, without pretending to be what you are not.

Show yourself as you are, because God loves you unconditionally and expects your prayers to be sincere. do not be afraid to show yourself vulnerability, because God’s love is infinite and will always provide you with his guidance and divine protection from him. Regardless of the situation, you are going through, the Lord will never abandon you.


3. Trust in the Holy Will of God

Every time you decide to pray, recognize the infinite power of our Lord and leave all your problems and difficulties in his hands. Remember that the Creator is very wise and knows what is best for you and the things that are best for you along the way. So, when you make your requests to heaven, do not do it in an authoritarian way about how your problems should be resolved and trust fully in the Most Holy Will of the Father.

Likewise, recognize everything that God represents in your life, and express all your love and your infinite gratitude for always remaining by your side. No matter how hard the moment you are facing is, remember that these are tests that we must overcome to grow spiritually and be more mature people.

So pray to the Lord that his will always be done and trust in the time when God will grant you his help. Always be patient and very humble in your actions and in the words you say when praying. When you are going to finish your sentence, we recommend that you say the following words:

“All this I ask in the name of your beloved son Jesus, our Lord, grant it to me if it is Your Holy Will, my God.”

4. Pray for your neighbour

It is extremely important that when you pray, you include your fellow men in some part of the prayer. By this, we mean that you pray for those who need it so much, whether they are people from your family environment or for those strangers who are homeless and in extreme poverty. Remember that being selfish is not to our Lord’s liking and that it is important to ask for all the brothers who are part of this journey with you.

Also, raise all your prayers to heaven for those people who are suffering from a serious illness. So that the Father helps you and helps you to get out of that situation of anguish and depression in which you find yourself. Extend a friendly hand to all your fellow men and remember that good deeds in favour of helping others will always be pleasing to God.


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Simple steps to make a prayer to God

Now that you know the fundamental aspects that cannot be missing in your prayer, you need to know how to begin and how to end your prayer. You can do this out loud or from your mind, the important thing is that your words are eloquent and pleasant to hear by the Lord, in addition to coming from the bottom of your heart.

1. Begin the sentence

As we mentioned before, the first thing you should do before asking is to thank God for all the blessings that he grants to your life. It is also important that you address God by his name, using words like Dear God, Heavenly Father, and God the Almighty Father, to give your prayers a good start.

Also, it is relevant that when you go to pray,  in a quiet place and where no loud noises are heard. So that you do not have any type of interruption that could disconcert you when you express your desires to the Father. That is why it is so advisable to start praying early in the morning or before going to bed to rest.

2. Start your conversation with God

Now that you have started acclaiming the name of the Lord and thanking him for your multiple blessings, you must have a conversation with Him. You will do this through the words that come from your heart, as well as the wishes you decide to express. In the same way, it is important to express everything that worries your mind and spirit, as well as ask for help or the healing of your loved ones and others.

Also, you need to ask the Lord to enlighten your path and to send his angels to protect you and always protect you from all evil. Remember to pray for the needs of the people who require the most help and surrender all your concerns to the Lord. Also, be patient and pay attention to God’s answers in your heart, since our Beloved Father always has the solution for all the problems that come along the way.



3. Finish the sentence

When you have finished conversing with the Father, you can end your prayer by saying the following words: “May your Most Holy Will always be done, my God, I ask all of this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.”

In addition, you can perform the prayers and prayers of the Catholic Church, such as the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Apostles’ Creed. It should be noted that you can pray every day before going to sleep and act according to your wishes. That is, your actions always represent the good teachings that our Lord Jesus Christ left us.

For God, it is important that we are good Christians and that our good words are reflected in each of the actions that we carry out on a daily basis. This is why it is so relevant to help our neighbour, even with a word of encouragement that comforts him, no matter how small the action, as long as it comes from the heart and benefits others greatly.


Now that you have a general idea of ​​the most important aspects when making your prayers, you need to start putting all these tips into practice as soon as possible. Also, ask God so that his love and his peace will never be lacking in your life and pass on to those around you everything you have learned in this article. So that they have a good communication with the Father and the blessings are never lacking in their lives.

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