What and who is the Holy Spirit according to the Bible? According to the Bible,…
When we are born again or believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, our…
Palm Sunday prayer is an essential part of the Christian tradition. Prayer is our lifeline…
Something amazing happened at the Cross of Calvary . It was a real event in the realm…
Holiness is one of the attributes of a born-again child of God. Contrary to a misperception,…
What Is The Vine: Symbolism Of The Vine In The Bible In the Bible Jesus…
For better understanding of the holyghost, the bible uses signs and object and on these…
Jesus was very fond of speaking through parables and metaphors, which are reflected in many…
Why is it important to pray in tongues? When we are born again or believe…
How to Awaken the Spirit – Ways to Live a Full Life in Christ We…