30 Good Night Blessings and Prayers for Peaceful Sleep at Bedtime

A Good Morning prayer
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Good Night Blessings and Prayers are important for a Peaceful Sleep at Bedtime

A prayer-filled day is a great method to release anxiety and to find peace prior to sleeping. No matter what happened today, expressing your gratitude to God during a prayer at night will help you renew faith belief and allow you to experience complete relaxation. Evening prayers allow you to reflect on the things that happened throughout the day and how God has been alongside you.

Pray these prayers at night for your evening sleep time with your spouse, children and other family members so they will sleep peacefully and grateful! God is eager and waiting to grant you peace and peace during the night!

30 Good Night Blessings and Prayers for Peaceful Sleep at Bedtime

His Mercies Are New Every Morning

Goodnight Prayer for Blessings

Bless us with rest tonight, Jesus, and a good night’s sleep. Forgive us for the things we did today that did not honor you. Thank you for loving us so much and that you know us through and through. We need your help every day, and we thank you for the strength you give and for helping us know that with you, even hard things are possible. Bless our family and our home, and keep us safe through the night. May your angels guard us and watch over us, just like you promised.

You’ve told us we are just like sheep. And that you lead us and guard us like a shepherd. You know our names, and you make us feel special and loved. When we hurt, you help us feel better. Thank you, Jesus, for your good care and for giving us [mom/dad/parents/foster parents/pastors] to help. Thank you for the Bible, and for teaching us stuff in life that helps us grow. Bless the people in our world, and help them to know you love them, too. Thank you for all the people who help us so much: teachers, doctors, policemen, and firemen—and so many more.

Thank you for your good plan for our lives. Help us to obey you and love you more and more. When we awake in the morning, put a smile on our face and your purpose in our hearts, ready to start a new day. We love you, Jesus. Good night. In Jesus’s precious name, Amen.

Father, We Thank Thee

Father, we thank thee for the night,
And for the pleasant morning light;
For rest and food and loving care,
And all that makes the day so fair.
Help us to do the things we should,
To be to others kind and good;
In all we do, in work or play,
To grow more loving every day.

For A Good Night’s Sleep

Grant me a good night’s sleep tonight, God, so that I can awake refreshed and ready to begin another day loving you. Thank you again for blessings so undeserved and too numerous to count. I love being your child, and I long for the word “faithful” to describe my service to you, each day of every year. When I awake in the morning, may it be with a joyful smile, not a grumpy spirit. May your protection and your presence bathe this place with peace and safety against the enemy. Good night, Lord. In Jesus’s name, Amen.


goodnight evening prayer for bedtime and sleep

At the End of A Hard Day

Father, I can barely lift my eyes to you. It’s all I can do to cry out for help. Please extend your grace to me this day. Help me to see that you are in this and that you are with me. Help me to remember that you are not surprised or taken off guard by the events of this day. Forgive me for my fears about this day.

Forgive me for how I have complained and muttered about how hard this day has been. Forgive me for forgetting that you are with me. Forgive me for forgetting who I am because of what your Son, Jesus Christ, has done. Forgive me for failing to remember the glorious truths and riches I have because of the gospel. Father, hear my prayer. Grant me gospel hope in the midst of this hard day. Help me to cling to your grace, your wisdom, and your strength.

Before You Go to Bed

Father, thank you for holding me together today. I needed you, and you were there for me. Thank you for every bit of love, mercy, and grace that was shown to me though I did not deserve it. Thank you for your faithfulness even in my suffering. To you alone be the glory. Amen.


A Beautiful Prayer to End the Day

Heavenly Father, my day is drawing to an end, and I’m ready to turn in. But before I do, I have to thank you for your faithfulness today. It’s always a good day, even when things may not go the way I plan, or when the world seems in chaos because you are in control.

For all the times when I was aware of your help today, all the times when your unseen presence seemed so near, thank you, God. But for all the ways you worked behind the scenes, unknown to me, moments when heaven-sent angels moved on my behalf in ways I’ll never know, thank you for those also, Lord. Amen.

A Bedtime Prayer to Stop an Anxious Heart

Dear Lord, please help me trust You and empower me through Your Spirit to stop my emotions from bossing me around. I want to quit worrying about what might happen and focus on what has already happened by remembering and praising You for Your faithfulness in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer for a Reset

Lord, I long for those moments early in my faith when I felt your closeness, your joy, your energy and zest for life. I confess that the daily grind has ground down my passion for you. I confess that I allow the cares of the world to choke out the joy of the gospel. Lord, turn my heart toward you again. Fix my eyes on you, fix my heart on you. Help me have a reset in my faith and in my life, starting today. Renew my heart, renew my life for you and your ways. Help me see the daily routines of life as moments to gracefully submit to your will. Thank you for being the Lord of my life everyday. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Giving Thanks Evening Prayer

Dear God, we thank you tonight for the good day and for the special way you take care of us all the time. Thank you for the fun times outside and the quiet times inside, and for helping us learn new things every day.

Thank you for creating us special, exactly the way you wanted. Thank you for protecting us throughout the day. Forgive us for the wrong things we do. Thank you for loving us even when we disobey or try to do things our way. Help us to always choose your way, God, because it’s always best. We pray for all the people who don’t know you, and that they will come to understand your love for them, too.

Bless our family and thank you for good times together and apart. Bless our friends and those we love, including our grandparents, our aunts and uncles and cousins. Thank you for our home and a place to sleep and good food to eat. Help us rest well, give us peaceful dreams, and send your angels around our home to protect us throughout the night. Teach us to trust you and to love you more and more. You are good; you are great; and you are faithful, God. And we love you. Good night. In Jesus’s precious name, Amen.

For Sweet Sleep

Heavenly Father, who gives rest to His children – will You wash over me a peace that passes all understanding as I lay down to sleep tonight?  I ask that You would ease the load of the burdens I am carrying.  My desire is to be an effective mother, wife, and friend and I know my attitude, energy level, and spiritual life will not be sufficient to do this if I don’t have the deep spiritual rest You long to give me.  Be merciful, O Lord, and give sweet sleep to Your child. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Night-time Blessing Prayer

Dear God, Thank you for your great love and blessing over our lives. Thank you that your favor has no end, but it lasts for our entire lifetime. Forgive us for sometimes forgetting that you are intimately acquainted with all of our ways, that you know what concerns us, and you cover us, as with a shield. We ask for your guidance so that we might walk fully in your blessing and goodness today. We ask that your face would shine on us. That you would open the right doors for our lives and for our loved ones, that you would close the wrong doors and protect us from those we need to walk away from. Establish the work of our hands and bring to fulfillment all that you have given us to do in these days. We pray that you would make our way purposeful and our footsteps firm out of your goodness and love. Give us a heart of wisdom to hear your voice, and make us strong by your huge favor and grace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

How to Tell Someone About Jesus

For True Rest

Dear Lord, break me of the need to be busy pursuing a sense of self-worth. Make me secure in who You are and who You’ve made me to be, and as a result, teach me what it means to truly rest. Help me catch my breath. In Jesus’ Name, Amen ~ Max Lucado

To Sleep Worry Free

Lord, I’ve shouldered my cares as if I’m the one in control. Help me become like a child, handing all my stresses, worries and responsibilities to You, my faithful Father. I trust You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. ~ Amy Carroll

Forgiveness at the End of the Day

Forgive me for any foolish actions on my part today or things I did without first asking your blessing or wisdom. Those are moments I’d rather forget, but I’m so grateful for your forgiveness when I ask. I never want to go to bed without clearing the air between us, Lord. Our friendship means too much, and your holiness deserves that. Thank you for loving me just as I am.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

A Short Night-time Prayer (2 Timothy 1:7)

For God’s not given me a spirit of fear,
But a spirit of love,
and of power, and a sound mind,
To live each day and glorify his name.

Popular Child’s Bedtime Prayer, 18th Century

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.

Alternative Version for Children:
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
Watch and guard me through the night,
and wake me with the morning light.

At the End of a Dissapointing Day

Lord, thank You for working in my life, even in ways that look like failure. Help me keep my eyes on You and not on my situation. Help me trust You more, especially when I face what looks like a disappointment. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

For Loved Ones

As I close my eyes tonight, I’m praying for loved ones around me, for friends and those who need to know you, Lord. I’m praying that your love, like the billions of stars in the night sky outside, will touch them and help them see who you really are. I pray for our world and those in it. I pray for their needs as well as my own.

For Peaceful Sleep

Dear Jesus, teach me to daily lay my burdens at your feet. Show me I can trust in your loving care. Grant me, your beloved, the nourishing blessing of rest and peaceful sleep.

To Rest Well

Dear Lord, thank You for rest. Thank You that I can rest while You continue to hold everything together. Help me rest well and worship You through rest. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

For the Overwhelmed Heart

Lord, when my heart is overwhelmed, overwhelm me with Your peace. Lead me to You, my rock. Guide me to Your Word which gives me strength and refuge. Help me not to run to lesser things. Draw me to run to You first. Help me get into the habit of taking my “overwhelmed” and placing it under your will. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Soul Rest

Lord, thank You for providing a rest for my soul that’s not attached to a person or experience. You created me for this rest, and I accept it now. Help me fully trust You with my heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Rest from Striving

Dear God, I’m realizing it’s not my curse that I believe I’m not enough; it’s my sin that I keep trying to be. Thank You for the reminder that life with You means I can rest, and I have nothing to prove. Will You continue to show me Your freedom, Your power and my need to stop striving to please You and instead just live life with You? In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Evening Prayer of Confession

Gracious Lord, give us the courage to seek forgiveness. Remind us that confession is never a mistake; it frees us from the chains of the enemy. We know we cannot hide our hearts from you. Help us to let go of our bitterness and fear, and purify us with the knowledge that you have taken away every sin. In your name, Amen.

When You Can’t “Feel” God

Dear Father in Heaven, Thank you for your steadfastness and continual presence in our lives. Sometimes, we can feel you right next to us. But sometimes, it is hard to know that you are there at all. Sometimes life gets so difficult that our hearts just cannot feel you through the pain. Sometimes you take away those feelings so that we may seek you even more fervently. I pray today, Father, that I may rely not on my own feelings but rather on your love for me. May I rely on your Word to be the truth that rules my life over my own understanding. Help me to see you and believe in your character even though my feelings may tell me otherwise. You are kind, you are good, and you are gracious. You are both all-powerful and all-loving. You care deeply for me and for my loved ones. Be with me as I live out these truths no matter what my circumstances are today, Lord, as we walk forward together. I love you and pray all of these things in your Son’s amazing name, Amen.

Bedtime Prayer For a Weary Mom

Dear Father in Heaven, I come before you weary and beat down by this long day. Being a mother can be so hard! I often feel helpless and inadequate. I never know what to expect. I often don’t know what to do. The constant change leaves me reeling. The twists and turns of each day is a glaring reminder of how needy and dependent I am.

The book of Hebrews tells me I can come to you in confidence and find the grace and mercy I need. And so I come to you now to lay all these burdens at your feet. I feel so overwhelmed by the details of life. It seems like I can never get ahead. Just when I clean up one mess, another one pops up somewhere else. Just when I think I know what I am doing as a mom, my child enters a new age and stage. Just when I think I have a steady routine in place, someone gets sick or hurt. Some days I wonder if I’m really cut out for motherhood.

I know I failed to glorify you today. I failed to love as you love me. I failed to extend the grace you’ve given me to my children. Forgive me for striving in my own strength. Forgive me for my fears over all the unknowns of motherhood. Forgive me for putting my hope in things, circumstances, or in my own strength rather than in you. Forgive me for my impatience and for wanting life to go my way. Each of these sins and failures reminds me of just how much I need a Savior. Today reminds me that I need Jesus more than I did yesterday and that tomorrow I will need him even more.

I pray that tomorrow you would be with me in all ups and downs of my day. Help me to find my joy in you and not in my circumstances. Help me not to fear whatever twists and turns may come. Help me to love my children and serve them well. Help me to enjoy each moment with them and not spend my time worrying about the next moment to come. May I remember that even when it feels otherwise, you are always with me and will never leave me or forsake me. Tonight, may I sleep in peace knowing that even when I lose my grip, you never let go of me. And may I open my eyes in the morning to find mercy, fresh and new, ready for the taking.

Bedtime Prayer (song by Twila Paris)

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray dear Lord that you will keep
Your eyes upon this sleeping world
Every little boy and girl

Bless the children far away
The ones who don’t know how to pray
Those who are not feeling well
The little one the slipped and fell

Bless the puppy down the street
The neighbors I have yet to meet
Bless my mom and dad especially

Just one more thing I’d like to say
Before I close another day
I’d like to thank you Lord for all the ways
That You bless me

Bless the child whose home is torn
The babies who are not yet born
Bless the ones who take your word
To all the hearts that have not heard

Bless all your children everywhere
I hope they know how much you care
Maybe someday I can go
And tell them that You love them so

Bless Grandma and my Grandpa too
And all my friend and all they do
Bless every twig upon my family tree

Just one more thing I’ll say to you
I’m so amazed by all you do
I’ll thank you once again because it’s true
That you bless me

Night Prayer for Peace

God, teach us what it means to have faith in silence. When we face trials that are beyond our understanding, help us to find peace. Help me be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. You set all things in accordance to your time. Remind us to wait patiently, and find peace in your plan.

The Examen (Evening Reflection)

Written by St. Ignatius Loyola, the Examen is a daily process for prayerfully reflecting on your day.

1. Remember God’s presence.
Even after a trying day, God will quiet your soul as you remember His presence and intentionally seek to enter into it. Remember He’s with you. Invite Him to make Himself present to you.

2. Respond to Him with thanks.
Giving thanks gives God glory and helps us look on the bright side of a bad day. What small blessings can you thank God for?

3. Reflect on how God showed Himself to you.
God reveals himself through scripture, but we also see glimpses of him in nature, events, and people. Sometimes He shows up loudly through miraculous, divine intervention. Other times He shows Himself quietly through the beauty of a flower or an earnest conversation. As you look back over your day, can you identify moments where you sensed God’s revelation or intervention?

4. Repent of your failings.
I don’t like recognizing my own sin, but repentance is key to continual renewal in our relationship with God.As you reflect on your day, remember specific points where you failed. Bring your shortcomings before God and ask Him to forgive you.

5. Resolve to grow. 
God is in the business of changing us, so don’t let your failings discourage or define you. His mercies are always new. Accept His forgiveness. Ask Him for grace to change. Is there anything you need to make right or anyone you need to apologize to? What can you do differently tomorrow?

Gods plan for us

Goodnight quotes for letting the day go

1. “Before you go to sleep, do not forget to say thanks for everything good that has happened to you in the last 24 hours. I am thankful at the moment for you.” – Unknown

2. “The longest way must have its close – the gloomiest night will wear on to a morning.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe

3. “Nighttime can seem longer than the day when you dream big dreams. Daytime lasts longer for people who make their dreams come true.” – Unknown

4. “Make sure to be thankful before bed. What you think about now will determine the state of your dreams.” – Unknown
5. “She wanted none of those days to end, and it was always with disappointment that she watched the darkness stride forward.” – Unknown
6. “Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.” – William Shakespeare
7. “The night breeze is blowing through my hair and the soft touch reminds me of your kisses. I wish I didn’t have to miss you this much.” – Unknown
8. “Although I love the stars that dot the night sky, I love the stars in your eyes even more. While I sleep, I will think about my favorite stars and wait to be with you again.” – Unknown
9. “My idea of a good night has always been having a lovely meal and a proper conversation.” – Kirsty Gallacher
10. “Do not go gentle into that good night but rage, rage against the dying of the light.” – Dylan Thomas
11. “All I wish is that the nights when we are together would never end. When we are apart, I cannot bear it. Good night, my love.” – Unknown

12. “Sleep, my Bella, dream happy dreams, you are the only one who has ever touched my heart, it will forever be yours.” – Edward Cullen

13. “Never let the darkness or negativity outside affect your inner self. Just wait until morning comes and the bright light will drown out the darkness. Today has been difficult, but tomorrow will be another day.” – Unknown

14. “While you dream, I wish that each hope and goal comes true. I just want you to receive everything that you have wished for.” – Unknown

15. “Music is love, love is music, music is life, and I love my life. Thank you and good night.” – A. J. McLean

16. “The sun is upset now, but the moon dances in joy. Although the sun is depressed at seeing you go, the moon gets to enjoy the whole night with you.” – Unknown

Also check out these insomnia quotes for when you can’t sleep.

Funny Good Night Quotes

17. “I prioritize in life. I like to work, I do TV shows, I do a lot of Iron Man training. I enjoy kicking back on a good night and drinking wine until I go to bed, and having fun with my friends. You just have to make time for it and keep it balanced.” – Joe Bastianich

18. “Tonight, I would walk a thousand miles just to be with you. Missing you, my love.” – Unknown

19. “There is something that is big, warm and fuzzy. Before you get too many ideas, you should know that it is a good night hug sent from me to you!” – Unknown

20. “I think the best way to get a good night sleep is to work hard throughout the day. If you work hard and, of course, work out.” – William H. McRaven

21. “They say that God sprinkles his blessings upon the earth every day and I think I have caught one—it’s you! Wishing you a good night and I love you.” – Unknown

22. “Thank God for everything good that has happened during the day and wish everyone else a good night. Afterward, take a deep breath and sleep tight while dreaming of me. Sweet dreams.” – Romancebetweenthelines.com

23. “I like the night. Without the dark, we’d never see the stars.” – Stephenie Meyer – Twilight

24. “That’s the advantage of insomnia. People who go to bed early always complain that the night is too short, but for those of us who stay up all night, it can feel as long as a lifetime. You get a lot done.” –  Banana Yoshimoto

25. “I was walking along and this chair came flying past me, and another, and another, and I thought, man, is this gonna be a good night.” – Liam Gallagher

26. “I just want to say, good night, sweet prince, may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.” – Harry Dean Stanton

27. “Sometimes I’m so tired, I look down at what I’m wearing, and if it’s comfortable enough to sleep in, I don’t even make it into my pajamas. I’m looking down, and I’m like, ‘t-shirt and stretchy pants? Yup, that’s fine. It’s pajama-y, good night’.”- Rebecca Romijn

28. “A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like you. Making my everyday seems so great. Thank you my friend lastly. Good Night and Sweet Dreams.” – Unknown

29. “Here is a short line to keep in touch because you’re always on my mind very much.” – Unknown

30. “Love is one of the simplest feelings. All I dream about is capturing your heart each night. You already have my heart.” – Unknown

31. “Some nights are made for torture, or reflection, or the savoring of loneliness.” – Poppy Z. Brite

32. “I love the silent hour of night, for blissful dreams may then arise, Revealing to my charmed sight – What may not bless my waking eyes.” – Anne Brontë

33. “God’s guidance is like a small lamp in a dark forest… Doesn’t show everything at once… But gives enough light for the next step to be safe. Goodnight!” – Unknown

34. “Here is to hoping that angels will guard you while you dream and the gentle breezes of the night will keep you cool. If it is too cold, may your blankets be warm as you drift on to a gentle rest.” – Unknown

Good Night Quotes for Friends and Family

35. The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night.” – Haruki Murakami

36. “Touch your heart and shut your eyes, dream sweet dreams and sleep tight.” – Unknown

37. “Each day I wish that my dreams will come true. Then I remember that I am now with you.” – Unknown

38. “It was the possibility of darkness that made the day seem so bright.” – Stephen King

39. “The stars and moon arrive just to wish you a good night. Let the light of the moon guide your dreams as you pass the night away.” – Unknown

40. “No matter how far away you are, you will always be in my thoughts. Each day that we are together is the best day of my life.” – Unknown

41. “Melancholy were the sounds on a winter’s night.” – Virginia Woolf

If you’re enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of winter quotes about the power of the cold.

42. “There may be a billion yesterdays and a trillion tomorrows, but there is only ever one today. I would never let one day pass without letting you know that I am thinking of you.” – Unknown

43. “Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.” – Edgar Allan Poe

44. “All I wish a sheet of clouds for your bed and bright crystals for the stars. While you sleep, may the angels play sweet songs that bring you bright dreams.” – Unknown

45. “The day is busy enough to keep me occupied. In the quiet of the night, I begin to really miss you.” – Unknown

46. “Life begins at night.” – Charlaine Harris, Dead Until Dark

47. “Night falls. Or has fallen. Why is it that night falls, instead of rising, like the dawn? Yet if you look east, at sunset, you can see night rising, not falling; darkness lifting into the sky, up from the horizon, like a black sun behind cloud cover. Like smoke from an unseen fire, a line of fire just below the horizon, brushfire or a burning city. Maybe night falls because it’s heavy, a thick curtain pulled up over the eyes. Wool blanket.” – Margaret Atwood

48. “Each night, I hope that the moon is large and bright and you will be happy and right. When you turn off the light, keep in mind that I am dreaming of you.” – Unknown

49. “Night is longer than day for those who DREAM, and day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS come true.” – Unknown

50. “Each hour is crawling by like years. I cannot wait to be in your arms yet again.” – Unknown

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