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Your support matters
Donations from people like you help us to spread the word in the following ways:
Keep the site Running
The tech required to run a site of this magnitude is very expensive. Your contributions keep us going.
Your Donations help us to pay our staff and volunteers, who are essential to our outreach efforts. They work hard to spread the word about our organization and our mission, and they deserve to be compensated for their time and dedication.
Your Donations help us to partner with other organizations that are also working to spread the word about our mission. This allows us to reach a larger audience and to have a greater impact.
Your Donations help us to create high-quality content, such as blog posts, articles, and videos, that share our message in an engaging and informative way. This content can be shared on our website, social media, and through other channels, helping us to reach a wider audience.
Giving Is A Lifestyle
Giving is a lifestyle, not just about money. When we give with a generous heart, when we tithe to the Lord and offer our talents and resources to others, we are planting seeds that God will multiply into a rich harvest! Not just financial blessings, but blessings in all areas of our lives. He will open the right doors, bring the right people into our paths, and give us the breaks we need.