4 Important Lessons to Learn from the Book of Esther

the Book of Esther
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Brief Summary and 4 Important Lessons to Learn from the Book of Esther

I am a massive fan of this story about Esther. If you’ve not read it in a while, you are on the right article.

Here are four main lessons I’ve learned from the story of Esther.

1. God has a program for you.

Esther was given a royal post not just by chance but because of a motive.

It reminds me of one of my favorite verses. Proverbs 16:9, ” In a man’s heart, he plans his path, and the Lord will decide his actions.”

God did not commit a mistake in the place He’s got you today. We’ve spent way too much time looking for what God desires us to go or thinking we should be somewhere else instead of waiting for God to work in our lives where we are in the present and waiting for something better to arrive.

2. Sometimes, you’ll have to defy common sense and go against the advice of others or even what you’d like to do to follow the plan of God.

Esther had to go to the King even though she was not granted permission. It could have resulted in immediate and untimely death for her, considering it was against the law to speak to the King. Esther’s reply: “If I perish, I will die!”

Sometimes God’s will is clear and makes sense as you consider your life. (I have written about that here.) This isn’t to say that you’ll never be asked to risk your life for God. The most rewarding experiences in life typically require the highest risk, and the level of difficulty isn’t a sign that God isn’t in it. The reverse could be more accurate.


3. The best time to obey the plan of God is right now.

It is interesting to me that the Esther 4:4 passage is fascinating:

“For If you do not speak at this moment, then relief and deliverance to the Jews will be able to come from another location, but you and your family members will die. It is also possible that you’ve been elevated to a high ranking in the same reason. ?”

We usually focus on the last verse, but take note of that ” Who knows?” It’s an open question. They were unsure. They were aware that they were in the same position as the queen. She had the opportunity to meet the King. They understood that God would have a plan to save the people. They believed that, for whatever reason, Esther was made aware of God’s plan. But did they know that’s the plan Esther should have done? It seems no! They went on without being 100% sure. What is the likelihood?

There will be moments in your life where you’ve collected all the data that you can, you’ve been praying, and if you know what to do, and you’ve looked for Godly advice, and whatever you’re doing isn’t in any way sinful… however, there’s something within you that isn’t quite sure. It’s okay to sleep on it. This is something I do all the time. Esther has waited three days, but you have to find the courage to go ahead eventually. Do you feel ready to take the first step and follow your trust with no answers at hand? Don’t be afraid to let God decide what happens.

4. Faith in God wholeheartedly can reap immense rewards.

In every province and all cities, everywhere the decree of the King was implemented the people were filled with joy and joy in the Jews as they feasted and celebrated. Many people from different nationalities were made Jews because the fear of Jews had taken hold of them. (Esther 8:17)

Esther saved the nation. Her sacrifice helped save God’s people from being destroyed! The reward for obeying was far greater than what she had anticipated. Esther was able to go before the King prepared for the worst-case situation… her reward received the top! A lot of people were converted to God! People were inspired to faith by a single woman and one man who all things changed in the nation.

It is always beneficial in the end to follow God. When people see the utmost obedience–obedience that is utterly absurd, they’ll seek out our possessions. The world around you is searching for solutions and finding out the best way to make your life work. We might do not know all the keys, yet we do know about the existence of a God who has.

Book of Esther | Summary & Facts

Book of Esther from the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament

It is part of the third part in the Judaic canon, also known as the Ketuvim, known as “Writings.” Within the Jewish Bible, Esther follows Ecclesiastes and Lamentations and is read during the occasion of Purim in commemoration of the liberation of the Jews from Haman’s plotting. 

This Book of Esther is one of the Megillot’s five scrolls read on Jewish celebrations of the Jewish calendar. Within the Protestant canon, Esther appears between Nehemiah and Job. The book of Job is part of the Roman Catholic canon; Esther appears between Judith and Job and contains six chapters, which are thought to be fictitious in both Jewish and Protestant customs.

The book aims to provide a detailed explanation of how the Purim holiday was first introduced to be worshipped by Jews. Esther was the gorgeous Jewish lover of Persian Ahasuerus, the king of Persia ( Xerxes I), and her granddaughter Mordecai convinced the king to rescind an order that called for the complete extermination of Jews across the entire empire. The murder was planned by the king’s chief minister, Haman, and the date was decided through the casting of the lot ( Purim).

However, Haman was hanged on the gallows that he built to commemorate Mordecai, and on the day he planned to end their reign, The Jews killed their adversaries.

In the Book of Esther, the Purim holiday Purim was a day’s celebration. However, this story is undoubtedly famous. However, there isn’t an agreement on which historic event formed the foundation for the story. The book could be written at the end of the first portion IInd Century BCE; however, the origins of the Purim celebration can be traced back to the time of the Babylonian exile (6th century BCE).

The Book of Esther is a patriotic and romantic story, possibly with a historical antecedent but little significance for religion.

It is believed that the secular nature of the Book of Esther (the divine name is not mentioned) and its strong nationalist influence made its entry into the canon of the Bible highly in question for both Jews and Christians. Evidently, in reaction to the apparent lack of mention of God in the text, the Redactors (editors) of the Greek version of the Septuagint included several additional passages in the text, illustrating Mordecai’s and Esther’s religious dedication. These, known as Additions to the Book of Esther, do not appear in the Hebrew Bible, are treated as canonical in Roman Catholic Bibles, and are included in the Apocrypha in Protestant Bibles.

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