God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers, we all have to go through problems in our lives. You are not alone because God will guide you to emerge. You are his best soldier.
If someone still does not agree that today we can get miracles from God, it is because they have not experienced it yet, because their faith has diminished or because the problems that afflict them in their opinion are great and impossible to solve. For many people, the adversities we go through have a gigantic vision where only a small light can be perceived at the end of the tunnel.
people can feel vulnerable and disappointed when the requests of the heart do not have an immediate answer; it is even common to move away from beliefs or religion, diminishing the faith and the hope that one day they will receive what they long for. We can feel devastated and abandoned, alone battling adversity.
Yet, each problem we experience are battles in which we must get closer to God, since Our Lord, in His infinite wisdom, sends his toughest battles to his best soldiers to reinforce knowledge or ability that we thought we did not have; In this way, we can be better every day in any aspect or area of our lives, facing fears to get an apprenticeship. He uses us as guides to spread his word and power.
The privilege of being God’s chosen soldiers

Although it is difficult for you to believe or understand, for God all the concerns that are expressed from the heart and with the whole soul are important and will always have an answer. All in due time and according to His will.
it is difficult to identify your divinity by the problems of life; yet, we must be able to decipher or understand his word and pay more attention to the signs that say that God is speaking.
From experience, I know that pain puts a bandage on our soul without perceiving divinity, but, each adversity makes us more human, that is, we become more sensitive to the needs of others, we even learn to value what we have, to be more grateful and fortunate.

You are not alone, God will go with you to battle
“Hey, Israel, today you are approaching the battle against your enemies, do not lose heart, do not fear or be alarmed, or be terrified before them, because the Lord your God is the one who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you ”. ( Deuteronomy 20:1-9 )
“Be firm and courageous, do not fear or be terrified before them, because the Lord your God is the one who goes with you, he will not leave you or forsake you .” ( Deuteronomy 31:6 )
It is written in the Bible. He will be with you in every battle and will free you from all your anguish, emerging victorious and recovered. God will calm you, guide and protect you against all problems, he will strengthen your soul so that you can understand and understand the plans that He has prepared for you; remember that his love is infinite and will never leave you.
God has a mission for each person, so it is important not to lose faith and hope, learning to listen to his word.
- 9 Powerful Prayers for trusting God
- Qualities of a Good Soldier of Jesus Christ
- What the Bible says about healing and praying for the sick
How to understand God

1. By the written word
The verse Romans 15:4 says: “For everything that was written in times past was written for our teaching, so that through patience (perseverance) and the comfort of the Scriptures we may have hope.”
Remember that every promise of God is recorded, so that whoever reads it can find the answer they expect. For this reason, it is that when you are eager to achieve something, it is recommended to immerse yourself in the reading of the scriptures and pray for a better understanding, thus finding the expected answer.
2. Trusting Him
You cannot expect a divine answer or sign if you are lacking in faith since the word of God can be heard from the inside with a soft and peaceful voice that without a doubt you will be able to identify with great clarity. It is about being humble of heart, having faith, and the desire to know God’s will.
Even if your battles are painful, trust God; He has a clear goal for your life, even if you can’t understand it, hope and keep your faith to understand why you have had to experience such adversity. When you get out of the problem, you will have clarity in your heart and you will understand the special and powerful reasons that you went through; All this will strengthen your communication with God.
3. Understand that there are no causalities
When problems invade your soul and heart, be sure that God uses close people as messengers, they can be known or unknown, either with a talk or with advice, and listening to them will provoke a sudden feeling of going forward in one direction, By understanding that the answer you needed is clear, and a great feeling of peace and joy will fill your soul.
You can also understand God’s response through someone else’s words and even through nature itself. Remember that there are no coincidences when it comes to the adversities that we have to face, but rather, they are lessons that will strengthen us as human beings and have the aim of strengthening our love with God.
4. You are stronger than you thought
Everyone, everyone, has to face adversity; some more than others but in the end, they are problems that afflict us and make us feel fragile, weak, and unfortunate. The reality is that you are a strong, brave, and intelligent person, who with the strength and guidance of God will be able to emerge.
Remember that we are children of God the Father, He will never let us face problems alone and he will not give us impossible tests to solve. Our God knows who you are, your strengths, abilities, your weak and strong points; He knows you because you were created by his divinity, so do not worry and be sure that every situation that you go through, no matter how unpleasant it may be, has a reason for being.
Now keep in mind that because of life’s problems you are not a person unprotected by God, so, you belong to the warrior soldiers that God protects more than ever since He knows what aspects you have to improve to be better every day.
Final Words:
Remember not only in afflictions we need the word of God but also in joys that are experienced in everyday life. He is present, at all times and in any place, speaks with Him daily who, as a good father, is always eager to listen to us.
Remember not only in afflictions we need the word of God but also in joys that are experienced in everyday life. He is present, at all times and in any place, speaks with Him daily who, as a good father, is always eager to listen to us.