The Mind Of Christ: Meaning, Characteristics And How To Develop It

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The believer in God must develop various qualities that will allow him to walk firmly in the midst of this world, and one of them is to have the mind of Christ, which will allow him to fulfil the will of the Father and be directed by the Holy Spirit, activating the spiritual gifts and be a reflection of God on earth.

It is for this reason that you must know the biblical truth and search the Holy Scriptures daily, pray to God as a lifestyle, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the divine plan to enjoy the great blessings that God can give to all his children.

What is the mind

The Mind of Christ

The first thing to know is that the mind becomes the centre of intelligence, it is the reasoning base of memory.

Likewise, it has the same capacity as a computer in having an unlimited memory, where the thought process manifested in the body is allowed.

In this sense, the studies carried out by scientists assure that the human being can use less than 10% of his brain capacity.

While in the spiritual aspect, it is the instrument that allows the activation of the components that come from God and is capable of walking according to divine direction.

The Mind Of Christ

When speaking of the mind of Christ, it can be known through the Holy Scriptures, since it is with them that the grace and liberating power that only God can grant are taught.

“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword; Penetrates to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

In this sense, the word of God is what allows a person to know the divine plan and thus develop the mind of Christ, since it will be directed by the Holy Spirit, who will show him what is right before his eyes.

And it is through the Holy Scriptures that God uses to be able to speak to the believer and advise the best way to live according to his powerful will, that he will be able to establish the heavenly designs in the lives of people.

“Who knew the mind of the Lord? Who will instruct him? Well, we have the mind of Christ” (1 Cor. 2:16 )

Meaning of Emmanuel in the Bible

The Sons of God with the Mind of Heaven

Through this biblical quote, it can be understood that the children of God have declared that Jesus is their saviour, and they possess his mind, in this way each step they take will be taken as He did, and be able to be transformed in the way they are. Jesus walked on earth.

That means that the mind of Christ implies knowing each one of the plans that God has for his children, and in this way being able to understand the truth and keep it always present in each step that he undertakes because Christ will live in the life of the one who has received in his heart.

“But the natural man does not perceive the things that are of the spirit of God, because to him they are foolishness; and he cannot understand them, because they must be spiritually discerned” (1 Cor. 2:14)

In this way, it will be shown that only the man who seeks God in the Spirit will be able to perceive these things, and will have the privilege of perceiving what comes from heaven.

All this is in favour of reaching each one of the things that will lead you to look, speak, and walk as Jesus did on earth, being completely taken by the Holy Spirit, and having the mind of Jesus.

Characteristics of the Mind of Christ

Jesus is the greatest example of humility, love, meekness, mercy and countless qualities that show the perfection of God on earth.

All this is demonstrated through a man, that is why next we will know some of the characteristics of the mind of Christ.

Humble mind

He had a humble mind, in his thoughts was to serve to help others, to be able to do the will of the Heavenly Father, stop thinking about himself, seeking the well-being of others.

“Therefore let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, made in the likeness of men; and being in the condition of a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, and death on a cross” (Philippians 2: 5-8)



Pure mind

Jesus had a pure mind, as He never gave way to sin and kept His mind and thoughts sound. All this he was able to obtain because he maintained a direct link with the Heavenly Father, and he had that divine essence in all his walks.

“We must draw closer to God, and away from the things of the world, so that our minds may be pure like Jesus’s” (James 4:8)


Reject Sin

All this leads to the fact that the human being has to reject all sin and be covered by the divine presence in the same way that he did of his that allowed him to overcome sin at every moment that is presented to him in his life.

“For this is what you were called for; for Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow in his footsteps” (1 Peter 2: 21-22)

Straight and Fair Mind

Jesus kept a straight and fair mind, which means that regardless of the circumstance that he had to live, he fulfilled the will of the Heavenly Father, entrusting his cause to God, without raising judgment

“When they cursed him, he didn’t curse back; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but entrusted the cause to whom he judges justly” (1 Peter 2:23)


Mind in prayer

Jesus had a mind in prayer, since that kept him connected to the Heavenly Father, since he had a lifestyle where he kept his integrity before God, and being in prayer helped him regain strength and know God’s designs.

resurrection of Jesus

How to Develop the Mind of Christ

In order to develop the mind of Christ in a believer, the following conditions must be met:

  1. You must have the ability to react correctly, in the face of temptations and tests that are presented to you.
  2. Another important characteristic is to be in constant prayer and communion with God, which is the most effective way to know the divine plans.
  3. To have the mind of Christ you must be prudent when speaking as the book of Proverbs says: even when the fool when silent is counted as wise.
  4. You should not judge people, you have to have mercy before them, just as Jesus had with those who took him to the cross.
  5. It is important to develop a life where these spiritual treasures are accumulated more than the earthly ones since earthly life is temporary.
  6. We must understand who we are in God, and maintain an integral testimony before God and people.
  7. To have the mind of Christ, you have to let yourself be led by the Holy Spirit.
  8. An indispensable quality to having the mind of Christ is to love your neighbour as yourself, and seek to serve the other and not personal pleasures.
  9. When developing the mind of Christ, one must have absolute faith and trust in God, for He will be the helper par excellence.

To conclude, it can be said that by studying the Bible, being in prayer and in constant communion with the Lord, you will be able to develop the mind of Christ, because the Holy Spirit will be developing spiritual gifts and activating the fruit of the Spirit, which will lead you to the perfection of God’s holiness.

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