5 Secret of Wealth in the Bible -What does the Bible say about money?

Secret of Wealth in the Bible
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Wealth is a subject that has been discussed for centuries, and the Bible is no exception. Throughout the Bible, there are several references to the secret of wealth and how to acquire it. While some people believe that wealth is a sign of God’s blessing, others believe that it can be a source of temptation and corruption. In this article, we will explore the secrets of wealth in the Bible.

5 Secrets of Wealth in the Bible

The Bible provides us with several secrets of wealth and below are 5 of them.

1. Seek First the Kingdom of God

The first secret to wealth in the Bible is to seek first the kingdom of God. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Jesus is telling us that if we focus on serving God and living righteously, God will provide for all of our needs.

2. Be Diligent and Work Hard

Another secret to wealth in the Bible is to be diligent and work hard. Proverbs 10:4 says, “Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.” This verse tells us that if we want to be wealthy, we must be willing to work hard and put in the effort.

3. Give Generously

The Bible also teaches us that if we want to be wealthy, we must be generous. Proverbs 11:25 says, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” This verse tells us that when we give generously to others, we will be blessed in return.

4. Manage Your Money Wisely

Another secret to wealth in the Bible is to manage your money wisely. Proverbs 21:20 says, “The wise store up choice food and olive oil, but fools gulp theirs down.” This verse tells us that we must be wise with our money and save for the future. We must avoid wasteful spending and make smart investments.

5. Avoid the Love of Money

Finally, the Bible teaches us to avoid the love of money. 1 Timothy 6:10 says, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” This verse warns us that the love of money can lead to corruption and destruction. Instead, we must focus on serving God and using our wealth to do good.

Parable of the Lost sheep

2 parables of Jesus with teachings about money

Many are surprised to read the Gospels and see all that Jesus said about money and finances. The truth is that almost half of Jesus’ parables refer to financial issues and teach something about the responsible management of our finances.

There is a link between a healthy spiritual life and the good use of what we have. The more we listen and obey God, the wiser the use we make of what he provides us.

Let’s look at two of Jesus’ parables and learn some helpful principles for managing our finances.

1. The rich fool

One of the crowd asked him: Master, tell my brother to share the inheritance with me. “Man,” replied Jesus, “who appointed me judge or arbitrator among you?” Be careful! He warned the people. Abstain from all greed; the life of a person does not depend on the abundance of his goods”.

Then he told them this parable: “A rich man’s land produced a good harvest for him. So he began to think: “What am I going to do? I have nowhere to store my harvest.” Finally, he said: “I know what I am going to do: I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, where I can store all my grain and my goods. And I will say: My soul, you already have enough good things saved for many years. Rest, eat, drink, and enjoy life.

But God said to him: “You fool! This very night they will claim your life. And who will keep what you have accumulated? This is what happens to the one who accumulates wealth for himself, instead of being rich before God.
— Luke 12:13-21

What it teaches us about money

1. We must guard against all greed

The problem was not that the man asked that his brother share the inheritance with him, that request was valid. But Jesus detected that the man had a greed problem. A greedy person is never satisfied with what he has. His reason for living is to have more and better things. He does not think about the needs of others nor does he see the importance of helping others. Apparently, the man in the parable already had enough, but he longed to accumulate more wealth.

The children of God should not be like that. He does not provide for us to hoard but to follow his example of generosity by sharing with others. Whether we have a lot or a little, there is always something we can help with. Jesus was blunt: we must abstain from all covetousness (v.15). He does not want us to live for our possessions but to use what we have wisely and with the firm purpose of bringing his love and presence to those around us.

2. Our value is not found in what we own

Our value is not and will never be based on the things we have. We are valuable because of who we are in Christ thanks to God’s mercy and goodness. We have all been created in his image and likeness for specific purposes (Genesis 1:26-27). By keeping our eyes on him and his will we focus on what is truly valuable and important.

God has prepared good works that he wants us to do to bless others and thus bring them closer to him (Ephesians 2:10). With our lives and with our resources, we can bring joy and provision to other people. What will bring us true joy and satisfaction in life will be obedience to the Father, doing what pleases him.

3. It is foolish to focus on accumulating material goods

Church offering Scriptures

The reality is that we are mortal beings and we can die at any time. Why strive to accumulate wealth today to enjoy in the future if we don’t even know if we will be alive in the next minute? Just like Jesus said, that’s nonsense! It is foolish to save and save without taking time to ask God what he wants us to do with the things he himself provides us.

Jesus does not mention the age of the man in the parable, but it seems that he had been working the land for years. He was happy to see a great harvest! But instead of thanking God or finding a way to share his abundance with others, he focused on himself. He already had more than enough and could have thought of others. But he decided to keep it all and build bigger barns. Sadly, it is clear that he would not enjoy those earnings since God warned him that he would die that same night.

Let’s learn from this parable, let’s not dedicate ourselves to accumulating. Rather, let us thank God for his faithful provision and seek his guidance on how to use the resources he gives us. That is the basis of good financial management.

4. We must be rich before God

True wealth is having God in your heart and loving him with all of your beings. The material does not have anything bad in itself because when God provides, he has a purpose in mind. What is wrong is ignoring what God wants us to do with what he gives us, clinging to riches, and making them our idols. We must not become attached to the material without taking into account that the eternal, what will remain forever, is the spiritual.

Let us take care of our souls, let us fill our lives with the presence of God and seek to glorify him in everything. Let’s use the resources he gives us to extend his Kingdom of him. Our earthly life will end, but our souls will live with God or die without him for eternity. The decision must be made while we are here on earth. Let’s invest in what really counts.


2. Treasures in heaven

Do not accumulate for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and where thieves break in to steal. Rather, lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moths nor rust eats away, nor thieves break in to steal. Because where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.
— Matthew 6:19-21

What it teaches us about money

1. The earthly is fleeting

We can lose the material at any time. There are so many things that can happen! An earthquake, floods, the collapse of the world economy… We have no real control over what could snatch our possessions without warning. As much as we take care of or protect our clothes, our homes, and everything we have, over time they will be damaged or their value will depreciate.

Great will be our disappointment if we put our hope in the earthly! Everything we see with our physical eyes is ephemeral, fleeting. Why try so hard to accumulate earthly things? It is wiser to use and invest our resources in what will really last: the spiritual.

2. The heavenly will remain

The treasures that we accumulate in heaven are the ones that will remain for eternity. How do we accumulate those treasures? First, with contentment. Our hearts need to be at peace with God’s provision and direction, to be happy and satisfied with his will in every area of ​​life. A happy heart praises and thanks God in the midst of any circumstance.

Next, we must be very wise in using everything that God gives us. Our main motivation should be to spread his Kingdom and his love around us. We do this, for example, when we feed the hungry or when we buy uniforms or books to help children who might not otherwise have enough to go to school.

Everything we do with love in the name of Jesus brings eternal spiritual benefit to our lives, and to our environment and contributes to the extension of his Kingdom. We need to experience a change in perspective, to see the eternal potential of our financial resources. That is why we must fix our eyes on Jesus and allow him to guide us in his will.

3. We must choose

12 Key Verses about God will provide

Each one needs to choose who or what will occupy the throne of their heart to give their allegiance. If we consider wealth as our greatest treasure, our greatest efforts in life will be dedicated to having more things and enjoying them to the fullest. On the other hand, if we value our relationship with God more and seek to have treasures in heaven, our strength and resources will be devoted to doing everything that brings us closer to God, his will, and his purposes.

It is not wrong to have possessions, but we should not put our hope in them. The throne of our hearts must be occupied only by God, our desire must be to do his will in everything, using everything we have for his glory. The Bible does not prohibit wealth, but it does give specific instructions to those who have it.

To the rich of this world, command them not to be arrogant or put their hope in riches, which are so insecure, but in God, who provides us with everything in abundance for us to enjoy.
— 1 Timothy 6:17

Our hope must be placed only in Jesus, our Lord, and Savior. Let us thank God every day for his provision and use all that he provides us to honor and glorify him.

What does the Bible say about money?

The Bible covers a large number of topics and gives us precise instructions that cover practically everything related to our daily lives. In his Word, God shows us his will and explains how to live a full life.

Money is one of the most mentioned topics in the Bible. In fact, a good part of Jesus’ parables touches on the area of ​​finances. Because? One of the reasons could be the fact that the way we handle finances is a good indicator of our true character and how much we have allowed God to transform us deep within.

Let’s look at some of the things the Bible says about money and learn how to put these principles into practice. You will see that they will not only be a blessing to your economy but will also strengthen your relationship with God and with others.

What the Bible says about money

1. It comes from God

We should not boast about what we have as if it were a reward for our own strength or intelligence. Rather, we must humbly acknowledge that it is by God’s grace that we have everything we have, be it a lot or a little. We don’t deserve it, but God in his infinite goodness grants us what we need to live. Everything comes from God, he created it and owns it. He gives and he takes away according to his will and to him, we must give the glory (Romans 11:36).

From you come wealth and honor; you rule everything. In your hands are strength and power, and it is you who magnifies and strengthens everyone.
— 1 Chronicles 29:12

2. We must not love him

If in our day to day what we want most is to live better, to obtain more and better things, we are going astray. What motivates us to get up and go to work? Is it the desire to hoard wealth and obtain more luxuries? Everything seems valid when that is our motivation since, once we enter that game, we never feel satisfied. There will always be something more that can be bought or we will lack “just a little more”.

Let’s stay tuned! The throne of our heart must be occupied solely and exclusively by God. If we allow something else, such as money, to occupy it, we are sinning by choosing to serve an idol. The Bible says it clearly:

No one can serve two masters, for he will despise one and love the other, or he will love one very much and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and mammon.
— Matthew 6:24

3. It has to be managed well

Nothing we have really belongs to us. God allows us to have material things so that we can use them wisely according to his purposes. The way we manage what God gives us reveals our spiritual sensitivity and maturity. A good administrator recognizes who is the true owner of everything: God! Use the resources he has entrusted to you to glorify his name and to extend his kingdom in this world.

If we are faithful, honest, and upright in small or earthly things, we will be able to receive larger and deeper orders in the spiritual realm. Being faithful in the physical and material enables us to be faithful in the spiritual area.

4. Reject greed

Sometimes it seems that we value physical appearance and possessions more than honesty or devotion to God. We let ourselves be carried away by the exterior, forgetting that what will remain for eternity is spiritual. Worse still, we often think that we would be happier or more valuable if we had more things or luxuries. We strive to get more instead of seeking to strengthen our relationship with God.

God sees us in a very different way. For him, the wealth that really counts and the one that benefits us is spiritual wealth. One of the things that he values ​​most is the humble heart that he seeks from you and that he wants to live according to his commandments. Our longing should be to have more and more of God, his presence, and his direction in our lives. Like the psalmist, our greatest delight should be to do the will of our Lord (Psalm 40:8).

5. Avoid debt

The Bible is clear about debt and borrowing. Although it does not prohibit it, it does say that we should avoid it for our own good. Because? Because debt enslaves us. A part of us is a slave to the one who lent us the money until we manage to pay off the debt.

The rich are the masters of the poor; debtors are slaves to their creditors.
— Proverbs 22:7

In many cases, debt is the result of mismanaging what we have or greed. On the one hand, is spending more than we earn instead of living within our means using wisely the resources that God has provided us. On the other hand, is an excessive desire to have more and immediately. For example, many ask for one loan after another to get the latest model of a car or their favorite technological device. This is not OK.

The main thing when taking on debt is to have a detailed plan to pay it off as soon as possible. It is always better to avoid acquiring another debt until you have paid off the present one. Better still, let’s strengthen our economy in such a way that we can pay cash for daily needs without having to resort to loans and debts.

6. It is wise to save

In the Bible we see the importance of earning our livelihood honestly and using it wisely, saving a portion for the future. It is not a sin to save. What is sin is putting our faith in money instead of trusting God to provide for all our needs. God encourages us in his Word to use all our resources according to his will and to live a life that glorifies him in all things.

Regarding savings, it is interesting to see in Proverbs the example of ants:

Come on, lazy, look at the ant! Look at what he does, and be wise! She has no one to command her, no one to watch over her or govern her; however, in the summer she stores provisions and during the harvest she gathers food.
— Proverbs 6:6-8

Let us be diligent both in work and in saving. Let’s manage our finances prudently and wisely saving a part for the future. Like the ants that store in the summer to have enough food in the winter, we must also save in anticipation of future needs. We can save, for example, for our children’s studies, retirement, or to be able to face unforeseen events that will come sooner or later.

7. Generosity is important

God is so generous with us! Daily we enjoy providing for him and caring for him. How can we not share with others the blessings that he grants us? That is one of the ways in which we can express our love, our gratitude, and our praise to God.

God likes us to be generous with others, allocating part of our resources to meet their basic needs. There are so many people in need in this world! We must be attentive to the voice of God. Many times the provision of it for other people is in our hands. We need to listen to our Father and allow the Holy Spirit to direct us on how to share what we have with those around us.

If someone who possesses material goods sees that his brother is in need, and has no compassion for him, how can it be said that the love of God dwells in him?
— 1 John 3:17

8. Being happy with what we have

One of the best qualities we can have in life is that of contentment. It consists of having a heart full of peace because you know that what God does and allows is always the best. We live with the certainty that whatever our circumstances, he is by our side and he will never leave us.

The presence of God brings peace and rest to our souls. It enables us to stop focusing on what we have or doesn’t have and set our eyes on Jesus, on his will and his plan for us. We know that his purpose is one of good and we live full of that confidence.

Because we brought nothing into this world, and we can take nothing with us. So if we have clothes and food, let’s be content with that.
— 1 Timothy 6:7-8

9. Wealth is not always synonymous with blessing

The way in which we get the money is important. Better to possess little with a clear conscience, knowing that it was acquired through our work, which glorifies God than to have much through cheating, gambling, or other questionable actions. There is great peace in knowing that one lives in obedience to the precepts of God.

God blesses us in so many different ways! Let’s not insist on thinking that the only way he does it is through the economy. Let us value living within his will more than obtaining material wealth. Riches do not always mean that someone enjoys God’s blessing. Yes, they can be, but God also blesses us, among other things, with health, with friends, with a sense of purpose, or with his peace in the midst of any circumstance.

Let us trust in God’s wisdom and provision. He is always faithful and will never fail us. Let us honor God by managing our finances well.


In conclusion, the Bible provides us with several secrets to wealth. We must seek first the kingdom of God, be diligent and work hard, give generously, manage our money wisely, and avoid the love of money. By following these principles, we can acquire wealth and use it for God’s glory.

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