How can you hear the voice of God, how can you hear from God, how does God speak, how can one recognize the voice of God?
How to hear voice of God |
God speak all the time and He’s still speaking right now. Its painful when Christian refused to recognize the voice of God. God does not speak to only preachers or prophets but everyone with a still small voice. (1king 19:12) most times, It’s when we’re in need, worried, anxious or overwhelmed that we seek God to speak to us. God is always wanting to hear from us and speak to us
How can you hear the voice of God and why should we hear the voice of God?
God is speaking to all his children and as child of God, he longs for you to hear him speak to you but the question is, are you ready or are you seeking to hear God speak to you?
Of course! Everyone will say yes.
How can you hear from God, how does God speak, how can one recognize the voice of God? Below are the ways to hear the voice of God clearly.
God speaks in different ways
There are different and unique ways which God speak to people but we shall focus on three ways in which the Lord reveals His will to lead us and adjust to a different result.
How can we recognize his voice from a foreign voice? How do you discern the voice of false shepherds? God reveals his will in his Word, the Holy Scripture. His voice is also revealed in his providential work, we recognize that voice, if not turn away his soul from him by going after their own ways, we act according to their own will and not following the whisperings of the sacred heart, as long as our senses are not so confused that already do not recognize the eternal interests, and Satan’s voice is not masked, so that we accept it as God’s voice.
Holy Scripture is the voice of God
People who came to hear the truth, and the advantages which the Holy Spirit had to accept the Holy Scriptures as the voice of God, have no excuse for their spiritual life in the stunting. By applying the skills to be donated to God every day to learn and receive daily devotional zeal and power. Also we are familiar with the Creator through creation. The book of nature is a great textbook. We use it along with the Scriptures, when telling others about God’s character. When we think about God’s acts affects our mind is the Holy Spirit.
God speak through our conscience
The Lord does not refuse to give his Holy Spirit to those who ask for it. When the pangs of conscience will, why not to listen to them and to ignore the voice of the Spirit of God? Every hesitation and waiting to get more and more to the point where it is increasingly difficult for us to receive heavenly light, until it seems impossible to be swayed by the pleas and warnings.
If we are to discern God’s voice, it requires serious attention. We must resist its own tendencies, and beat them to obey the voice of conscience without delay or excuse for his calls do not stop and did not seize up our own will and instinctive behavior. Word of the Lord comes to all of us who have failed to resist his Spirit that we would not want to hear and listen. This voice speaks of a warning, advice and corrections. It is the message of the Lord, light the people. If you wait for louder calls or better opportunities, the light we can be withdrawn and we left in the dark.
Call Spirit neglected today because of their own passions and tendencies in the opposite direction and lead tomorrow may no longer have the power to convince people, or even no man’s spirit can not perceive. Thinking heart, lips and the words every deed of life will contribute to the value of our life, if you ever aware of God’s presence. Language of the heart should be: “God is here.” Then life is pure, spotless character and soul to God continually exalted.
The Lord advises us that we went into his chamber, and there quietly explored his own heart, listened to the voice of truth and conscience. Nothing makes as clear as self prayer in seclusion.
God speaks through human intermediaries
Through the prophet Isaiah, the Lord said: “Listen and hear my voice, carefully watch and hear my speech.” (Isaiah 28.23)
Our Redeemer sent his messengers, to bring his message to the people. But many are reluctant to adopt it.
The Holy Spirit is waiting to heart softened and tamed, but she is not willing to open the door and let Christ out of fear that something might have a claim. And why Jesus of Nazareth passes. He wishes to bestow abundant blessings of his grace, but she is reluctant to accept them. However, since the Spirit does not come so that people praise and built on their false theories, but to the world castigated for his sins, self-righteousness and their own courts, many are turning away from him. Not willing to let himself pull the robe of justice itself.
They are not willing to change their own righteousness, which is really an injustice, the justice of Christ, which is pure, unadulterated truth.
The Holy Spirit will not flatters anyone or cause any person under counsel. Mortal, sinful men are not on a Holy Spirit realigned to its purposes. It has come as a scolding person, whether through any human intermediary, which God has chosen, then it is for everyone to hear his voice and listen.
However, since the Spirit does not come so that people praise and built on their false theories, but to the world castigated for his sins, self-righteousness and their own courts, many are turning away from him. Not willing to let himself pull the robe of justice itself. They are not willing to change their own righteousness, which is really an injustice, the justice of Christ, which is pure, unadulterated truth. The Holy Spirit not flatters anyone or cause any person under counsel. Mortal, sinful men are not on a Holy Spirit realigned to its purposes.
It has come as a scolding person, whether through any human intermediary, which God has chosen, then it is for everyone to hear his voice and listen.
Listed above are three ways to hear God when he’s speaking, you need to hear God in order not to miss his plan and purpose for your life.