10 Powerful Prayers For The Dying And The Bereaved

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Physical death is what every human being will experience one day, but that doesn’t make it an easy thing to deal with. on theses post are colletion of powerul prayers for the dying, We will all experience death one day.

It is so easy to fear the end of our lives, or focus our attention on things in this world instead of the glory that is to come in heaven, but we as believers can have the confidence that God cares about our sorrow. and Jesus understands our pain. As Job 14:5 says, “Since his days are determined, the number of his months is known to you, and you have fixed his limits so that he cannot pass them.”

God has a specific plan for each of our lives, even if we might want a different outcome for ourselves and our loved ones. His plans are perfect and he wants the best for each of his beloved children.

We can find great peace in the presence of our Lord, even in our grief, our fear, our pain and our last breaths. Here are 10 powerful prayers for the dying and the bereaved.

A Comforting Prayer for the Dying

A Comforting Prayer for the Dying

God, Help [Insert Name] discover your peace. Let them receive your comfort. Help them to be at rest knowing that you care for them, and that you love them. Calm their soul as they move into the afterlife. May they spend eternity with you; may they live forever in your presence. Amen.

A Prayer for Those Who Fear Dying

Dear God,

You are God, I am not. You sent Jesus to be my savior, so I need to be saved. I need you to forgive the things I’ve done wrong in life. I need you to give me a fresh start in life. I need you to help me find my purpose. I want to start a relationship with you. I ask you to come into my life. I want to learn to trust you. I want to learn to love you. I want to learn to love other people the way you want me to. So today I ask you, with humility, honesty and sincerity, to please save me, since I put my trust in you.

I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer to Know Jesus Before Dying

Lord Jesus, Come into my life. I believe you died and rose from the grave. I believe you live eternally in heaven. Cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Forgive me of all my sins. Move into my heart. I make you my Lord and Savior. Thank you for your sacrifice. I accept your gift of eternal salvation. Amen.

A Prayer for Friend Funeral

Dear Jesus,

How amazing it is to have a savior who cries with me.

Back when I was in elementary school, I loved John 11:35 for its brevity, “Jesus wept.” My friends and I would smile, delighted to have found the second shortest verse in the Bible. (The shortest verse, as we happily reminisced with each other, was Job 3:2 “He said.”) I didn’t pay much attention to the context of John 11: the story of how You were on your way to the tomb of Your friend Lazarus, in company of Lazarus sisters, Marta and Maria, just a few days after Lazarus death. I didn’t stay long enough to understand the meaning of your tears.

How different that verse looks today. Today, I see the coffin filled with flowers that cloud my eyes because they get wet every time I look in that direction.

Today, as pastors, friends and family members spoke about my loved one using the past tense instead of the present tense. Today, while the words of the hymns catch my throat and leave me silent. Today, as the true hope I still hold collides with the waves of sorrow suffocating me.

Today, “Jesus wept” means everything to me.

Today, I remember that you cried because someone loved by you and loved by the people you loved had died. Although you already knew the end of the story, although you knew that death would not have the final word – still, you cried. You didn’t just stand there, offering comfort from a book, shaking trembling hands, you walked to the grave and shed tears of your own. You suffered the loss, and you suffered with those who felt the same loss.

Today, Jesus, I am grateful to worship a God who became human enough to cry with me.

A Prayer For All Our Tears

Dear Jesus,

Today, I cry tears that mean a thousand things at once; happiness, sorrow, despair and hope. I trust you will solve them as you catch them, to hear and answer each sentence they represent.

I cry for those left behind, for the lonely with holes in our hearts. I ask you to comfort us, give us peace, restore our hope and express love, family and a sense of belonging. In the depth of loss, take us with you.

I cry for the legacy this loved one leaves behind, for the ways his presence made the world different, for the memories that became more beautiful and painful from this side of death. And I pray that the work you have completed in this extraordinary life will grow deeper, bigger and stronger in the days ahead, uninhibited by an enemy weak as death.

I cry for those who have not yet accepted your invitation to eternal life, for those who suffer with hope today. I pray for the awakening in their hearts, because they are led to you. I pray that more and more people will attend the great meeting scheduled for eternity to come.

I cry for the ways the world has gone wrong, and for the ways you are doing right too. I ask that you make me a part of your work in bringing the kingdom of heaven to earth.

I cry knowing that you are with me. And because you are here with me, even my tears have meaning.

prayer for the dying

Prayer for Hope

Faithful Father, we pray that You would infuse our loved one with hope as she has received a grim prognosis. Remind her that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. May she set her mind on the things of the Spirit. Give her hope that when her body is dead, her spirit is alive because of the righteousness Jesus purchased on the cross. Help her to patiently wait for the hope that is set before her. Amen.

A Prayer for When You Grieve the Loss of a Loved One


My heart, it feels like a thousand razors go through it. I am tired, spent, and very sad. Please help! Hear my prayers. Support my family and me. Give us strength. It is present here. Be persistent with your love. Carry us through this pain. Sustain us. Bring us joy and hope.

I pray in your name, amen.


A Prayer for the Fear of Death

As 1 Corinthians 15:54-55 says, “Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where is, oh die, your victory? Where, O grave, your sting?

Where is the sting of death for the believer? Has been torn by the cross, Jesus took out the sting of death. This is a great truth. As Christians, we do not need to fear death because our souls will live forever with Christ.

Dear Lord, we will face many terrible events through this life, but we can never forget that the final victory belongs to you. Through your sacrifice, death has been defeated. As we continue to walk in your truth, help us to set our eyes on heavenly things.

Prayer for Loved One in Hospice Care

God our Stronghold, we lift our dear one who has been admitted into hospice care. May You bring comfort to her body, and kind caregivers to help her. May you console her family and bless them with sweet memories of these final days. May she put her confidence in Jesus who is able to keep her from faltering and to present her blameless before Your glorious presence, with great joy. Amen.

A Prayer for Those in the Middle of Tragedy

Dear God,

Our hearts go out to those who suffer, for those who have lost loved ones, for those who have suffered great tragedy at the hands of evil. We ask that you cover them with your grace and mercy, surrounding them with peace during this time of darkness.

We thank you because only you are our refuge, our strong tower, our defense and our peace. We thank you that no matter what we face, you remain on your throne, in control and no evil can stand against you. He will be defeated, he will not win. Because only you have won the final victory and the days of the enemy are numbered.

We ask that by your mighty power you strike down the forces of darkness, thwart the plans of those who conspire to attack and destroy, and cast the darkness out of those souls who need to know you as their Savior and Lord. We praise you for your power to set captives free. We know that only in You we have hope to face the darkness and uncertain times. Because our future is secure through the sacrifice of Christ.

Thank you God for being with us… thank you because you care… thank you for your close presence… and for crying with those who cry. We need you. We know and believe beyond any doubt that your power and love never fail.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus, the Name Above All Names. Amen.

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