18 powerful prayers for the church you can use to pray

prayers for the church
prayers for the church
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The Bible is full of reminders of how important it is to pray for the church and for one another. As a result, we have gathered 18 prayers for the church you can use to pray for your church.

Jesus gave us the best example by praying for those who followed him. Paul also left us written prayers for the churches he had visited over time. The truth that resonates through all is this: “Keep praying” (Matthew 7:7), “Pray always” (Ephesians 6:18), and “Pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

So if we are called to pray for the “church,” what exactly is the church? The Bible reminds us that the church is more than a building or a meeting place for people. And it is much bigger than any denomination, social status, or country.

The church is simply the body of believers from around the world who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It is referred to in the Bible as the Greek word “ekklesia” and is defined as “an assembly” or the “summoned”.

Here are 18 prayers for the church you can use to pray for your church.

prayers for justice to ask for fairness

Prayer for the church community

Jesus, in our culture where the focus is on the individual and my personal sin, I come to you to ask your forgiveness for us, the Church, for our communal sins. God, forgive us for allowing our pride and our need to be right to deceive our ability to love like You and hinder our vocation to be Your hands and feet. We ask forgiveness for the ways we failed in our duties and for the ways we justify our own sins. Make us revive, Lord, and let your name be proclaimed. Amen.

Prayer for the church to become a sanctuary

Abba, Father, the Church has become a place that people are afraid to enter, instead of a sanctuary where everyone feels welcome. How, Lord, can we change this atmosphere? How, Lord, can we really allow you to be the almighty judge instead of judging each other at first sight? Deliver us from our complacency, Jesus, and remind us that no one is fair, only You. Amen.

Prayer for radical redemption

O God enthroned on high, how come Sunday morning churches are the most segregated of the week? Lord, how is it that we only feel comfortable worshiping when we worship alongside people who look like us and worship like us? Jesus, let us rest assured that we do not represent all tongues, tribes, and nations in our churches and communities. Move us to humble ourselves enough to change, turn to you and radically redeem our churches. For your glory. Amen.

prayer for churches to the unit with each other

Merciful God, I pray for all the churches that fight each other over things that don’t affect their ability to glorify you: the style of music, lighting levels, choice of sanctuary furnishings. May our attention be focused on You, God, and may those disputes be in the past. I pray that we unify around You, the truest of all truths, instead of being divided by petty preferences. You are the great unifier, God. Be present with us in these churches. Amen.

Prayer for the church community in a time of Transition

God, I pray for my church community in this time of transition. For many, going to church on Sunday is a constant thing. The people, the structure, and the focus on you are something you can count on. As the changes take place in the coming weeks, I pray that only You can be the constant that my church community needs. Bring comfort in the new and peace in the change. Let us fix our eyes on You at this time. Amen.

prayer for solutions

Give me the patience, God, to lift my church up to you and work to create solutions for internal problems instead of giving up. It’s so easy to stop going to church when I don’t agree with the choices and changes that are made there, but instead, I bring this community to you in prayer. Help us that our purpose is truly to glorify You and not to glorify another person, idea, thing, or belief. Amen.


 Prayer for the salvation of souls

Almighty Father, I pray for the Church as more and more young people abandon their faith. He gives pastors, elders, and assistants the discernment, wisdom, and humility to know how they can change and grow so that these young people continue to actively follow you without compromising biblical foundations and belief in you. I pray that the church will be humble and able to admit where it has failed instead of pretending that it is not to blame and further discourage this lost population. Amen.

Prayer for a growing church

Lord Jesus, help my church to keep growing. There are many lost people in my community, and I ask you to help us reach those who do not have a relationship with you. None of us alone can lead anyone to You. Instead, let us be vessels of your love and work through us to change our community. We are prepared. Amen.

International Church Prayer

O Jehovah, my God, I pray for the International Church and for missionaries around the world who carry your name to the unreached. Accompany them and give security, comfort, and health to each one of them. I beg you to act through them and allow many to be saved and forgiven. Your kindness is beyond my understanding, and I pray that more and more people will be exposed to You. Amen.

prayer to strengthen the church

Lord, from the highest of heaven, help the Church to be more like You. Every day I face poverty, corruption, and endless pain. I beg you to give the Church the strength, the power, and the courage to enter into the difficulties of all the people of our communities and to be Your hands and feet. Allowing ourselves to really understand the other person and how we can help them instead of just throwing money at the problems we see. Lord, I pray that the Church may be more than just money and donations, but a people who truly care and are there for those in need. Amen.

Justice of God

Pray with your eyes on you

Jesus, I pray that the Church can separate itself from the left and the right, or the liberals and conservatives, and can fix its eyes on You. God, you are not tied to any political party. I pray the Church isn’t either. Please give all members of the Church discernment and wisdom when they vote. May we support policies that bring love, mercy, and grace to all people and that focus on glorifying not just a human tradition, but the holy name of Jesus. Amen.

prayer for church leaders

God of blessing, be with the spiritual leaders of all the churches. Bring consolation and rest to pastors, priests, and elders and cause them to be renewed by your spirit. I pray that you give them wisdom and speak through them as they lead their members closer to you. Give them the strength, to tell the truth, even when it’s hard, and the wisdom to know how it will be heard best. Amen.

prayer for the church under attack

Lord, I feel that the Church is under attack. Our society insults us and treats us like the bad guy in the movie. Please give the Church wisdom on how to respond. Let’s not get defensive or speak in anger. Instead, Jesus, let us respond as you would. Help us to try to understand what pain lies behind the insults, and how to respond with care and love. We are not here to represent our own interests but to represent and be an image of You. Amen.

Prayer for financial security.

Glory God, I pray for the financial security of churches in my community and around the world. For those struggling to stay afloat, I pray that your miraculous hand will act. Encourage the generosity of your members and help these churches keep their doors open. Guide leaders on where to make cuts. It gives hope in places where there seems to be none. In your name, Lord. Amen.


3 powerful prayers for the church with scriptures

Pray for the unity of the church.

“I, therefore, a prisoner of the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the vocation to which you have been called, with all humility and meekness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, desirous of maintaining unity. of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:1-3)

Dear God,

We greatly need your power and strength. We ask that you fill us with your Spirit of love and unity among believers around the world. We ask for your help to put aside our differences and seek a greater cause, the cause of Christ. Help us to truly live a life of love. We know this is only possible through the power of your Spirit, so we ask you to move through our land in a miraculous way, with a new filling and awareness, bringing your people back to you, drawing others to that they know him. We need your unity and your love to move our hearts and give direction to our days. We need your wisdom to guide us, we need your Spirit to guide us, to live godly lives that bring you honor first. We thank you for always being with us;

In the name of Jesus, amen.

Pray for the Spirit and power of God to fill the church.

“That he may grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, rooted and grounded in love, may understand with all the saints what is the width, length, height and depth, and know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all. the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:16-19)

Dear God,

Fill us with the power of your Holy Spirit this day. Fill us with your joy, your wisdom, and constant reminders that Your Presence will accompany us and give us rest. Thank you for coming to give new life, peace, hope, and joy to your children. Thank you that your power is perfected in our weakness. We know you are with us and fighting for your people. We believe that it is not by force or power, but by your Spirit that you make a difference in our world. We choose to trust you today and recognize the authority of who you are in our lives.

In the name of Jesus, amen.

unity in the church

Pray that God will be glorified in all things and that the name of Christ will be exalted.

“To this end, we also always pray for you, that our God may consider you worthy of your calling, and might fulfill every good desire and work of faith, that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12)

Dear God,

We give you glory and honor for all that you are doing in our lives every day, even in times when we cannot see or understand your ways. Shine your light in us, through us, on us. May we make a difference in this world, for your glory and purposes. Make your way before us. May all your plans be successful. We can reflect your peace and hope in a world that so desperately needs your presence and healing.

Thanks for that:

Your ways and thoughts are greater than ours
You had the plan to redeem and make all things new.
Your face is toward the righteous
You hear our prayers and know our hearts
You reign supreme
We are more than conquerors by the gift of Christ
You are holy and righteous

Help us not to follow the voice of the crowd, but to draw close to you to listen to your whispers and seek you alone. We will declare that your love stands firm forever. Because your mercy endures forever.

In the name of Jesus, amen.

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