20 Prayers For Positive Outcome And Good News

Benefits of Being Grateful to God
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If you are looking for Prayers For Positive Outcome And Good News for every situation, then this article has all you need to keep your hope and expectation alive.

This article has a number of motivating prayers for persons who are expecting positive outcomes about anything, such as a health test, a job interview, or concerns about a family member. When we’re waiting for the results, our minds can become anxious and fearful, so there’s a prayer to help us overcome those feelings of worry and tension, as well as a prayer to embrace God’s peace. There’s also the well-known “Prayer of Jabez,” which asks for God’s blessing and favour in a situation.

20 Prayers For Positive Outcome

With all of the bad news continuously being broadcast on our televisions and phones, praying for positive outcomes and the good news is both healing and encouraging. Here are 20 inspiring prayers for a good outcome and good news, along with graphics to print and share.

16 Bible verses with advice for young people

Good News Prayer for Poor Health

Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, You are the giver of life. This sickness has plagued my body for so long, and I need Your healing touch. Thank You for the medical experts and the tests and treatments I have received. Lord, I am asking for a good result – for news of improvement. Let health be restored to me. Acknowledging that even in sickness I will praise You, I still want to ask You for healing. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, for by His stripes my wounds of sin are healed. Amen.

Prayer for worry and stress

Loving Father, I confess my great feelings of anxiety, sometimes the intensity of my stress is overwhelming. I know in my mind that you are with me, I know that your love encompasses all that I feel, that your peace fills me when I submit these things to you. So I draw near to you. Please still the circles of my thoughts. Help me to take each one captive now and allow your great love and grace to cover me. Lord, I lay before you all the circumstances I face and ask for your Spirit to move in these things to bring change, healing, and restoration. Thank you that you are the one in whom I shelter, you are the home in which I rest and you are the arms of love around me. I love you. Amen.

Prayer for a Loan to Be Approved

All-Powerful Father, You know I have been waiting for this loan to be approved and that I need it to move forward with this plan. I pray that all documents are reviewed carefully. I ask that it would be approved according to Your will and if it is not that I would have the trust that it will work out for something better. May those whose responsibility it is to approve this loan realize that I am a worthwhile investment. I entrust this into Your hands. Amen.


Prayer for News of Acceptance into College

Jesus, my Savior, thank You for how You have directed my life to this point. As I wait to hear back from my college application, I ask that You help me to trust You in all aspects of my life. May it come back with a positive result. Lead me to where I can be a light that shines for You. Grant me acceptance into this college so that I can be salt and light for You. Your will be done, Lord. I will serve You in all places. Amen.

Prayer to Pass an Exam

God of Blessing, thank You for giving me the mind that I have and the opportunities to further my education. With this exam, I pray that You give me a clear mind and the ability to recall the information I have learned. Allow me to answer the questions in a way that expresses my knowledge of the subject. With the talents You have given me, help me to serve You in the way that I take this exam. Help me to be calm and know that whatever result I get, You are pleased when I seek to honor You. Amen.

Prayer When Wrongfully Accused

Oh God of my Salvation, this is an hour of need. I stand accused of these things that I did not do and need vindication. My reputation has been ruined and I have lost friends. I need You to turn this situation around. Reveal the truth, Lord. May the real culprit be found. Restore my good name to me. Do this for Your name’s sake so that I might not bring dishonor to the church as one who follows You. In the name of Jesus, who is the way the truth, and the life. Amen.

Prayer to Find a Good House

Almighty and Everlasting God, my home is in You, and I will always be sheltered by Your strong and able hands. Not a day has gone by where You have not provided for me. You know what I need and that I need to find accommodation soon. Go before me, Father, guide me to an appropriate place. May I receive news of an available house soon. You have promised to always take care of Your children. Trusting for Your provision, I will search for suitable places and leave the results to You. Thank You, gracious Father. Amen.


Prayer for News That a Loved One Is Safe

God, my Fortress, I am on my knees to intercede for my loved one. Keep them safe. I do not know their condition right now, but You do. Father, protect them from harm and be their portion and shield. Bring news to me of their safety for my comfort. Do not let anyone or anything endanger them but instead give them supernatural security. Give them their daily bread by taking care of their needs day by day. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.


Prayer for a Job Promotion

God of Victory, You have taken care of me my whole life. Right now, I am expectantly waiting for a promotion in my job. Lord, let it happen. Let my work record be viewed positively by my employers. Guiding my path in life, You have blessed me with this job, and I will continue to trust You. The next time I go to work, may I hear the good news of a new position where I can serve You with the skills You have given me. You are my true master, and I ultimately do everything for Your name. Amen.


Prayer for a Disaster to Be Averted

Lord, my Shield, I need You every hour. Disaster is looming for me unless You intervene. You have carried me to this point, Father, please do not destroy what has been worked so hard for. Grant us news of safety and that I may escape this threat. While danger seems inevitable, I will cling to You for Your protection. Knowing that You are a strong tower, I run to You for refuge. Protect me, take away this danger. Thank You that whatever happens, You are good, and You are with me. Amen.



Good News Prayer for a Friend in a Difficult Situation

God of Loving Devotion, on behalf of my dear friend, I am begging for good news for them. You know them completely and every detail of their problem is known to You. In every trial and behind every challenge, You have a purpose to ultimately bring about our joy. Grant peace and calmness of spirit to my friend. As You taught us to pray, deliver us from the evil one, and lead us not into the day of evil. And so, save my friend from this tribulation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Offering and Blessings Bible Verses

Prayers For A Good Outcome In Court

These collections of courtroom prayers beseech the Lord to protect you throughout a legal proceeding. When we call for help, the Lord God comes to our aid, whether we are using our country’s justice system or have found ourselves on the receiving end of it.


Prayer For A Current Court Case

Oh Dearest Father, today we have come before you in prayer to lay before you our worries and concerns over the current court proceeding we are a party to.

I know that you know the path that has led us to this end, the obstacles and the challenges we have faced, and the ones we have risen above and those we have fallen before.

I ask for you to be present in every single piece of this case, oh Lord. Please let us know that you are with us by bringing inner peace and calm to us.

Watch over the jury, make their hearts pure and uncorrupted. Let the judge rule with a clear and open mind. No matter what happens, be with us and let us know that you are present and with us every step that we take. Amen.

Prayer For Vindication In Court

God, my Lord, Hear my prayer. Please, Lord, do not only protect me from the vicious sinners who are attacking me in Court but allow me vindication.

Let all see the evilness inside their hearts and minds while allowing all to see the Light of You that shines and works through me. Thank you, Lord, for giving me a clear calling to you and letting me follow you on the path of righteousness for all of my days.
In Your Name Lord, I pray.

Prayer For Justice In Court

Oh Almighty Lord, Please, oh Father, be with us throughout the upcoming case and be present in all aspects of the proceeding. Please bring forward the truth and allow all to see how justice must be served to serve You, Lord.

As evilness comes forth in the lies and deceit of the opposition, let the goodness of you shine forth. Thank you for accepting and loving us, and please continue to work inside of each of us to lead us to you now and all the days of our lives, dear God.

In Your Name. Amen.


Prayer For God’s Protection In Court

Oh Heavenly Father, Today I pray to you to watch over me in Court. Please continue to shine your light in the darkest corner of my life and allow me to know that in the Court that genuinely matters – that of yours in Heaven above – I will always find retribution and justice.
Allow it to be on Earth as it is in Heaven, forever and ever Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Prayer For A Good OutCome In Court

Father, today I am asking you to watch over the case and let there be an outcome that will show the truth. I serve and love you all the days of my life.

Please be there for me now as you have been there for me in all aspects of my life, and let this case have the best outcome it can to show me further your perfect love and support. Amen


Pray For Help Retaining Your Reputation in Court

Oh Lord, all praise be to you, Lord God. I am praying today to you for a favorable outcome in the current court proceeding you know I am involved in.

Please let the case proceed quickly and fairly through the system. I also pray for after the court case as much as for a swift and full victory. Please, after the issue has been decided in my favor, please, Lord, help me to recover my reputation and standing within the community. I pray for this in all ways, but mostly within the standing I have as one of your flock, my Lord.

Show others that this is all just another snare of the Devil to draw attention away from you and the goodness you spread everywhere you go. Please do not allow your flock to be hurt by this and enable us to have the reputation needed to promote you in all the ways we can.
Glory Be To You, Almighty God, Father of Heaven, Amen.


Pray For Protection During Court Proceedings

God Above,  today, I pray for your protection as I enter into Court. In You, I have always taken refuge and will continue to do so today and all my days to come, oh Lord. I know that nothing evil can befall me from this interaction, as in you, I have placed all my faith and trust.

You are my one real judge, and in your eyes, I am seen honestly. I know that in your love and shield, I can not fail, Father. My outcome here, as in all things, is entrusted to You, and You alone, my Lord.
Thank you, Lord, Alleluia. Amen.

Prayer for protection in court

A Prayer For Calm and Order

God, I pray to you as I enter the next tumultuous part of my life. As we enter into the upcoming battle in Court, I ask for you to hear my pleas.

Have mercy on me, Lord, and see the truth. Please help me to remain calm and have faith in you in even the most adverse of times. Bring my trial to a swift and just end, and allow me to have the order needed to ensure that I am ready every step of the way.

Thank you, Lord.

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