11 Prayers for Peace in the World: Let’s Come Together and Make a Difference

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In a time like this, prayers for peace in the world is important.
Over the past few years, there has been an increasing rise in hate crimes and terrorist attacks across the world. As anger and frustration build up, people begin to feel as if they have no one else to turn to—so they take matters into their own hands and lash out at others that are different from them, whether it be for political reasons or religious reasons. Let’s all come together and put an end to this vicious cycle of violence by praying for peace in the world today!

Let’s come together

People living in other countries are just like us. They want to live happy, healthy lives. They yearn to raise families and grow old with their loved ones. They desire friendship, love, faith, joy, freedom… Just like we do. If you were born with a physical handicap or sickness that forced you to spend every day of your life in excruciating pain—could you imagine not being able to walk? Could you imagine having no one to care for you? If you can relate at all to these words then understand that our neighbor’s living conditions are beyond our control; they’re beyond what any human being should have to endure.

Why Bitterness Should Be Avoided

10 Prayers for peace in the world

Prayer for peace in the world can be found all over the internet, but finding one you really connect with may be difficult because of so many to choose from. That’s why we compiled this list of prayers for peace in the world that you can use to guide your own prayers and meditations to bring peace to our planet as we look forward to future generations living in peace, love, and happiness.

Prayer for World Peace

Lord Jesus, You came that the world might know the peace that You have experienced with the Father eternally. Yet, You taught us that in this life there will be wars and rumors of wars. Nations will rise against nations as violence works itself out in the world. However, through You, the world may be saved. O Lord, send Your spirit into the hearts of all men, that the world might know true peace through Your abundant mercy. Amen.


Prayer for Healing Atrocities

Lord God, the blood of the innocent does not lie idle. It calls out to You for vengeance, for the life of all is in the blood. Lord, put an end to the shedding of innocent blood around the world. Destroy the schemes of the wicked who monger after the war and create conflict. Quench the insatiable fire of the greedy and murderous, for these people will not inherit Your kingdom and world to come. Hear our heartfelt cry, Lord. Amen.


A Unity Prayer

Father, You sent Your only-begotten Son into this world to bear our flesh and to save us. In His mission, He taught us about Your heart. You are surely a God of the peace who abhors violence. Wherever possible, You encourage unity. He taught us to follow Him, to be the salt of the earth, and to make peace wherever we can. Lord, teach us to be peacemakers and to walk in a manner that reflects the wondrous peace that is given through Your Spirit in Christ, our Lord. Amen.


Prayer for Faith in God’s Intervention

Father, even when things seem hopeless, we know that through You we are never without hope. We beg for Your intervention for a world on the constant brink of war. Beat the swords into plowshares and cause the lion to lie down with the lamb. Intervene in this world so that they might avoid the horrors of war and let peace rule in all lands. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.


Prayer to End Violence Through Forgiveness

Father, violence is never the answer. It destroys Your good creation and it grieves Your heart when people resort to it. Despite the world knowing who You are, they do not know the peace that You can give them. Lord, I ask that You arise and put an end to all violence. Extinguish pain and misery wherever it is found, and spread Your gift of grace and peace upon the face of creation. Let forgiveness reign and end the bloodshed. Through Christ, Your Son, our Lord. Amen.


Prayer for Grace to Lay Down Arms

Heavenly Father, there are people in this world who live to see others suffer. They take up arms to rattle the foundations of the earth. They seek to destroy and kill. Lord, faithfully change the hearts of these bloodthirsty people. Make them lay down their arms, so that peace may prosper in all lands. Let Your grace become paramount. In Your mercy, hear this prayer. Amen.


Prayer for Compassion

Lord, it is right and proper that those with hot tempers be cooled. Such is the case with many world leaders whose nations sit at the brink of war. For fear of escalating tensions, I ask that You send Your spirit of peace and compassion to facilitate the cooling of hostilities. Let love and forgiveness reign in the hearts of all, that the spirit of hate and strife would find no foothold in all the world through Christ, our Lord. Amen.


Prayer for Understanding

Lord God, not every region on earth is the same. In some areas, war is all they have ever known. Their lives and families have been torn apart by the hellish ravages of war. Lord, I pray that You intervene by Your mighty power. Grant understanding where there is none. Break the backs of those who are hostile and hungry for power. Thwart the plans of the murderous and tyrannical, for You care for all people in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Prayer for Hope in Lasting Peace

Father God, we know that You are the giver of all good things, including times of peace. Yet, even amid peaceful times, some seek to cause upheaval and war on the Earth. Therefore, we ask that You allow the peace on Earth to endure through the schemes of these wicked people. Give us hope in the establishment of Your kingdom. Let Your peace that surpasses all understanding keep all the Earth in Christ. Amen.


Prayer for Hope Against Tyranny

Lord Jesus, You came to set us free from the tyranny of sin, death, and the Devil. Yet, there are also tyrants amongst us who lead nations and rebellions. These tyrants seek to create war and misery amongst the nations. They exalt themselves above all, including You, Lord Jesus. Therefore, shatter their weapons. Knock them down off of their pedestal so that wars may not abound and so that world peace may flourish through Your anointing spirit. Give us lasting hope in a world without war. Amen.

Focus on Peace, Not Fear

Fear is one of our greatest enemies. Fear causes us to stay in unhealthy relationships, jobs or situations. It robs us of potential and keeps us stagnant. We must remember that God is always with us, even when we don’t feel it. He is never distant or absent; he just may not be a solution to our fears (even though he can be).

During times of fear, we should remind ourselves that God loves us unconditionally and works everything out for good (Romans 8:28). We are secure through Jesus Christ (Hebrews 13:5), so there is no need to worry about peace now or later — it’s here!

No matter what the circumstances are, we can always find ways to come together and make the world a better place. Whether it’s simple acts of kindness or serving in our communities, we can all do something to bring peace to the world around us. In this prayer for peace in the world, you will learn what you can do to make this happen, as well as ways that you can be thankful and express love in your everyday life.

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