offering – the key that unlocks the door of supernatural harvest

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What is offering and how does it unlock the doors of supernatural harvest? Continue reading to find out more on this article.

We are all pilgrims on the earth; God gave us the stewardship (Psalms 115:16), and the Lord Jesus gave us back the authority we had lost as a result of Adam’s rebellion (Matthew 28:20).

But the fact remains that all the provision we need to successfully accomplish the different stages of several missions that the Eternal entrusts to us here below is still and always in the chamber of celestial treasures.

It is up to us to discover how to access it in order to be able to meet our present needs on earth or to cause a supernatural transfer of part of this treasure from the Throne of Grace to our daily lives.

Precisely, in the economy of heaven, the offering constitutes one of the powerful means that the Eternal has placed at our disposal, to bring about a supernatural harvest, to activate a transfer from heaven to earth. Let’s take the time to see its different particularities.

It is the divine wisdom that brings us abundance.

Each of us has several needs, desires, or little pleasures that we would like to fulfill in each season of our lives. And very often, it is the means that we lack.

No matter how hard we work, increase the number of overtime hours at work, make promotions to sell more products that we offer for sale, we, unfortunately, find that our expenses continue to increase strangely also in the same period. Making us realize how much we work in vain, for the bread of misery.

The Bible says the Lord gives as much to His loved ones as they sleep (Psalms 127:2-3). So very often, the Lord will invite us to make one or more offerings to unlock the door of heaven in our favor, and thus our needs, our desires, and small pleasures could be fulfilled by the good Father who loves us so much.

This is why the Bible declares in Psalms 34:10-11: The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord.

It can turn into a powerful seed speaking for us.

The Lord did not send us empty-handed to earth. In addition to gifts, talents, and many kinds of graces ( James 1:17 ), He constantly provides us with bread and seed. 

Also in 2 Corinthians 9:10-11, the Bible says,  He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for his food, will supply you and multiply your seed, and He will increase the fruits of your righteousness. You will thus be enriched in all respects for all kinds of liberalities which, through our means, will make God offer thanksgiving. 

There are just two ways to spend the money God gives us. Either as seed or as bread. Bread represents the money we use to meet our needs. 

The seed is the money that we must sow at all costs, to reap abundance in order to fulfill our desires and our little pleasures. In other words, in every salary that you receive, in every money that is offered to you, you must always ask the help of the Holy Spirit, so that He tells you the part of the bread and that of the seed, above beyond the tithe that each of us is called to pay (even if some prefer to say give). 

In fact, to allow us to walk in the supernatural, the Lord has planned that we distinguish our grocery shopping at the supermarket from our bills. 

This means that we can naturally put our bills in the rank of seeds since they do not constitute the bread that we eat at our pleasure, as we do with our stock of food. We must therefore learn to pray also when paying our bills or our taxes. Because they are a seed.

The seed is not for us. God sent her to us for a purpose: to lead us to sow so that the harvest may be plentiful and we may enjoy it properly. We never eat the seed. Never. Bread is our food. This is why the Lord said, “And God said, Behold, I give unto you every herb yielding seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree having in it the fruit of a tree, and yielding seed: it will be your food” Genesis 1:29 (KJV).

So concretely, if you ask God for $7,000 and $3,000 falls into your hands as salary, donation, and others, it is the seed that God has just sent you to make it bear fruit. Above all, don’t eat it. If, on the other hand, you ask God for $4,000 and He sends you $5,000: then the $4,000 is for you, and the other $1,000 is for your current seed.

 This is how to distinguish the bread from the seed. It will never occur to a farmer the idea of ​​eating all his rice harvest stored in his attic. He will always put a small portion aside, in anticipation of the next sowing season. So he will never be caught off guard with his supply of rice. So let’s learn from the farmers.

She often comes to test our faithfulness with unjust riches.

When the Lord began to teach His disciples about the three areas where we should show faithfulness, He said to them among other things: And I say to you: Make friends of the ‘Mammon’ of injustice, so that when you have failed, they will receive you into eternal mansions. 10 He who is faithful in less is also faithful in more, and he who is unjust in less is also unjust in more. 11 If therefore you have not been faithful in unjust riches, who will entrust the true riches to you? 12 And if you have not been faithful in what belongs to others, who will give you what is yours? Luke 16:9-12 (KJV). The CURRENT ENGLISH version of verse 11 gives us: If, then, you have not been faithful in your use of the deceptive riches of this world, who could entrust the true riches to you? 

The first area where God tests our faithfulness is in the little things. The third area where He tests our faithfulness is in the things of others. The second area that interests us here is when God tests us in unjust riches or in “unjust mammon”. It’s about money and material things. 

The Lord Jesus makes it clear that God uses these areas to test and try us. When we are found faithful in these areas, then He will entrust us with the true riches. True riches are God’s favor, anointing, authority in the spirit world, influence, wisdom, and other intangibles. 

God is looking for those He can trust in these areas. However, the proving ground, the field of experimentation to prove ourselves, it is the way we manage money or our finances. This involves paying our bills on time, budgeting our income and giving practices, etc. If we manage money well, not only will God entrust us with more things and finances, but it will also allow him to entrust us with what money cannot buy. Alleluia.

It requires the guidance of the Holy Spirit to bring us big payoffs.

Each time we make an offering, it must be the result of a conviction, and we must do so with resolve in our hearts, without sadness or constraint; for God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). But we absolutely must do it by being led by the Holy Spirit, because we are often solicited from many sides with our seeds. If we don’t get God’s help, we might throw our seed out the window thinking we planted it in good soil. 

In Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 the old covenant revealed to us the limits of human wisdom in these terms“Cast your bread on the face of the waters, for in time you will find it; give a share of it to seven and even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune can befall the earth. When the clouds are full of rain, they pour it over the earth; and if a tree falls, in the south or in the north, it remains in the place where it fell. He who watches the wind will not sow, and he who watches the clouds will not reap. As you do not know which is the path of the wind, nor how the bones are formed in the womb of the pregnant woman, you also do not know the work of God who does everything. In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening do not let your hand rest; for you do not know which will succeed, this or that, or whether both are equally good. Now we have a better covenant(Hebrews 8:7) and we have inherited the Holy Spirit, to guide us in all things, and in all truth.

Therefore, making an offering, even a sacrificial one, without His endorsement and His direction, consists, of nothing more, than making a simple charitable donation filled with good intentions, but which will nevertheless remain a work emanating from the flesh and not of the Spirit. And unfortunately, this “gift” will bring us absolutely nothing, since there was no substance or assurance of faith attached to it. It is the Holy Spirit who must put heaven’s seal of approval on our offering, for it to activate or cause a big heavenly transfer in our favor (Galatians 5:16).

It is the key to meeting all our needs.

So, would you like to experience the supernatural in your finances? Do you want to travel? Do you need a new car? Do you want to go into business and do other things that glorify God? Let the Spirit of God touch your heart to lead you to make the offering which will constitute the seed foreseen by heaven, to bring you the abundant and supernatural harvest which you need in this season.

This is the secret behind the abundant life the Lord promises us. This is one of the secrets to lead us to pass from the thin natural harvests to a supernatural abundance harvest. Do not put your trust in your salary anymore. 

One part is your bread, and the part is a seed. It is by understanding and walking with this wisdom in your heart, that God will be able to continue to bless you in your sleep, as He does with His beloved ones. Also, our difficulty in sowing simply betrays our lack of faith in the one who gives the seed and the bread for food. This is why many of us constantly live in lack.

Let us decide to become sowers who walk in faith and act in wisdom.

Today I would like to stretch our faith. I would like that together, we learn to sow in the different works that the Lord places on our hearts, for the interests of the Kingdom certainly, but also for our own interest, as we have just demonstrated. To do this, we must avoid transforming all the money that falls into our hands into “simple pieces of bread” intended for consumption.

 Instead, let the Holy Spirit transform us into people who keep sowing in several works of God, at the same time if necessary, so that we can reap in mass and in different seasons, just like this shrewd farmer who makes sure to plant in different sections of his field, in different seasons and different seeds, sometimes with tears, and there he will have an abundance of harvests in different seasons, with joy above all. that is how“… God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:19.

And as long as we are faithful with our tithes first, before giving our offerings under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The tithe constitutes the appropriate basic foundation to muzzle the devourer who is always after the fruit of our labors. The latter could actually remain hyperactive if we are not used to paying our tithing, going so far as to destroy all the fruits of our harvest, to our great dismay. Just as the Midianites did to the people of Israel in the days of Gideon (Judges 6:1-6)

In fact, tithing is a very powerful and strong testimony to our hope, faith, and confidence in the work of the Lord Jesus for us and on our behalf (Hebrews 7:8-10), in addition to being a major lever in the infinitely varied wisdom of God to favor the redeemed that we are. Not paying it just shows that we don’t trust Him with our finances yet. And it’s very sad. Let us learn that giving brings multiplication and tithing secures it in our lives.


I pray that after reading this article we will all adjust, so that this dimension of the abundant and supernatural harvest will henceforth be our share to all, for the glory of God, in the supreme name of Jesus.


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