How Does The Path To Holiness Begin?

How Does The Path To Holiness Begin?
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How does the path to holiness begin? this is the question we ask ourselves when we are new to the Christian journey.
In Psalms 24:3-4 the psalmist exclaims:
“Who can climb the mountain of the Lord? Who can be in his holy place? Only those with clean hands and a pure heart, who do not worship idols and never tell lies”
Faced with this type of argument, we could ask ourselves: then who can be close to God?
Who will be able to fulfill the requirements of sainthood? Definitively the whole of humanity is far from reaching them. But in His Word God has required us to be holy, as it says in 1 Peter 1:15-16:

“but now be holy in everything you do, just as god, who chose you, is holy. for the scriptures say: “be holy, for i am holy.”

Checkout: 3 Ways To Have A Clean Heart

How can this be possible? 
Is it perhaps that God asks us something that in our strength is unthinkable? Indeed, it is.
Being holy, to the measure of God, is something that the human being could not do in his own strength. Only through his work and guidance can we hope to become holy as he was.

But when I speak of “holiness” I am not referring to the concept that the world has distorted.
The one where they portray a “saint” who lives far from our reach, secluded in some temple so as not to be contaminated by sin. No, to be saints is to live as Jesus lived on earth.
He was the epitome of holy life and character on earth. He lived in complete obedience to the Father, even when this meant giving his life out of love for us.
Only in this way was it possible for us to have access to a life free of sin, to be holy like the Lord.

But how can we begin our path to holiness? By entering his presence in adoration, God shows us how much we still have to become saints, and how much we have sinned without him. It is through this time that we recognize everything that we would not otherwise accept, and thus we understand the urgency to seek his Holiness. The angels have been worshiping God since the beginning: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies! All the earth is full of his glory!” (Isaiah 6:3). 


When we worship Him we know how majestic His holiness is and it increases our desire to resemble Him. Our holiness is proportional to the closeness we have with Him since He imparts His holiness when we praise Him.

The Path to Holiness

But it is not as simple as wishing to be a saint one day and hoping that the next day we will already be. For this, we must recognize the holiness of God and the desire to do what it takes to become like Him. If in reality, you desire to be more like Christ, take a look at the following points:

  1. Seek holiness: God has not called us to be passive believers, but to go after those things that He has promised us: “Seek peace with all men, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14).
  2. Believe and live what God already gave you: some of us continue to live like the old creature, and we doubt if we can become saints one day. God has already equipped you with everything you need to be holy as He is. Don’t let those voices inside you tell you otherwise, Ephesians 4:24 states: “Put on the new nature, created to be in the likeness of God, who is truly righteous and holy.”
  3. Take care of your body: Sometimes we dodge the existence of these verses: “God will destroy anyone who destroys this temple. For the temple of God is holy, and you are this temple” (1 Corinthians 3:17). We must remember that God sent us for a greater purpose on earth. This purpose includes our bodies and what God wants to accomplish on earth through them. Don’t pollute your life.
  4. Know him to imitate him: This sounds obvious, but do you think you are done knowing God? We have not even known the beginning. If we seek to imitate Him we must remain in His presence as much as possible in prayer, praise and worship.
  5. Let us choose to love: if we desire to fulfill God’s purpose on earth, we must begin by loving others. In John 13:35 Jesus declares that only through our love would we prove to the world that we are his followers.
  6. In holiness there is obedience: “There will be a highway that will be called the Way of holiness. The impure will not travel through it, nor will fools pass through it; it will be only for those who follow the way” (Isaiah 35:8 NIV). If we believe that being a saint is difficult, it will be much more difficult if we do not want to follow instructions. God commands us to go the narrow way, which leads to eternal life.
  7. In a nutshell, be like Jesus: holiness is summed up in this “he who claims to abide in him must live as he lived” (1 John 2:6). Let’s not look for more returns to the matter, let’s live a life following the perfect model. We can know it in the Scriptures and daily worship.

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Living in holiness is noticeable

Like Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 20: 1-27) God commands us to praise him even amid trial. It is this adoration that is most powerful. When we seek to live in genuine holiness and worship Him, great things happen in our lives. Like Moses when he climbed the mountain to be in the presence of God, his face radiated such light that no one could look at it without shielding their eyes. Moses had witnessed his holiness and glory.

In the same way, when we spend time in the presence of God, in praise and worship, our faces will also change. This change begins in our souls but is reflected in our faces and our actions. Even if we think we are still the same, definitely no one will see us the same anymore.
They will even see something different and new in us that they will not know how to identify
His holiness.

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